November Rainbows 2016

I know it's only a cold but it's horrible. So worried he's going to end up in hospital again :(

If you need any help with baby wearing lilesmom let me know. What sling do you have? If your using a stretch wrap I can send you some links to some really good carries for newborns.

Glad you had a good time lucusmum. Did you find something to wear after?
Awwww I hope he's feeling better today :flower:

I made OH buy me a new top :haha:

So today we have had a relaxing Sunday once training and shopping was out the way, by this I mean OH came in put his pjs back on and has done not a lot but play Xbox and watch football, whilst I came in sorted the baby, washed up, put the shopping away, went back out for reptile food, sorted the laundry, helped Lucas with his homework, cooked a meal from scratch including dessert, washed up again, took the rubbish out, hoovered and I'm about to start the ironing :wacko: He then said we should do this more often :growlmad:
Haha sounds like my DH. Mine did the washing up yesterday after dinner and then washed and sterilised the bottles. I wish he hadn't though as I didn't hear the bloody end of it all night. Felt like screaming at him that all he did was a bit of washing up, which I do every night! He's not getting my undying gratitude for a bit of housework.

My boy is 4 weeks tomorrow! Where is the time going?


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Aww Henry is gorgeous :cloud9:

Didn't have a good night we woke at 0310 and didn't go back off till just gone 0700 by this point I had to get Lucas up be very kindly said he would do his own breakfast :cloud9: he did ask me to open the jam, upon closer inspection it would seem he has had a hula hoop and jam sandwich for breakfast, please don't judge I was tired :rofl:

I did get to sleep from 0900 till 1020 though OH has done nothing but moan how he is so tired today, I may just hit him over the head with the iron :haha:
Haha hula hoops and jam. Shame you don't live closer, him and Zack would get on like a house on fire.

Hope everyone and their little ones are doing well. Henry is getting over his cold thank god and he's now almost 12lbs. Can't believe how fast he's gaining weight. He does feed really often though. Don't go more than 1.5 to 2 hours without a feed. The nights are tough but totally worth it.
Glad it's not just Lucas :haha: this morning he had a bowl of sugary crap I'm normally mean when it comes to cereal but Edith chose the cereal isle to start wailing when we did the shopping the other day and Lucas used it to his advantage :dohh:

we are having major trapped wind issues here and although we are pooping they are teeny tiny ones like she is struggling to get anything out so we have started using infacol not every feed but a cosue times a day and we are slowly improving :flower:

Last two days have been a washout in getting out and about and doing anything tomorrow I'm supposed to be at this blasted group to meet the woman by 0900ish :wacko:

That's enough moaning from me hope you guys are all well :flower:
Where abouts in wales are you Maryanne next season we start playing Cardiff so will be heading down at least once during the season, we have a friend in Cardiff so plan on making a weekend of it if your close enough could we maybe meet up
I'm in just outside Cardiff lucusmum, it's only a 9 minute train ride away. Should defiantly meet up with the little ones :)

Awww I hope the infacol helps. Trapped wind is awful. Does she settle well at night for you?

I've not been out much lately. Henry is so unsettled again that it makes it tough. The only way I'm getting anything done is by putting him in wrap. I'm not sure what the issue with him is though but I know it's not right. Wish my health visitor wasn't so awful or I'd speak to her.
Hey girls. Sorry that I've been a bit MIA lately. I have been reading along, I just never seem to find the time to respond. Even as I try to type this message Connor is waking up! Not even for a feed, just a wee fuss and a cuddle no doubt.

Connor is doing pretty well. Night times are still a bit of a hit or miss, one day he sleeps nice long stretches and then other days he's awake half the night. Really feeling that exhaustion now! DH went back to work yesterday and I had my friend from London visit so it was a busy day on our own but we did great.

HV visited today, unexpectedly. So much for phoning and scheduling an appointment! Never mind. It wasn't even the HV we are meant to have as she is currently on holiday. Oh well. Connor is fantastic, gaining weight well. He's already 8lbs 9oz!
Cluster feeding . Trapped wind and wont be put down here too
I'm knackered tonight!!
Seems we are all going through it a bit :hugs:

Connor is doing well lynanne that's a lovely weight gain is it just me or do any of you not want them to put weight on so they stay teeny tiny babies forever of course I want them to be healthy but just not grow so quick :blush:

Can you speak with a different HV Maryanne? I hope our little Henry is ok today :cloud9:

So we made the baby group today and only an hour late :haha: the HV didn't actually introduce me to the young mum but I think I found her without wanting to ask so your the lonely one then :haha: I only assume as I got chatting with her and she told me how much she hates the groups feels like she doesn't belong (I can relate they were very clicky and all toddlers) she seemed sweet but she is incredibly young and o can't see me having anything in common with her, I did tell her I would be back in two weeks for a weigh in and it would be nice to catch up with her, see look I can be nice if I want :haha:

Got Edith weighed while we were there she is now 8lb 5ozs thelittle chubster though still not as heavy as Lucas was born :haha:
That's a great weight gain Lynanne :) glad your little man is doing so well! How you finding it now DH is back in work?

Hope all is well lilesmom?

Ah glad you made it lucusmum. Your little one is gaining well too. I most definitly feel the same as you. I don't want Henry to get any bigger. It makes me feel sad how quickly time passes. I can see me getting broody again very quickly if this carries on. Good job DH is on side :rofl: funny last week I never wanted another child again.
I can't believe how much weight he has gained in two and a half weeks. My little boy is growing up waaaay too fast already. I am totally with you on wanting them to stay small for longer, Lucasmum, although I wouldn't mind it if he could sort out sleeping better during the night. That being said, he did sleep from about midnight to 5am last night so yay!

Broody already, maryanne!? Are you nuts?! :haha: Only kidding. I totally get it though, the idea of my little guy growing up and not being a baby any more definitely makes me feel like I'll want another in no time. That being said, I'm definitely in no hurry to do another nine months of pregnancy and labour/delivery!!
I wrote that and then stood up and realised how much my stitches hurt so that cured my broodyness for now :rofl: give it 6 months though and I know what I will be like. Aurora has been an absolute nightmare again today though so that puts my off another close age gap. Honestly the toddler is more hard work than the newborn.

Midnight to 5am! That's an awesome stretch for a young baby. I'm jealous. Henry wants food non stop at the mo. Forgotten what sleep is.
I was broody u ntil yest.she cluster fed for 4 hrs yest eve
Then been feeding most of today
I'm wrecked!!
The visitors started yest
Had 3 lots yest
Only one lot today so more manageable :)
We hve a room full of presents :)
Spoiled already.
No weight gain here yet
But had to cut the toes off babygros cos her legs r too long
The way she is feeding id expect weight gain by two week visit

Glad ur bubbas r all thriving xxx
I'm catching up all the time
But sometimes too tired to reply
Simon is sick.
And I'm still a bit sore
And hate not being able to look after him.
But overall we r managing well
Feeling really broody and sad, it's quite odd, with Lucas I didn't feel broody or sad or anything as I just assumed there would be at least one more then when it didn't happen I would feel sorry for myself that I would never feed or cradle my own new born, this time it's killing me knowing that I'll more than likely never do it again but how long and how many kids could I keep having because no doubt everyone feels like this knowing there will be no more :wacko:

I do have some exciting news my very best friend who has 2 children the youngest being my beautiful crazy loveable mad as a hatter god daughter has just announced she is pregnant she has tried for about 3 years and has suffered multiple losses, we have always told each other straight away when we were pregnant so have had each other's support through the years though I did feel a pang of guilt when we got a keeping one this time so here's hoping hers is a sticky bean :cloud9:

I would kill for midnight to 0500 in one go :haha:

Edith took the dummy last night seem to stop her griping quite so much, she did again not to long ago had a massive feed but was still fussing she sucked enough with it to drop of them spat it out that suits me :flower:
When I was thinkin I might be done at two I felt a bit sad too
Think a third was always at the back of my mind
But no decisions being made until a year old at least here
A tougher two days has squashed the broody a little bit :)
But I think your right.
My mom had ten kids
Dr said no more for her health sake
She still went on to hve my sis and me
Prob hve more except for age :)
The broody kicks in no matter how many u do or don't hve I think

Congrats to your friend xxx
Here's hoping all goes great for her xxx
I totally think I'm one of those women that could just carrying on having babies. I can't imagine being done. That's why we never gave up trying for number 2. The high of pregnancy and a new baby is addictive and although our house is crazy busy I absolutely love it. DH loves kids so much that we could easily end up with a very large family. Hoping we will be able to add a few more small people into it. But my low egg count makes it difficult. We shall see what happens. I think we may be ttc next year though after little Henry has grown up a bit and we have had another egg count and full check over at the fertility clinic. If we hadn't of caught for Henry we were going to do ivf, but somehow caught on the first proper month of trying. I've said to DH though as we have 3 if I don't fall naturally then I'm not resorting to Ivf. We will be happy with what we have and look into adoption.

Awww huge congrats to your friend, keeping my fingers crossed for her.

Glad your ok lilesmom!

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