November Rainbows 2016

I'm finding it so hard to spend time with Simon.
I miss him even though he is here!!
Got up today
She fed for over two hours
Then fel asleep
I put her in pram.
Simes and myself were cuddling on couch
Two mins in pram she woke again!!
Simon giving out to me then for picking her up
And ruining our fun again.
So oh took him for a drive
Simons little face lights up for any time I spend with him
But its way too little.
How do ye manage to divide time with your other kids
The only way I cope is with a good routine lilesmom (not that you don't have one). I get up at 5.30am, feed the little man, bath and dress him and then settle him back down. Then I do all the things around the house like washing bottles, sorting the animals and cleaning. I'm done then for when little miss wakes up at 7am and we eat breakfast and have playtime. Homeschooling is s bit of a challenge but I work it round the babies naps. I get aurora and Henry both down around midday and then I get baby free time for Zack. DH also helps out when he comes home so I can shower and get more housework done. I do feel like all the kids deserve more one on one time but I think that's me being hard on myself as they all seem happy. Have you tried the sling? That's how I get little man to settle if I'm with aurora or Zack. He's happy as he's close to me and the others don't miss out.
I gave her bottle.
I'm gonna combo
And try keep milk up for night time
But bottles will prob slowly take over by the time eoin goes back to work.
I physically couldn't sit under het for 7 hourd feedinv
And look after simes.
I feel relief now but a bit sad
Hoping i can keep milk up for night time.
She is wanting to feed all day long.
Walking around with her doesn't help
She is just hungry
She doesn't give my milk any chance to build up during the day.
My routine is feed feed feed feed
Change poop for every feed!! :)
She is great at night.
Think the world freaks her out by day
Don't feel sad lilesmom. She won't care as long as she's being fed and a happy mum
equals a happy baby.
Silly really if it was anyone else id tell them
She had a great start
And a happy family is more important
We r def harder on ourselves xxx
She is much more settled when she gets a topup.
So I need to focus on that.
She def has reflux like Simon did.
Which makes her much harder to put down
But she is lucky she is super cute :)
Reflux sucks. Aurora had it really bad. Even ranitidine and gaviscon didn't help. She grew out of it eventually. Non stop puking all day. Hope it stops for you soon. Is your little man better yet?

How are you feeling now? Hope your not letting it get to you. Sounds like your hungry little miss needed the top ups.
Ranitidine helped Simon loads
He still takes it and losec.
But his is longer lasting cos of cp
He never could handle Gaviscon cos of constipation.
The more formula Simon got the worse his reflux got.

Hoping little miss isn't the same
She threw up her topup earlier today.
But slept really well after.
Haven't put her down all day again though.
But least my boobs aren't as shredded as normal :)

Little man is heaps better
But atil coughing and bit snotty
But better overall
Thanks x

How ye all ?
My sofa is still pink :wacko:

We have a very special house guest tonight, my niece she is trying to get home for Christmas she is at Glasgow uni and lives in South Korea, thanks to British airways leaving her flight sitting next n the runway at Glasgow for 4 hours she missed her connection at Heathrow, I'm her only family in England and Heathrow is only an hour away so rather than her sleeping in the airport I went and fetched her home :cloud9: now we just need to get her on a flight tomorrow which is not easy!

Hope everyone had had a good day, don't feel bad for combi feeding you do what needs to be done to fill little miss up :cloud9:
Oh no! Hope it comes out! Sounds like a very lucky girl to have such a nice family. Hope you sort out getting her a flight.

Hopefully little lady's reflux doesn't get any worse and glad your little man is improving.

Yea I'm good. Henry is a changed child. Sleeping 3hrs between feeds. It's bliss. Hopefully the eczema will clear up soon now his milk is changed.
Maybe u should make it all pink :)
Id like s pink sofa
Don't think oh would though. :)

Airports suck
Especially trying to sleep in one
Soo uncomfy
And I'm always afraid someone would rob me while asleep
I travelled a lot in my 20 s :)
Never do now but might again some day :)

The bottles gave her bad wind
She drinks it way too fast
I can't win .
She is happy enough back on boob again :)
Posted at same time
That's brill that he is so much better xxx
Fab news
Make life easier for ye all xxx
And must be a relief to u to see him settled x
Glad Henry is better and sleeping well :cloud9:

Poor Emily hope you come to a happy medium soon :flower:

Well after it taking 3 hours just to get connected to British airways we have now been on hold nearly an hour, they should have automatically transferred her to the next flight and given her a hotel at the airport but nstead they shut the help desk down my sail is going to try and get my petrol compensated not that I want it, it's just nice to have her here :flower:

OH still hasn't noticed the pink patch :haha: I'm playing ignorant when he does and Lucas has been told to do the same if he wants santa to visit :rofl:
That's so nice that you are there for her and helped her :)

Oh dear, do you think he will notice soon? Couldn't you blame it on him? :rofl:

Hope things settle for you soon lilesmom. Sounds like your having a rough time!
I could but even if he had done it, it would never be his fault :dohh:

Still waiting n hold they have the worst music ever :wacko:
Oh we have one of those too. Nothing is ever his fault. The worst was when he reversed his car into the garden wall and bins cause he's an idiot and scratched all the back of our new car at the time. He blamed it on everyone including the dog even though all of us were in the house and in no way to blame. Must be a man thing. Good job I don't let him get away with it lol.

Worst hold music is our local city council. There hold music is westlifes version of uptown girl. Try being on hold for or 45 mins with that on repeat :rofl:
We don't even need to be in a 20 mile radius to get the blame :haha: but yeah I done let him get away with it :haha:

West life sounds like heaven this is about 6 notes of a what sounds like dodgy spanish bar music recorded on a Sony feckng Walkman hour and forty mins in now :wacko:
Aw man frustrating!!!
Hope u get to talk to a human who helps soon xx

Great night.
She went 4.5 hr stretch.
Fed for an hour ish
Then 4 hr stretch
Nearly a normal night sleep :)
Is in her pram now
Wonderful :)
Even got time with my little man :)
But he tried to jump off the side of the couch
Had to catch him
And now a teeny corner of my scar opened a little.
Its really teeny but id prefer if it didn't happen
But we hve still had a much better day so far :)

Hope ye r all having nice weekends xx
Did you get through and get it sorted after lucusmum?

Glad little miss was more settled for you and you got to spend time with Simon. Bet he loved that.

Things are still good here. Henry is still eating and sleeping well now. Can't believe how bad things were this time last week and now it's totally changed. His skin is still really really bad though. It's like eczema but but big angry scaly red patches all over him. Doctors have given him some steroid cream to try and clear it up.

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