November Rainbows 2016

Maybe she is getting mostly foremilk
Emily feeds on and off all day
Bur before her long night stretch she will feed non stop for a long while
Boobs feel empty but she id filling up on hindmilk
Which keeps her fuller longer.
Just building on your theory.
Might be me adding 2+2 and getting 5 :)
Could explain less poops too
Was reading about it
And they said lots of wet nappies and less dirty could be a sign of it too
But they also said that it rarely happens :)
I agree with the lilesmom! If she's just having quick feeds then she's pribobly just taking foremilk and not getting the hindmilk to fill her. Aurora used to do the same. I won't harm her or effect weight gain but won't satisfy her for long. We had to give aurora a soother to settle her between feeds so she went longer between and then would nurse longer. The breastfeeding consultant also said to make sure the boob your feeding from is empty before moving to the next. But then I'm sure you already know all of this cause you have breastfed before. I was a newbie to breastfeeding when I had aurora. It really must be a girl thing!

Yea Henry's ok today thank you. He's got a bit of a cough but he seems back to his normal self.

Hope everyone is well today!
Glad that Henry seems back to his normal self.

Poor little guy had his first set of immunisations today. Feeling his body go tense and his scream just about broke my heart. I know that all I was trying to do was what I think is best for his health but I felt like such a horrible mummy for that minute! He was fine with a cuddle and his dummy though. He's been a little unsettled since but no temperature or anything, and we've just given him a second dose of Calpol. I'm hoping he isn't super unsettled tonight, gets a good night sleep and wakes up tomorrow all back to normal. Fingers crossed.
Glad he is better xx.
Hope the cough goes fast.
Emily still super snuffly
She gets better and I think Yey its gone
But then it comes back

She has been drinking nearly non stop again today.
Another growth spurt possibly.
She will be huge :)
I did wonder about the foremilk theory mainly because a few days back she had what looked like a bit of poop covered string in her nappy and googled which said possibly only getting foremilk, was only a one of so forgot about it :wacko:

I do put her back on the same boob for about 3 sittings but she can have 20-30 min gap between feeds not sure if that would mean just the foremilk I thought she would be getting some kind as well :shrug: Boob always feels empty before I switch her :shrug: Gahh why aren't boobs see through :haha:

Lucas was a very different feeder in fact he latched on at about 24 hours old and stayed there for 17 months he was always sodding attached :haha:

Had been a good 5.5 hours between feeds before feeding her as I type she's been on for at least 20 mins which for this time of night is good for her, she is also been awake since about 1830 just dropped off now bit still sucking away, so fingers crossed we get a good sleep :wacko:

I hope Connor is doing good after his jabs today and is back to normal tomorrow :cloud9:

Lilesmom that snuggle is hideous we have all been suffering and it just doesn't fully go away :growlmad:
Fingers crossed she settles for you lilesmom. Hope your not going to have a girl like mine that's destined to keep you awake for the next 17 months. I'm still waiting for the day Miss mayhem sleeps through!

Injections are horrible lynanne! Glad he's ok now and hope he gets a good night!

Hope Emily's snuffles go soon lilesmom!
She went for about 35 mins lay her down and wide awake, I think she is just a madam :dohh:

Back on the boob I've put her on the same one again to get more hind milk into her I hope, though may have to swap her soon as the other is about to explode :haha:
Did she settle any better last night lucusmum? Hope you managed to get some rest!
Lynanne we posted at same time
Vaccines suck
U do feel awful
But the pain is brief fora lifetime of cover xxx

Lucasmom I'm sure whatever u hve been doing with feeding is great xx
U already fed Lucas perfectly.
Babies just differ in how they eat
Maybe her digestive system just needs a little extra time to get used to eating
Don't get sore boobs over me xxx

Maryanne how ye doin xxx

Emily slept 7 hrs again
Fed for over an hour and back for 4 hrs.
But I forgot to say that she still sleeps on me
If I put her down shd wakes
But I'm good with cuddly sleep :)
I read somewhere massaging your boobs before feed mixes the milks
Might be not true though :)
But worth a try
She had settled and sound asleep by 0100 so an hour earlier than the usual she had a really good long feed from the same boob, she moved to the other after a while and stayed until 0500 so not bad :wacko:

Still think she is just more of a sod than anything else :dohh:

Will try massaging any things worth a go :haha:

She is really putting me off a 3rd at the moment though :rofl:
I said that with Aurora and look what happened then. He's laying in front of me trying to roll over :rofl:

Talking of rolling is anyone's else's little one attempting it yet? Henry can roll onto his side but he can't get onto his tummy. He gets so annoyed cause he can't do it!
She really is a madam and will probably be just like Aurora but I don't think there will be another, mainly because she gives us no time to dtd :rofl:

Not rolling yet but she moves about on her mat she is a real wriggler, can't remember what age lucas rolled but I think he was past the "average" age did it once and that was about it for another couple months :dohh:
I'm still see sawing over a third or not.
My freaking scar opened again
Oozing crap
So its tipping me backwards to not wanting another section
But also pushes timeline out if I did want to

No rolling here .
But em is younger :)
Oh no! Is that normal? Are they going to do anything about it. Hope your ok.

Hope everyone else is ok and having a lovely weekend. Super Bowl tonight!! Super excited as every year we have a bit of a party for super bowl night. Nothing major but have and few friends over. I remember this time last year on Super Bowl night me and DH decided we wanted to start trying for our next and now this year we have our little boy here. Time goes so fast!
I've gone to bed stayed up last Sunday to watch the Royal Rumble can't do the super bowl OH is watching and if Edith doesn't drop off soon she can watch as well :haha:
Our quiet weekend turned out to be a pretty busy one with an emergency dentist appointment, shopping, watching the rugby, sisters visiting and then we visited Connor's great grandparents then his grandparents for dinner. Exhausted! And yet I'm staying up to watch the Super Bowl with DH because he's a massive AmFoot fan and I'm pretty into it too. It's a tradition in our house that we stay up to watch it (and then feel like zombies the next day!) Put Connor down just before the game started and haven't heard a peep from him. He's fantastic for going down awake and falling asleep at the moment. Long may that continue! I did feel a little sad putting him to bed without going to bed at the same time.he's only in the next room for God's sake!
Its not totally normal
But it does happen.
I think it was fluid built up inside had to escape.
Good bit came out over weekend
It feels a bit better now
So fingers crossed it heals now

I've never watched super bowl
I'm the anti sports fan!!! :)
No interest in any of them
Luckily neither does oh

Want to tidy
But little gurl asleep on me and super snuggly
Little man gone off to school
He is much better finally thank god
In good form again

Hope ye had nice super bowl nights :)
Emily slept 9 hrs last night.
Was great but my poor boobs were like rocks :)

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