November Rainbows 2016

I wouldn't jump to silent reflux just yet Lynanne. He sounds the exact same as Henry. Just a newborn thing. He gets hiccups all the time and his tummy gurgles a lot. Especially if he's being greedy or taking his milk too fast. 100% keep an eye on it though and see if it carries on. Aurora had reflux at it was awful. What bottles do you use? Sometimes changing bottles can help. We use dr Browns and they are great for limiting wind, and helping with colic. We were using Aptamil pro too but changed to normal Aptamil after reading that lots of babies are unsettled on it. He was so so much better last night and so far today.
Midwife has been and we are now officially off the books. Just have to deal with the health visitor now and go to the clinic to get him weighed and such. Can't really be bothered with all that but oh well. I liked my midwife that has been doing our home visits, not sure how I feel about a whole new person! Spoke to midwife about Connor's fussiness and she reckons it's all to do with trapped wind. She gave us some tips and advice to help settle him so we'll have to give all those a go. At least he's lovely and healthy.
Glad it went well :) hope your health visitor us nice. Ours this time isn't. I've always liked them but this time I just can't get along with this one. Still good thing is cause it's my 3rd I will barely see her.

3pm I'm out of here!!! Yey!!! That's if I can walk. Think dh will is gonna need to carry me to the car.
I remember when my mum had my twin sisters we had to help her walk out the hospital as she wanted home but the epidural hadn't worn off 100%. Me and my then 12 year old sister were "hugging" her while my eldest sisters were helping her shuffle her feet. :rofl: So bad!!

Fortunately we only see the HV about once a week and it's appointment based now so no waiting in all day for them to arrive. If they miss their time and I wanna go out I'm not hanging around.
Haha that will totally be me :rofl: I just tried to get up to use the bathroom and it didn't go well. No way was using a bed pan though. I'm going at 3 weather I can walk or not.

That's not too bad I guess. I hate waiting around. That's what annoyed me with the midwives. I don't have to see our health visitor again till the 15th of December at then that should be it but I'm dreading it already. She booked me an appointment at the family planning clinic without even asking me. When I phoned and asked her why she she 'well you don't want another accident do you'. I went mad. Henry wasn't an accident, we planned them close together and it cost us a fortune at a fertility clinic for egg counts to see if we could ttc. And even if he had of been an accident then I'm still old enough to sort my own contraception.
Sounds like Connor is just having normal newborn issues Edith is always hiccuping either that or farting :dohh: she dosent wind easy either still waiting for the midwife not sure if we get discharged or not I hope so but my little lady is rather yellow still :haha:

Or sure how I feel about my HV yet having not met her just conversations over text she seemed ok then she said coolio to me which makes me think she is possibly about 12 and I will hate her on site she is also called Amber nothing bad about that but I've only ever met 2 Ambers before in my life and both were wanna be Barbie dolls :wacko: Friday could be interesting :haha:

I'm willing to bet you skip out of there at 3pm :happydance:

Lilesmom how you doing hopefully home and enjoying being a mum to two hope simon loves his new baby sister :hugs:
Maryanne lucas' health visitor was like that told me I was to old to have another so "shall we just get you that little injection to stop another pregnancy" ermmm no piss off and don't come back, she didn't :rofl:
I can't believe your HV did that! How rude and presumptuous! I'd have been absolutely furious. I hope that you put her firmly in her place!

I had a little conversation with the midwife today about contraception which was super relaxed. She told me my options and such but DH and I will probably just go back to using condoms when we eventually get to that stage. I've never fancied anything more permanent or the pill. I definitely don't want another for a couple of years at the earliest though so we'll have to be extra careful - I'll probably try and avoid my most fertile time just to be safe!! :haha:
You guys aren't filling me with much hope that I'll like my health visitor! Can I just avoid her do you think?! I'd be checking your health visitor's ID, Lucasmum, just to make sure she definitely isn't 12! :haha: Really? A grown woman using the word coolio is just odd, especially in a professional manner. Would put me clean off her.

Lilesmom, hope you and Emily are doing grand!
I have to be fair Lynanne that my others have all been lovely. My last health visitor was amazing. I'm actually considering registering and the gp clinic she moved to just to have her back. It sounds quite stalkerish though :rofl: I'm sure yours will be lovely!

Lucusmum I will cross my fingers she isn't 12 haha. The one thing that always annoys me is health visitors with no children. It's like how can you tell me how to look after a baby when you have never had one! I always prefer the older more experienced ones.

I think we are just going to avoid fertile times as well Lynanne. I'm not keen on getting an implant or coil and i can't take the pill as it gives me high blood pressure. DH would be totally on board with ttc again straight away. I know what he's like so I'm going to have to keep him in check for a bit.
Midwife came she is my midwife from the surgery she no idea who I was though to be fair I've not seen her since I booked in at 8 weeks still as patronising as she was, she's not filled me with any hope about the health visitor she is a young bubbly mum apparently :wacko:
Ok so my bleeding has pretty much tailed of to brown blood had period type cramp for a short while this afternoon and now I'm getting a nice flow of red not stupidly heavy but certainly a lot more than recent days, this is normal right?

Also OH reminded me today we have a fecking engagement party to go to on sat night what in the feck am I supposed to wear my boobs are stupidly full my attractive (read that as sarcasm) nursing bras make me look like I have one giant saggy boob most of the time I could put one of my normal bras on but Edith would never be able to feed not to mention the fact the all my prenprwg clothes were to big I wasn't buying any as I want to know what weight I would end up at but are now just that not to tight o own nothing suitable for an party I will be 13 days PP what was I thinking agreeing to this one!! He owes me big time for this they are primarily friends of his :haha:
It's totally normal. Especially as your always so busy. It's a sign you need to put your feet up though. If it gets really heavy, smelly or you get clots then see a doctor ASAP.

Came home to good news, I've been accepted onto a course to become a doula!! Super excited as didn't think I'd get in. Doesn't start till September next year but I'm one step closer!
Oh no lucusmum! That's going to be tough. Could you treat yourself to something new? Or have any friends you could borrow from?
I tried a few tops on tonight looked daft told OH he is gonna have to buy me one :haha:
Did have a small clot but no bigger than anything else I've passed during blood loss certainly nothing that would panic me, I seem to remember still having heavy bleeding at this stage with Lucas with large clots :wacko: sorry for to much tmi for a Wednesday tea time :blush:
Is there such a thing as TMI amongst a group of women who have gone through pregnancy together?! :haha: I haven't had any clots (tiny little sorta stringy bits though - lovely) but my bleeding definitely increased the past few days, redder than before too. As maryanne says, I wouldn't worry unless it's super heavy like a pad an hour or big clots or an unpleasant odour!

Also, you totally deserve a new top to make you feel good. I don't think I'd be up for an event looking the way I do right now! DH reckons that you wouldn't know I've had a baby less than two weeks ago. With my jelly belly and thunder thighs I don't know if it is a compliment or not!!
I've had some stringy bits as well :haha:

Someone said the other day you look healthy yes I do if your comparing me to Casper the friendly ghost I have no colour what so ever though I've lost the grey look and I'm now just white :wacko: I'm hoping these iron tablets start to work soon I hate being this pale I'm normally a lot healthier looking even if I'm not :haha:

I put Edie in a 0-3 sleep suit tonight I remember now why we are still in newborn though she is almost back up to birth weight today she was 7lbs 12 but she is so short compared to Lucas :cloud9:

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