Hey girls, I hope that you all had a lovely Christmas. Ours was great, if a little manic, but I was glad to have our first day since the 23rd just the three of us today. I love my family (and friend that visited yesterday) but I really just needed a day in the house with my little family. It's exhausting having to be switched on all the time.
Connor was completely spoiled at Christmas. Sort of made me pleased that we decided not to go overboard with presents from us as our super generous family and friends made sure he had an absolute mountain of presents! Needless to say, I won't have to buy him many toys over the coming year and certainly not any clothes until he's in 9-12 month!
Over the last day or so I've noticed that when Connor takes his bottle the teat is "collapsing" in on itself. I'm guessing that this is a sign that we need to change from the size one teats we have been using with his tommee tippee bottles. He's a great feeder taking 4oz in about 10-15 minutes but I've noticed that the size 2 (medium flow) teats say for 3m+. Would I be better with variflow teats? He's also been a bit colicky, especially in the last couple of days after he was getting better, and I've heard that the variflow ones can be better for colic. He takes 2.5ml of gripe water after every feed now.
I can't believe that Connor and Edith are 5.5 weeks old now. It's even crazier that Henry is 7 weeks! Where have our little babies gone?! Connor was 10lbs 1oz when he was weighed a week ago today. Talk about a growing boy! He's not much of a chunk though, just long!