November Rainbows 2016

I would have kicked and punched him all night, not a lot of sleep here either, midnight OH decided it's bedtime, Edith was wide awake,ill just tell her to make she sure turns if it he lights and tv when she's ready then :dohh:

He proceeds to be all heroic saying he will stay up with us even though his eye hurts (he has a slight infection) :wacko: told him to piss off to bed :haha:

He has been there since 1230 woke 10 mins ago when I asked him to hold Edith while I had a wee, he has gone back to sleep as he only got 8ish hours last night, is he fucking kidding me :growlmad:

I made into bed at 0230 admittedly I did drop of on the sofa with Edith for about half hour, she then cluster fed most the night m,we got up at 0720 to sort lucas out for school he tells me get some sleep now, again I'll just chuck the to remote and tell Edith to watch something sensible shall I :dohh: he did say he would get up but that means she sits looking round the room while he sleeps on the sofa :dohh:

She's just dropped of during a big feed so I'm hoping she stays asleep for a couple hours so I can go up bed :happydance:

Maryanne I feel your pain I'm not sure how I'd cope with a toddler as well :hugs:
Im so glad it's not just mine that's an idiot :rofl: he had the nerve to text me from work saying he was tired!!!

Did you get any sleep last night lilesmom with the cluster feeding?

Hope you sorted out the card dilemma lynanne
Oh no hugs xxx
Little missy woke at 12, 2 3 4 5 and 6
I was wondering where my perfect night baby had gone!!!
No sooner would i nod back off.she be up agson
I managed to sleep to 1030 when we got up he actually uttered the words "so you decided to get up at some point today then" does he want to live or does he really have a death wish :growlmad:

Apparently he has been waiting "hours" for me to put his eye drops in told him where he could stick his eye drops :haha: which in reality was a bad move on my part as he did then himself and just gone 1030 it's now coming up to midday and he is still wandering about bumping into things groaning :dohh:
I got some sleep later morning.
Didn't get up till 1.
Still tired.
Feel like I'm coming down with something
My nipples r burny sore
Half afraid its thrush cos one of them looks a bit white too.
But could be from feeding lots
My tummy is getting sorer since I stopped the difene
I presume its swelling but I had been feeling better everyday
Feeling a bit worse everyday now
Sorry for being moany
Should go back to Dr really to make sure alls ok
But hve Simons Christmas day at school tomorrow.
And calling to sil after.
Hope we get sleep tonight
Oh dear lucusmum! Sound so like both of our men are in the dog house. Mine is in big trouble. He's spent all night complaining how tired he is forgetting he kept me awake all night.

Glad you got some rest lilesmom. Defo sounds like you need to see a doctor!
Hows henry doing now xx
Hope the formula is still suiting him
and his skin is clearing xx

Moved into size 2 nappies today
They really do grow so fast.
I've loads of them.
Lots of people gave us them as part of presents
So we r set for a bit
The rate little missy gets changed
At least a week r so :)

She is using her voice more
Lots of gentle cooing
Soo cute
Focusing on me when I talk now too
Got two smiles that I think were in response to speech rather than wind :)
Hope you had a better night lilesmom

We had a good night down at midnight or thereabouts and slept till 0345 nappy change feed and back off till 0730 :happydance:

Still no poop from her Saturday was the last time she went :wacko: took her to be weighed this morning and the HV wants her to see the doctor just so they are aware might not be a bad thing Lucas went through about a year of horrific constipation when he was 4 I hope we don't have anything like that with her :dohh:

Fatty fatty Edith now weighs in at 9lb 14ozs, I reckon at least 5ozs is poop that needs to come out :rofl: I did wonder why I was struggling to get the up to 7.5lb sleepsuits fastened :haha:
We have lots of noises too. He's such a funny little thing. Getting too big too quickly though. Wish it would slow down a bit.

That's a great weight gain lucusmum. Hope you get the pooing sorted soon. Zack used to suffer as baby. Used to have to take lactolose to be able to go. Aurora never went much, but she wasn't uncomfortable with it. Doctor just said some breastfed babies don't go much and if it's not bothering her then don't worry. Henry poops for Great Britain, no issues there :rofl:

Hope your feeling better lilesmom.

Henry's skin is so bad. His poor face is covered. Steroids just seem to be drying it out not clearing it. It's just cracking and bleeding now. Doctor gave diprobase now to help.

Last day on blood thinners!!!! No more Injections from tonight!!
I like diprobase but only the ointment not the cream in fact I hate all the creams and prefer the ointments hope he is better soon must be so inconsiderate may for him :hugs:
People keep saying stupid things like 'do you know he has a rash on his face?, 'Have you done the glass test on it', 'Shouldn't you see a doctor over that' bla bla bla. It's annoying me big style! Why do people need to comment. No of course I haven't noticed he has a rash duh!! Do they think I'm that stupid not to have glass tested it multiple times (although Henry's had septicaemia so I do know what the rash that comes with it looks like)
Ignore them Hun people are morons people say the same to me about Lucas mouth when it flares up :wacko:

This is Lucas' mouth at its worst this can happen every few weeks makes eating and drinking painful for him


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The poor boy :( That must be awful for him. Is it allergies that cause it or just a skin condition? Does he cope with the pain ok? Zack is a bit weird with pain. He tends to not make a fuss over big things but totally over react over small things.
No allergies he was tested earlier this year, its only painful for him when it's like that he screams when he has the creams on, he doesn't moan to much about it, he is the same moans about silly things and doesn't bother with bigger things, some kids at school have been nasty to him recently but he isn't bothered for the most his friends are just used to it, I do worry about the scarring as he he's older though
Kids being mean over things like that literally makes my blood boil. Hate bullies. I know kids can be mean but at that age they should know better. It's good it doesn't bother him though, he sounds like a lovely boy.
Ouch .
Tough on him it affects eating and drinking.
And kids can be horrible
Glad he has nice friends and can ignore the nasty ones
He looks like a cutie :)
And from ur stories is a sweetie
Most bullying comes from jealousy
The cowardly feckers
Had Simons school mass today
It was soo cute!!
They weren't in it
Was the primary and secondary
But it was nice still :)
That sounds lovely lilesmom, I miss xmas plays and carol services. Down side of home schooling.

Hope everyone is good today?
Awww I love things like that Lucas school don't do it for his year or year six :flower:

He's not such a bad kid even if I do have to threat santa isn't coming 24580087373 times a day :rofl:

Not to bad here still no poop, spent the morning baking with Lucas and we had friends visit this afternoon now at training for 3 hours it's chilly in the rink :wacko:
It was nice.
Been feeling a bit crappy last few days.
Now the little bit of my scar that opened has gotten weepy and rashy
Back to Dr tomorrow before they close down for Xmas
Hopefully she give me something and I can start improving again

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