November Rainbows 2016

Thanks hon
Yeah must get it done this week
Cos I know I wont get it done for months after :)
I don't actually like going to the hairdressers
But I like having hair that is in some sort of shape :)
So needs must :)

How ye this eve ?

Lucas mom and Lynanne
How r ye and your families xx
I'm good. Enjoying Henry snuggles, aurora is fasto, Zack is in his room playing Xbox and DH is being an idiot so baby cuddles are keeping me entertained. He really is the cutest little thing.

You all packed ready for hospital now?
Hey girls.

Lilesmom, a haircut sounds nice. It'll be lovely to have a little bit of pampering before your little lady shows up! I am going to get my hair done a week or two before Christmas I think so that it can be fresh over the festive season! I'm so fortunate that I have my sister to do it so I don't need to make an appointment or take time away from Connor to get it done. You all ready for your new addition now?

Maryanne, how are you doing now that Henry is home? I'm sorry that breastfeeding isn't working out. I know you really wanted to but at least you know that he's taking the bottle. I was really surprised by how cool everyone has been about my decision to formula feed, especially after hearing nothing but pro breast from the midwives in the run up!!

Lucasmum, hope you are all doing well!!

If I wasn't having this uncomfortable sensation with my stitches I would honestly say that I was absolutely fine. They are just so goddamn uncomfy and starting to feel tight now too which isn't fun. I know that's all a part of the healing process but still annoying! Midwife gave me a gel to pop on them though to help them heal so hopefully that will hurry the process.

We had the midwife visit again today and she has cleared us until Friday with C needs his heel prick test. Little man is doing really well and she has absolutely no concerns whatsoever so that's nice to know. He's eating pretty well (between 1-2oz every feed, every four or so hours) and sleeps like a trooper during the day but wakes up a tonne during the night. Not that I mind the excuse for an extra cuddle or two, it's just more of a struggle with these bloody stitches getting out of bed!! I shouldn't complain, without those stitches I might not have been able to get my little man into this world. Can't imagine life without him!

And now for the long awaited photo...
He is gorgeous lynanne :cloud9: glad you are both doing well :flower:

We got home late afternoon today had the bitch midwife from hell yesterday who told me Edith would need to be topped up with formula as her blood sugars were dangerously low told her I would rather not and spent the day breast feeding and hand expressing, at one point I was ready to punch her my diabetic midwife chose that moment to come and say hello, she instantly knew something was wrong told her and she asked to look at the last blood result and declared there is nothing wrong with it and there is no way on earth they are to give Edith formula she dosent need :happydance: she even faxed this through to the paediatricians :flower:

So I was told because of the low sugar and my anaphylaptic shock incident we probably wouldnt be going home on Monday but bitchy face midwife never actually got back to us on if we were or not in the end I made the decision to stay as it was getting on, turns out it was a good one as they did a repeat of my full blood count and the doctor who ordered the bloods told me I had lost over 2 litres of blood in total :wacko:

My full count was borderline transfusion level :nope: but they have decided to treat me with a lot of iron for now and antibiotics but not penicillin :haha:

They transferred me to post natel shortly before midnight and my poor little lady hated it she had been used to peace and calm and all of a sudden she is bunking in a room full of screaming babies she kept looking at me all wide eyed neither of us got any sleep :dohh:

I asked on the new ward about her blood sugars being done again as I was going home no matter what come the morning but she hadnt had them done turns out it wasnt even the peads that were bothered by the results it was just that one bitch face midwife and she was supposed to tell me all tests had been stopped :growlmad:

So yeah finally discharged today, she is feeding like a champ and I had both children in bed by 2120, though one is still awake reading and no soon as he drops of I'm sure she will wake up :rofl:

I'll post some pics shortly as they are on my phone and (this could send you into labour lilesmom) OH has decided a near death experience has given me (for one night only) his shiny lap top to use :haha:
We also saw Fanny 5 prams on the ward this morning with a blue bundle, she either told me she was wanting a girl or having a girl, either that or she spent all her money on prams and couldnt afford new blankets :rofl:
Lynanne he's gorgeous! I feel your pain with the stitches. Mine are still very sore two weeks in. Not looking foward to the surgery to have it all re done. We are doing great though thank you, although I currently have two small people wide awake while DH is snoring away. It's going to be a long night.

Glad your home safe lucusmum. How's Lucus taking to being a big brother?
Glad ur getting lots of henry snuggles in xxx
Little cutie xxx
Pretty much packed.
Just a few bits to add at last min :)

Conor is gorgeous hon xx
The stitches getting tight means relief soon for u
I found them tight for a couple of days before they dissolved
And I felt much better then

Glad blood sugars r all fine hon
Annoying mw though
Hugs xxx
Tell me more about the laptop, id love to go into labour
Hee hee
Maryanne, having to get the stitches redone is a nightmare. I feel so sorry for you. Midwife told me that one of mine's knot has shifted slightly so it might cause a little more discomfort but she said otherwise they look fine. Bruising apparently has gone down since yesterday too though which is good. Still so uncomfy! I don't envy you having two little ones awake! DH is being great at the moment with overnight stuff sharing it 50/50 but once he goes back to work I bet it will change.

Lilesmom, I hope that the tightening means I'll at least be able to sit comfortably again! It's so awkward. If it was just uncomfy and not sore/stopping me from moving about freely then I wouldn't care!

Lucasmum, bet you're glad to be home. How is Lucas doing being a big brother? There is nothing worse than that one midwife that is an absolute nightmare - and your one sounded like the ultimate nightmare. Fortunately all mine were lovely. I especially liked the one who said I could be discharged as she was finishing her shift when I asked. Saved me having to beg a new midwife to let me go home!

I'm so in love with my little boy's face. I know I'm biased but I think he is a right cutie! :cloud9:
I kinda just want to get it over and done with to be honest before the stitches start to feel better. Cause don't want to start feeling ok to then have to be in agony again for weeks. Good thing us they promised me I won't have to stay in. Epidural, theatre for cut and re stick and then a few hours recovery before home. DH will have to have Henry at the hospital though as I'm not leaving him yet, I'm not ready.

I know the tightening is tough but honestly it's a good sign. Few more days and you should get some relief.

DH has to get up at 4 and works 12 hour shifts so won't let him do night feeds as he operates heavy machinery. I worry that if he's tired he could make a mistake and end up seriously injured or worse. Sucks sometimes though as tonight they are both really playing up. Just get one to sleep and the other one is off. Last night they were angels though.
That makes sense. It would be rotten to feel all healed and then be told you have to go through it all over again. I feel tight and slightly stingy which is horrible. I wonder how much better I'll feel though once the bruising disappears. Giving birth is so glamorous! I'm glad you wont be away from Henry too long. I'm already worrying about the first time I'll need to leave Connor and I don't even have a date for that!
Lucas loves being a big brother until she pukes or poos :haha:

She didnt sleep so good last night but she had a bad one the night before and slept solidly for about 6 hours yesterday afternoon/evening :wacko: I think the change in environments has confused her a bit so hoping for better today :flower:

Midwife is coming today anywhere between 0900 1700 :dohh: Oh well gives me a chance to get tidy and get some washing on, the same washing I hung to dry on the airer Friday night is still sat there :thumbup:
Sorry you have to go back in to be restitched maryanne that sucks but better to get it done now than when it was healed up :flower:

Hope your feeling better with your stitches lynanne :flower:

Not so long at all now lilesmom :happydance:
They better get their best person to do your stitches Maryanne xx
Def want it done properly this time.
Hugs xxx
Sucks u hve to get them done again
But ur def right better now than later
Hve one recovery rather than two xx
Hugs xxx

Lynanne he is adorable
You may be biased but doesn't stop u being right too

Lucas mom hope u get some rest.
Make the boys do the washing xxx

Just waiting here
But happier waiting after scan yest.
She is very quiet this morn though.
Would want to start wriggling a bit for me now.
I think she just did a little bit :)
Just started moving
I hve a cold
Its very mild but hope its gone by mon
Cos c section stitching and colds aren't meant to mix well :)
Henry has decided sleep is for the weak and has spent all night screaming. One tired mummy today. He's so cute though that I will let him off even if I do feel like a zombie.

Hope everyone else is well today!
Making a proper conscious effort to clean the stitches today so that I'm giving them the absolute best shot at them healing quickly. That isn't to say I wasn't keeping them clean before now but I'm just going that extra step, you know? Ive found that sitting on my nice thick pillow is the best way to sit without the stitches aching, plus staying fairly active stops me from getting too stiff. Only thing is the dog thinks the pillow is for her to sleep on :dohh:

Had a bit of a nightmare night with Connor at first last night. He doesn't seem to like sleeping in crib at the moment so I ended up sleeping on the couch with him in his pram as it was the only place I could put him down before he woke up complaining. To be fair, it worked okay. He seems to be feeding pretty well too which is nice. He's eating about 1.5oz to 2oz every three to four hours. Considering the first 24 hours he pretty much ate nothing due to all the mucus he had in his system it feels like a tonne! So proud.

Thing about attempting a walk to the shop which is about 5 minutes away this afternoon with DH and Connor. I am getting a bit of cabin fever being stuck in the house so it would be an ideal little trip out. It's cold but so sunny and beautiful, we'll just wrap up warm and take a little wander. I need to see about getting DH a birthday present and birthday cards. Someone bought the game I was going to get him as a "you had a baby" gift. Yeah, that's right. Someone got my husband a push present and not me. :rofl: now I need to come up with something to buy him by Sunday.
Ha ha.
Ur Dh got a push present :)
I got none with Simon
They aren't really done here.
Baby showers only just becoming a thing that's done here now.
I got one for Simon from my friends
But none this time
My sis offered and to be honest I kind of wanted one
But felt it was a big ask as she has two young kids
So I said no.
Wish she would hve done it without asking :)

No phone call so I'm hoping I'm in the clear :)
Blood wise .
Was only a little itchy last night.
Not much at all

Sorry sleep seemed to be bad all round last night
Sometimes with small babies it seems to alternate nights
One bad , one good
So hoping ye r due good now tonight xxx
All I want to do today is sleep!!
But I didn't nap like an idiot
Now mouse is home but had a nap in school :)
He us being super good though
Playing away.
He is a great little boy when he isn't being bothered by tummy or epilepsy

Nearly 39 weeks.
Hurray :)
Sorry you had a bad night too Lynanne. Only place Henry would settle was next to me. So DH got kicked on to the sofa. Hope the stitches start to feel better soon. Must admit mine are really sore today. Took the kids out too today, was strange pushing a double pushchair but lovely at the same time.

How did your hair appointment go lilesmom? Glad all seems ok with the bloods. Fx it stays that way.

I got a push present from DH but I knew I would as he's been sneaking Around looking for hints as to what I'd like for months. He bought me a Welsh gold opal ring I've wanted for ages. The man did good.
That's great ye got out and about xx
Hope it was nice and sunny for ye.
I didn't get my hair done,
I got lazy and when I checked my account was overdrawn from standing order I hve
So that was that :)

I just woke up puking
I'm not gonna miss preg messing up my digestive system!!!
I'm getting excited again
Only 4 days to bub :)
It feels nice and close now

Oh doesn't hve to be in work till later tomorrow morning
And he has said he will get Simon to school
So I can lie in.
Happy happy
He is being super nice and helpful last few days
It's brill

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