November Rainbows 2016

Oh also, I really need to eat better and exercise more but the weather is rubbish for walking and rubbish food is just more convenient! Gotta try harder though because I hate feeling lumpy and not fitting all my pre pregnancy clothing!
Sorry for being so quiet the last few days. Been super busy!

That's awesome lucusmum! Bet your so proud! Hopelittle edith is ok?

Lynanne sorry it didn't go great. I had an episiotomy with Zack and have had two third degree tears so have a lot of scar tissue. Does it hurt at first? A little. But sorry for tmi once you get into it it does stop. I think a lot of it can be tensing up as I was waiting for it to hurt. Glad it hasn't put you off. It is super scary the first time, I was terrified but it really wasn't as bad as I expected it to be.

Good luck for connors jabs! Hope they go ok. They are another thing that's not as bad as you think it will be. Zack slept through his first lot! Hoping Henry will be the same. His are tomorrow. They are really really delayed as he was poorly.

I think when you have been ttc a long time lilesmom it can be hard to stop thinking about it can't it. I mean I get times when I can't wait to start trying again, like it's all I can think about but then I realise how close the age gap would be and that it wouldn't be practical. DH is very keen to start trying again which doesn't help. He asked could we start trying earlier than planned. He I've been firm and said no though. I know I'm not ready yet.

All is good with us. Henry is still sleeping well. He's a really good boy. Honestly causes us no trouble at all which is lovely after devil child aurora :rofl:
Lynanne we might end up preg together again :)
I'm thinking maybe see how we r feeling around our birthdays
Oh is Aug 19
I'm sep 6 th
If we feel like it and things seem ok
We might go for it then
But also hve though maybe 2018
So we will see :)
Maryanne I think its cos I fear more mc
It took us 3 years and 3 mc to hve Emily
One mc before Simon.
36 is fine but not if repeat of that
Plus I'm kinda thinking of 4 now :)
Only on good days though :)
I feel a bit bad
Oh tried to initiate dtd this morn
But I was too scared to.
The side of my scar that opened is still sore and purple
I'm afraid to hve anyone near it
Or put it under pressure.I seriously hate how squishy I am at the mo too.

On plus side went walking today and had proper dinner
Had junk too
But heading in right direction I suppose x
Where is everyone?
Hope alls well xx
Emily slept 7.5 hrs last night ��

Went for 2 walks today and eating better
I got so much dons today in the house too
Think I've a bit ofa routine going with the two now.
Its gotten easier.
Hopefully it lasts :)
All is good thanks. Henry had his first injections today :( he's not very happy at the moment.

He's still sleeping well. He's still doing an 8-9 hour stretch without a feed. I wake up to check on him loads though plus I'm awake with his sister so not really benefiting from it at the moment.

We have settled into a nice routine too. Can honestly say that I'm finding this age gap ok at the moment. So much for all the horror stories people told me!
Sorry had a manic weekend, went for lunch with a friend yesterday, so today I've been catching up on the housework and laundry, also went to IKEA this afternoon then got stuck behind a big pile up Road was closed :dohh:

We are all good though
All good here. Connor hadn't pooped in over 48 hours so was a bit off yesterday, last night and some of today so I was feeling pretty deadbeat. Fortunately he sorted himself out this afternoon though so is a much happier little boy!

Lilesmom, don't feel bad about not being in the mood to DTD. You need to feel ready and comfortable, and with your scar I can imagine it causes more worry about jumping into it. I'm feeling far more squishy and wobbly than I would like but honestly it's partly my own fault as I'm doing the minimal amount to lose the last of the baby weight and tone up!

Maryanne, hope that Henry is doing okay after his jags. Connor gets his on Thursday and I'm seriously worried about how it'll affect him afterwards. We have been so spoiled with him sleeping through the night that I'm terrified it's going to knock his sleep off! I'm not sure how I'll cope with a potentially cranky baby on little sleep!

Lucasmum, hope you had a nice time catching up with your friend and that the IKEA trip was successful. We just got a new coffee table from IKEA as our old one was a hand me down from five years ago and was bent! I'm not sure if it looks too big for our living room though but the size down was way too small. Oh well!
My IKEA trip was a failure I only go for the mint chocolates and they had none :haha:

Ended up buying more crap I don't need though :dohh:
Injections were fine here
She was just sleepy
Got a little bit of temp
But not bad and Calpol fixed it
Hope ye all r good with them too xxx

Poor em is really snuffly
She is finding it difficult to eat and sleep with it.
Stupid cold.

Um choc mints.
Darn u Lucasmom :)
Hee hee
I can't get on the good food wagon at all
Keep thinking sure its still early after em
But its getting less so :)

I just felt a bit bad for oh
Cos he rarely initiates
And id hate if he rejected me
Not that it was him I didn't want
Just want to be sure scar is strong enough first
Hope alls well with ye Lynanne x

I'm rambly today.
Snuffly nose gave bit broken sleep
Henry was really poorly last night. Ended up in hospital. Hoping to be discharged this afternoon or tomorrow at the latest. He had a reaction to the men b jab. To be honest I expected it as the exact same thing happened with aurora. She spent 4 days in hospital after it. She couldn't have the second dose because of it so now Henry won't be able to either. He's ok now. Just wish they had listened to me and my concerns before he had it. Meh. I have such bad luck. Must have been super evil in a past life.

Hope everyone else is good today.
He's fine today thank goodness. Just had a fever in the night that calpol and ibruprofen wouldn't bring down. The said to take him to hospital and they worked to bring his temp down but he had a febrile convulsion which was very scary. He's laid on the bed with me now though trying to roll over, glad he's ok.
Oh no poor Henry, hope your home soon :hugs:

Took the chubby one to be weighed today, she weighs "fat" :haha: she is 12lb 13oz and is starting to resemble a circle, really wish she would gain some length to match her weight :haha:

We've not dtd yet either no flipping time to be honest and always a small person attached to my boob!

I'm trying to eat good then the whole pack of choc digestives just keeps jumping into my mouth but I'm telling myself it's ok as they are plain choc :wacko: I have a diabetic review later this month I'm sure the results from that will kick me into touch :blush:
Oh poor little Henry! Hope he's okay and you are home soon. Connor is getting his first set tomorrow afternoon. Got the Calpol at the ready! Hope they don't unsettle him too much.

Lucasmum, sounds like Edith is getting big! Great weight. I haven't had Connor weighed since he was 8.5 weeks when he was 11lb 6oz (I think) I can't be bothered taking him to the clinic to get him weighed. I'm guessing he's probably about 13lbs by now. He has the cutest chubby cheeks and double chin but barely any chub elsewhere.

Finally managed to successfully DTD!! :happydance: It hurt for a little bit at the beginning but you were right, maryanne, once we got going it was completely painless. I'm actually so pleased. Connor might end up with a brother or sister after all. :haha: After claiming to not be at all broody just last week, I've felt the first little pangs of wanting a second. Not a chance I'm ttc until next year though. Not only would DH never go for it, I just don't think I'm ready to be pregnant again. It was a fairly straightforward pregnancy but boy was it still tough!
I wouldn't be bothered taking Edith I it weren't for her medication, I can just phone the surgery with her weight and the doctors see it between appointments and the receptionist calls me back with the new dosage it saves me taking her all the time and wasting an appointment :flower:

Took her to baby group today we were the only ones there, I really feel for the woman who runs it, she started it up as the village its in has nothing on and people wanted it, now no one goes, there's not much there yet but she still biluding the group up (well trying to) so people are avoiding it, it's in a little village not far from us but it's full of posh people and I reckon it's not quite posh enough for precious little stuck up children with their au pairs and nannies :haha: Meh me and Edith didn't mind she played had loads of attention then slept whilst me and the woman sat and had a chat :flower:
That's great lynanne. I know you were worried about it. Only on this site would congratulate someone for having sex :rofl: The broodiness gets everyone eventually you can't escape it lol. I've been feeling a lot more broody this week. Doesn't help that DH is constantly asking if we can start trying. He's meant to be the one keeping me in control and saying no!

Don't feel bad for not dtd lilesmom. I'm sure your DH understands. I wouldn't be happy to be Intimate until the scar had healed properly either.

That's a great weight lucusmum! She is just so gorgeous on her pictures. We have a chunk here too. Although Henry is really really long. Gonna have to move him into 6-9 month stuff soon. He's totally filling the 3-6 and the toes are getting tight on the sleepsuits. Aurora was big but she didn't go into6-9 till 4.5 months so he's like 6 weeks ahead of her. Why do I breed giants! Lol.

Home! He's totally ok. Stupid injections.
Glad Henry is ok.
Poor little pet.
Did he stop the convulsion himself or did they hve yo stop it
Must hve been scary xxx

Lynanne glad it went well for ye ��

Lucasmom that is a good weight.
Go Edith :)

Busy day today.
Littles kept me on my toes.
Broody subsided a little :)
But still lurking .
Ha ha
I may be clutching at straws but I'm trying to figure why Edith is such a poor sleeper :thumbup: my latest theroey on days when we are out and about so most of them, she is a poor feeder, she will feed but mainly it's just a quick one before she is to busy nosing at what's going on :blush: Lucas never cared he fed well all the time and though he only slept with us he did sleep, cone the evening she gets grouchy and angry feeds furiously for 10mins at most falls asleep 20 mins later we repeat, this cycle goes on till about 0200 before she is full up enough to sleep till about 0600:wacko: I'm not worried she isn't feeding enough her weight gain shows that's not a cause for concern :blush:

Maybe I'm just making excuses :shrug:

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