November Rainbows 2016

Thanks hon xxx

I'm def leaving it a year
Prob two years
But am pretty sure we will hve another if able
Dreading the thought of possibly more mc though if we do
But will cross that bridge if we get to it

Little miss was so good all night
Prob cos she fed all day yest :)
She gave me two 4 hr sleeps
Best girl
Henry was a little better last night too but still not sleeping for big stretches. He did 2.5 hours last night though which for him is good.

I don't know how long we are leaving it, I want to enjoy Henry while he's small without distractions so id be happy to wait a year or two but with my low egg count that's not realistic but who knows. I might want it sooner in a few months. Although don't fancy 3 under 3.

Out of the blue Dh's mother who hasn't bothered or spoken to him in years contacted him. She's really ill and not got long left so we are going to see her Saturday. This is going to sound so bad but I'm not looking forward to it. When she was involved in his life all she did was bring him down, bully him along with some other truly awful things. I'm so worried she's going to do the same again to him. I know she's dying and I really am so sorry for that but it doesn't totally wipe the slate clean of all the dreadful things she did to him. I'm just finding it hard to believe she's suddenly changed after all this time. Am I horrible for feeling that way towards her?
Not at all hon
Totally natural feeling.u don't want dh hurt xxx
Hopefully she wants to make amends xxx
Often happens when people r seriously ill xx
Not horrible at all, maryanne! If someone, even MIL, mistreated DH and then didn't talk to him for years I wouldn't be willing to just sweep it all under the carpet regardless of the circumstances. Whilst I'd support DH in reconnecting or whatever if he wanted to I wouldn't welcome them with open arms or whatever. My parents both had major issues with their parents which led to my dad's parents (mum especially) not being a part of our lives at all and my mum's dad very rarely seeing us (and in secret) and even as their daughter I would have been wary should there have been any real re-connection.

As for having another one, DH and I actually spoke about this just last night and agreed that it'll at least be a couple of years - if at all. It all completely depends on our circumstances. Firstly, we'd need to be in a house as there isn't a hope of us getting another baby in this two bed flat even though it is a pretty large one. We just wouldn't have the room for toddler and baby paraphernalia. We'd need to check how our finances are at the time. Plus there is the whole would we have even have more losses thing?? All things to consider before number 2. We both agree we want to enjoy Connor on his own for a couple of years first anyway.
I just distrust her and I do question her motives slightly. Maybe that's wrong of me but she's done such awful things in the past that I can't just forgive and forgot instantly. It's upsetting me even more as DH is so happy. Even though his mum did such terrible things he's always wanted a relationship with her. I know he's going to get hurt again and again But there's no telling him. Can't do much bar support him and hope for the best. She's not fooling me that easily though. I don't speak to my parents and my nan raised me and I wouldn't care if they came begging at the door, I'd never forgive them, guess me and DH are different in that way though.

Seems we have all been having the big talk about the next babies! Funny if you had asked me a few weeks back about another I'd have caused the person that asked actual bodily harm for even suggesting I have another :rofl:
So I'm not weird to be thinking about another :)
Def be a bit here too.
Would ideally love my two kiddos walking first.
Lifting is hard when preg
And after section
And would be having another section.

I totally get being suspicious of her motives.
My mom was given to neighbours to be raised
Her birth mom made contact when I was in my teens
Mom forgave her but I hated her for years for giving away my mom
To a not so loving home
Now I'm older and know more of the story I know why mom forgave her
And wanted to get to know her
But I don't still hve many warm fuzzy feelings for her
Even though she is my grand mother
Really need to get on a comp and change signature to put Emily in too
Never get a chance
And its too awkward on my phone
I tried to drop in when we have the next one in casual conversation suddenly conversation was not so casual and OH was shaking over his panini:rofl: maybe I'll try again another day :haha:

Your not in the wrong for feeling that way Maryanne I would be suspicious also I can't believe leopards change their spots I hope for the sake of your DH and your family she has as I wouldn't want you all to have the upset :hugs:

We did a bit better for sleep last night settled at 0200 and went through till 0640 just wish we had settled a lot earlier but hey ho :wacko:
Edith is simply a baby sleeping genius :haha: we had an amazing night went down just before midnight, she woke me at 0300 grunting and snuffling and moving about I went to the loo before sorting her but by the time I got back she had settled so I thought I'd leave her and see how long she went next thing I know it was 0510 :happydance:

So we have just got back from our first proper baby group it's designed for babies up to a year and has breast feeding support she was wide eyed at it all had a feed and filled her nappy so we missed out on the craft part then sang songs I think it's the most she has been awake in one go, come home and she has flamed out bless her :cloud9:
Aw glad she has settled. Xx
Emily gave me a nearly 5 hr stretch last night too
Been in her pram conked for last two and half hours
Rarely goes in pram ��
She has a bit of reflux
But I'm putting her on her tummy and she will go in for a bit
She fed for 2 hrs before going down
But its worth the break.
We r all half sick here.
Simon and Oh r sick
I'm half sick and Emily is sneezing
Hope she avoids it full blown
She really is an awesome baby .
Snuffling now.
Nearly booby time again me thinks
Took a look at my scar
Its hard to see cos of my pouchy belly!!
But from what I can see its healing super fast.
Two boys gone off to the dr
Hope she gives Simon something cos he has been sick over a week
Poor guy is pretty miserable
And I cant hug him properly
Cos he is all hands and legs and jumping around :)
Ha ha
Just noticed ur ticker
Edith the booby monster
My little dote


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You two are making me jealous. We still aren't sleeping well here. Getting 2 hrs max. I honestly blame the formula, it's just not agreeing with him. He was fine on breast milk. He's covered in eczema too which makes me sad as I know he wouldn't have it if I was breastfeeding. The doctor kindly reminded me of that today.

Glad baby club went well lucusmum.

Lilesmom she is just too cute!!! Look at that cute face.
I don't think a 5 hour stretch will be a regular occurrence :wacko:

Awww lilesmom she is just gorgeous :cloud9: I hope she doesn't get to sick Lucas has been coughing and spluttering all week so m expectations no us all to get it :wacko:

Awww poor Henry eczema is horrible we have baby acne going on here :dohh:

My poor little lady is still such a funny colour compared to other babies no one seems bothered though so I guess I'm not :flower:

Been to the doctors today they have given me more iron tablets and have to get bloods done next week hoping my levels have gone back up or are at least rising, they also don't have my blood results from my allergy test to penicillin should have been back over a week ago :wacko: the doctor has decided he will just diagnose me as a severe penicillin allergy for now to be on the safe side
Hugs Maryanne
Stupid Dr
U tried ur best xxx
Henry will adjust to formula soon
Would u try comfort formula.
Easier on the tummy
That's what I gave Simon
Hope Edith escapes ur bug too. Xxx

Hope yr iron comes back alright

I jinxes myself on the sleep
Oh bailed to couch cos Simon coughing was disturbing him .
Poor lamb
So I'm left with the two in bed with me
Nice normally but not when they r both waking
Simes coughing and crying
Mouse was clustering
No sleep for mama

Need the loo
But don't want to wake them!!!
I think that will be the next step lilesmom. He's crying non stop, not sleeping and covered in eczema. Spoke to Gp, she said maybe the lactose isn't agreeing with him as I'm lactose intolerant too. She said if he hasn't improved over the weekend to try a reduced lactose comfort milk.

Hope the bloods come back ok lucusmum. I'm getting mine tested again in two weeks, my iron wasn't up last week but it's still early days. Only two weeks left on blood thinners too! yey!!! Glad they have diagnosed you with a severe penicillin allergy, will hopefully make sure you never have to go through anything like that again. Did they not put a warning red wristband on you? I'm allergic to amoxicillin and it's the first thing they do. Mine isn't serious either. Wouldn't kill me if I had it. Was anyone to blame or was it just one of those things?

I'd drag oh back up to help you lilesmom! You need rest too.
I had red wrist band it said plasters and mepore as I'm allergic to them the penicillin was a whole new allergy I'd even had antibiotics in pregnancy that were penicillin we know for future I suppose :wacko:

The doctor doesn't rekon it will be up fully but should be some improvement

Poor Henry I hope he improves soon :cloud9:

Did you manage to get to the loo yet lilesmom

We are just waking after going down at 2145 hopefully it will be a good feed and back to sleep for a few hours one of these days I'll learn to go to bed earlier when she does :blush:

Bedtime boob :cloud9:


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