November Rainbows 2016

Oh cooked dinner and washed up that about as close to a push present as I'll get :haha:

Midwife came nice and early so we went into town had a wander then picked Lucas from school and did some shopping think I probably over did it worn out right now want to sleep but can't be bothered to move :haha:

Edith isn't a fan of sleep during the night either :wacko:

Can't seem to upload piccies for some reason I do keep trying
Lots of babies hve their days and nights backwards
Hope they get the hang of it soon for ye xx
Sounds like a nice day Lucas mom
Hope u get some rest now though xx
Enjoy the rest lilesmom! You deserve it. I'm so so excited for you!!

Yea I can't upload pictures either?? Maybe an issue on the website? Can't wait to see more pictures of little Edith.

Going to be another sleepless night. Sat in bed with Henry wide awake and trying to eat his scratch mittens. Another clown for the house by the looks of it lol.
Thanks xx
Bet he makes a really cute clown :)

If I've already put a pic in facebook or viber
It won't post on here
Don't know why
Has to be a phone pic I've put nowhere else.

Was telling Oh when he can and cant be in for section with me
I put in birth plan in as much as poss
He said this eve he doesn't want to see me during op.
I understand why
But thought he would be the opposite
Totally gung ho about it :)
I know the smell of iodine and hosp makes him feel faint though
Id say he is afraid he might keel over
Strangely made me less nervous
To know he is nervous too :)
Will you have any with you during the section then Lilesmom? Can't believe how close it is now.

Henry fasto in his crib! Finally! Little man would still rather sleep on me.
I'm so glad we decided to go to bed at 10:30 last night after C had a feed. I can barely keep track of when DH or I was up with him from last night. Little guy seemed to want fed every 2.5 hours overnight and when he didn't want fed he was either awake or crying, especially in the early hours of the morning. He slept in his crib from 10:30 to about 1:30 at first though so we got s good block of sleep there, DH took care of him then and I was able to sleep until 2:30 when he was fussing about being put down. Fed him, popped him in the crib for another hour or so before we were up again. By the time he fell back asleep (I put him in the pram this time so DH could definitely sleep) I was so awake that I ended up wrapping DH's birthday presents instead of going to bed! Got another hours sleep between 7:30 and 8:30 and now I'm up for the day and DH is back in bed. I feel like a bloody yo yo with my sleep! :haha: Still at least I'm getting SOME sleep and actually feel pretty well rested. I don't know what I'd do without DH.
Lucasmum, it wouldn't let me upload attachments the other day hence why I resorted to photobucket! It must be something with the BnB website. I thought it was just me! Hope Edith got slept alright for you last night!

Maryanne, hope Henry stayed sleeping for you last night and that aurora didn't wake up too much either. I don't know how you do it with two little ones!

Lilesmom, will you have anyone with you for the section then? I think I'd have been quite upset if DH hadn't been there - I really needed him. He doesn't cope well with stressful situations or gore normally but he was amazing. Still, I totally understand why your oh might not feel comfortable or whatever. I don't know that I could ever be someone's birthing partner! I just hope you won't be alone if you don't want to be.
Well It started off badly, I got overconfident once I settled Henry is his crib and he slept solidly for 4 hours but then all hell broke loose. DH left for work at 4.30am and within 5 minutes I had Henry and aurora both awake and screaming. How I didn't have a nervous breakdown I don't know :rofl: ended up downstairs at 5am watching peppa pig with them. The daytimes aren't so bad with the two under 2, I got into a pretty good routine quickly, it's just the nights that need work.

I'm the same Lynanne usually, the thought of giving birth without DH there terrified me. I was so nervous but as luck had it I gave birth so quickly that even if we had of had someone to watch aurora and Zack he still wouldn't have got there in time. We live 45-50 mins from the hospital and I delivered in 31. There wasn't even time for anyone to ring him to say I was in labour. He got a call at 2am from a nurse telling him his son had been born. Poor thing was so confused. I had an amazing bunch of midwives and a registrar with me though. They came down from the ward I was being induced on and although they were meant to leave me with the mdu midwives and go back they didn't. The stayed and became my birth partners. The registrar was only meant to check me quickly and go but she ended up being the one holding my hand and helping me through the contractions. I couldn't have asked for more supportive people with me.
Not just being dumb then will have to look at pjotobicket haven't used that in years

We had a better night she went down at 2145 till 1210 :flower: then she feeds every 2ish hours so was getting 2 hour solid blocks :flower:

My milk has come in and all I have are my cheap primary special feeding bras I discovered this morning why primary sell them at £10 for two and mothercare is £30 for two, going to pay a trip to mothercare today, just call me fanny 6 boobs :rofl:

Also poop my word this girl can poop :wacko: she is 4 days old or will be this afternoon and we have gone through 2 packets of pampers already, I'm gonna have to back to work soon just to be able to keep her in nappies :haha: I don't remember Lucas being as bad as her I'm sure I remember worrying how he wasn't pooping enough, she gets weighed on Friday so will be interested to see if she has gained much though she is a good feeder :cloud9:
oh no Maryanne that sounds chaos :wacko:

Lucas said to me don't get up this morning mum I can do everything sleep heavenly sleep my god I wish I had chose no sleep he shouted out he was all done and went of to school 20 mins later I got up for a wee, pjs and towel in the bathroom floor the sink very dry for someone who is supposed to have washed toothbrush wet though :shrug:

One slice of jammy toast upside down on the kitchen floor toast crumbs everywhere and the fridge left open :dohh:

Every light on his curtains closed and bed not made despite him telling I've sorted my room as well not sure which manky corner he sorted :shrug:

First and last time I'll make that mistake :haha:
Will you have any with you during the section then Lilesmom? Can't believe how close it is now.

Henry fasto in his crib! Finally! Little man would still rather sleep on me.

Id say he will come in alright
But just a bit nervous
Must check with him to be sure this eve though
I'll ask my sister if he really doesn't want to do it
I wouldn't really want to see him cut open either
His words
But I do understand
Aw he is gorgeous Maryanne xxx
Sorry u had a tough night with them.
But glad the says aren't too bad already
That's no mean feat with two under two so early in henrys life
Well done xxx

Lynanne and Lucas mom glad ye got some sleep xxx
Make the day easier xx

Simon used to do blow out poos
Was on 40 ozs a day at a few months
Hungry man
His poos used to go up his back to his neck
I've thrown away clothes and cut him out of them for poops :)

Oh got Simon to playschool today
It was awesome .
Only my bladdar made me leave my cocoon :)
Lucas is turning into mr independent
Now he is big bro :)
A bit of mess is worth a sleep.
And I bet he is very proud of himself

Sorry for all posts
Always on phone
And can lose posts if I don't put them up
I was in for my a good friends section as her husband was in Afghanistan as he's in the army when she had to be rushed in for an emergency section early. You literally can see nothing. The screen blocks out what's going on down the bottom end. We chatted away and then all of a sudden we heard baby crying. Couldn't believe how relaxed it was. It's great you have someone to go with you though if oh can't do it.

We are having 15 ish poos a day at the moment. Yesterday was more than that. Seems like every nappy is dirty in like 10 mins. Can't remember it being this bad with aurora but guess every baby is different. Midwives aren't worried. They said 15-20 a day is normal at this age but they aren't the ones that have to buy nappies. Good job I haven't started using the cloth nappies yet. I'd never keep up with the washing.
This makes me feel better, I did consider cloth but decided no t again good job with getting it washed

Her bum is red raw though now poor little thing :wacko:
Henry's bum was the same too. But it's cleared up now he's on formula. Apparently breastfed babies poo is more acidic. I tried every thing to clear up the nappy rash as his bum was raw but then the midwife said to use Sudo cream. Just a tiny little bit that barely covers the skin as any more will stop the nappy absorbing wee and make his bum worse. 48 hours later we had a lovely pink little botty again.
Gosh that sounds like a lot
But I do remember with Simon
Nearly every feed meant a poo
So must hve been lots

I forgot I cant ask my sis
I've 5 sisters
Two of which id feel comfortable with them there
But one one is minding Simon
The other I forgot I bringing mom to hosp app same day
Id say he will come in alright though :)
The more I'm thinking about bf
The more I'm thinking maybe formula be better
I'll give it a shot anyway
But I'm weirdly going off it
I see my 5 month old niece in law :)
Is still nursing every two hours by day
You feed how ever is best for you lilesmom. No one will judge you over it. Long as baby is being fed that's the main thing.

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