November Rainbows 2016

Maryanne def sounds like comfort milk could help
Hugs xx
Only recently Simon switched to regular milk
Had a problem with it till nearly 3 yrs old.

Lucasmom cutest pic :)
She is a booby monster :)
I took iron once since I left the hosp
Constipation right away
Doesn't mix with c section
So I stopped
Mine was never proved low anyway
It had come up to over 12 before birth
And wasn't redone after
I got the loo next feed
I couldn't risk waking them!!

To think I could still be preg if no section
Lucusmum she is just too adorable!!! At least they know about the allergy now, must have been so scary.

Thanks lilesmom. I hope so. We have had hours of screaming today with no let up. It's horrible seeing him like this. Hope your little man is feeling better today and you got some rest.
Oh no poor ye.
That's terrible xxx
Hugs to henry and u xx

Little man on antibiotic now
Super cranky but hopefully better soon
Two boys gone for a drive to occupy him
I'm nearly nodding off with little missy on the couch
Parenting fail by me, again, Lucas had a game tonight so as usual I didn't see Edith hardly as everyone has cuddles, so fanny five prams comes to me and says don't you ever hold your baby, ermmm yes but everyone likes a cuddle and I get to drink my coffee in peace, besides I've known most of these people for the last 7 years the most know our journey to Edith and they are as excited as we are by her arrival she has been showered with gifts by these people since her arrival I can hardly begrudge them a cuddle, to which she replied yea well we got no gifts and that's why I keep him in a sling out of reach, wow we are rubbish letting people hold her imagine the germs :haha: Actually don't because that does freak me out a little :blush:

On a side note note her belly button has been fine but tonight it's been bleeding doesn't look inflamed or sore so not sure of the cause going to keep an eye on it, I'm right in thinking I should leave it alone and not be tempted to put anything on it?
That women is just a ray of sunshine isn't she. Edith is your baby and it's up to you what you do or don't do with her. Everyone parents in different ways and the way you choose has bugger all to do with her.

Henry's belly button bleed up to 3 weeks, it can be normal. Just wash off any dried blood that could cause an infection but don't put cream or anything on it. I was really worried about Henry's but it's healed fine now.

Hope he feels better soon lilesmom. Poor boy. Hope you enjoyed your rest with little lady.
Isn't she just delightful :rofl: I can assure that she is soon passed back when she fills her nappy or wants feeding :haha:

I thought the belly button was all healed which is why it freaked me out but maybe it wasn't she also had a bath earlier so I guess if it was t quite healed that could have softened it :shrug: she's fine in herself chilled out but grumpy at the same time perfectly normal :wacko:

How is Henry tonight hopefully settled for a good long sleep :cloud9:

Not looking forward to the morning, early training then a game late afternoon in Milton Keynes about 1.5 hours away, we have to be there 1.5 hours before the start, his team are having a group breakfast which I at some point signed up for :shrug: so it means we leave the house at 0815 and get home about 2000 :wacko: this was fine pre Edith I'm never gonna manage to pull all this together, odds on me needing to buy some sort of baby item during the day :haha:
Oh god that's a long day
Hope it goes smoothly for u xxx

Hows henry Maryanne
Does aurora still call him a cat
That is a long day regardless of having a newborn, lucasmum. Hope you manage it without being too exhausted. As for fanny five prams, ignore the silly woman. You can let Edith be held by whomever you want without justification. She's obviously just jealous.

Is henry feeling better yet, Maryanne? There's nothin worse than when they feel miserable and you cant really do anything about it.

Lilesmom, hope Simon is feeling better too and that Emily let you get some sleep.

Connor has been grand these last few days. He's slept quite well overnight, getting up about 4am then 7/8am which is much more manageable than when he was getting us up at 2am then 5am then 8am. I'm definitely coping better during the day now Tha I'm getting longer stretches off sleep. Also helps that dh has taken care of the 4am feeds the last two nights as it's the weekend. Back to me tonight though. He really likes to sleep on me during the day though which means I'm getting next to nothing done. Christmas is going to be a disaster.
Emily is the same Lynanne
Sleeps on me more often than not
I get her into her pram once a day to get a break
But will only go in in her tummy
And won't sleep as long as in my arms
Glad he is stretching out at night for u
Helps lots xx

Little missy taking twice as long to feed but same gaps
Less sleep for mom
She is a bit snuffly
Think she has a touch of the boys germs
Hope it fecks off fast.
I didn't get it full blown
So hope I'm passing her antibodies
He's been screaming for 3 hours straight non stop. I'm really not sure what's going on. Obviously some issue like colic or silent reflux or lactose intolerance like the doctor said but I'm not sure what it is. Going to have to try eliminating things one by one till it's sorted. Poor little man. Feel bad that he's suffering but we don't know why.

Lucusmum that's a very long day! Hope it goes ok. We had a full day out yesterday and taking all the stuff for a baby and toddler was crazy. Two full changing bags. Can't imagine how much you will have to take!

Glad Connor is well Lynanne? Have you tried wearing him in a sling or wrap. Henry won't settle anywhere bar on me so I have him in his wrap then I can get things done. He loves it!

Oh no hope Emily hasn't caught the germs lilesmom!
Aw hugs xxx
Hope ye get to the bottom of it soon. Xxx

Little miss feeding all ruddy day again
Barely get to pee and shower.
Eating is over her head.
She has me drained but still wants more.
Not sure how much of it is comfort
But def wants more than she is getting.
Its getting me down a bit now
Cant get any one on one time hardly with Simon with her
Soo tempted to start topping up with formula
But prob be beginning of the end
And I like feeding her
Just not all day everyday
We made it home by 2115 I also apparently signed up for the team pizza party afterwards, I'm not convinced I did :wacko:

I didn't forgot anything we had one nappy explosion and that was it, didn't actually take much other than 2368754 nappies and wipes :haha:

Bloody worn out and still need to iron school uniform, me thinks that can wait till the morning now!

I hope little Henry is feeling better :flower: :hugs:

I remember how much cluster feeding can get you down I hope she passes the stage quickly for you :hugs:
Thanks hon
Had a couple of hours sleep and feel a little better

Is it wrong I want pizza now in middle of the night
Pizza party sounds great :)
I could eat pizza about now mainly because OH is a tit and said don't get pizza I was starving we will get something when we get home then didn't get anything :growlmad:

Edith will not sleep I've only been awake 20 hours now :wacko: she has terrible trapped wind and is just screaming in pain :cry: that said she has just dropped off but it's not a restful sleep she is squirming and whimpering :nope:
We got a solid 1.5 hours :wacko: been dozing on and off today it's like she needs to poop and is straining but has no difficulty going :shrug:

She head butted at me earlier just as I was moving ended up digging my nail in her forehead :cry:she cried and died and has a little red mark :cry:

I'm thinking a nice warm bath may relax her :shrug: who knows
Feel like I am going to go a bit mad if I can't work out why Connor keeps crying. Poor wee lamb is so unsettled today and unsurprisingly won't sleep anywhere but on me. I feel totally helpless and it sucks. Definitely cant wait until DH gets home tonight so he can share in the screaming - and I can get 10 minutes to myself in the shower.
Glad the day went ok lucusmum. Damn you mentioning pizza, I've been wanting it all day now :rofl: hope you managed to get some rest after?

How's the feeding going lilesmom? Still clustering? Hope little man is better now.

Is it just today he's been unsettled Lynanne? Maybe he's having an off day or suffering from a bit of colic/trapped wind? Honestly baby's have days where the do this, don't let it get to you. Hope he settles soon.

Henry is doing better today, long as I wear him in a sling most of the day. He's 5 weeks tomorrow! This makes me sad!
Colic has crossed my mind but I'm hoping it is more of an off day or mini phase. It started last night before going to bed and he's been having crying fits on and off all day. I feel so rotten and useless when I can't seem to get him to calm down. Poor little guy. I really do hope that it's just a couple of unsettled days and he'll be back to his normal self soon. I really need to see about trying out this sling that SIL passed on to me so I can get stuff done during the day without him waking up and screaming the house down!

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