November Rainbows 2016

Can I count this as win for a good nights sleep?

Edith fell asleep just before midnight, she was inside a minute of it, but still before midnight :haha: she didn't really feed as was to angry, so I just snuggled her to sleep, woke at 0125 and fed, back to sleep straight away, stirred when OH came to bed about 2 hours later, maybe like me she was a bit baffled off about getting a verbal report of the Super Bowl, yeah just what we needed at that time of the morning, they have highlights the next day we can watch wanker, anyway she settled back down and slept till 0700 had a feed and went back to sleep and is still there now :wacko:

I'm counting it as win, it's got to be a win :haha:
Hope it heals ok for you now. Fingers crossed! Must be so annoying that it keeps opening up.

That sounds like a win for sure lucusmum! Royal rumble? Are you a wrestling fan? DH and Zack made my pay on box office for that last week. WS bloody expensive, and boring.

It's a yearly thing for us too lynanne. We have done it every year we have been together. I wasn't a fan at first but I love it now. Hoping to go to see it when the kids are older. We are still planning on emigrating and America is on the list.
I used to like it not so much now but I do like the special events, I refuse to pay OH got a free month by signing up with a new email address with the wrestling channel?? All I know is there are many different email address linked to it :haha:

Little madam can stay awake tonight, she has been miserable all sodding day, if that's what a good night does for her we don't want them, bring on the sleepless nights and happy baby :rofl:

We used to do a super bowl party just for us :blush: but I got to old to stay up and then start wrk at 0700 :wacko:
I must try that. We have to pay for blooming sky sports to watch it. It's a lot of money to pay out every month. I don't even like it but DH and zack are huge fans!

We have had a miserable day too. He's been really out of sorts today. Hoping he's still going to sleep through like normal. I could do with a break from the constant whinging. Even the sling didn't help.

I struggled staying up last night I must admit. Just can't do it anymore. I'm so so tired today. Probably didn't help that aurora had me up at 6am.
Bleerghhh a bad night and a worse day just grump grump grump haven't been able to get anything done :wacko: I'm going to eat ice cream to make me feel better :haha:
Oh no, what's happened? We had a tough day again today too. He's been ok tonight though thank god. With Henry it's his skin irritating him. It's flared up really badly since his injections.
She's just a misery guts :haha: no reason other than that her new name is Edith misery knickers :haha:

She slept 6 hours straight last night, she dropped off just before midnight, woke at 1230 I told her I just need one nights sleep, OH came through about 0129 and I was just dropping off to sleep she had gone back off about 0100 and the next thing I knew it was 0700 :happydance:
That's great! I'm very jealous, I'm still waiting for Aurora to to do a six hour stretch. I swear this child is possessed. We call her miss mayhem. Zack is zackarina as he's such a big girl at the moment and Henry is Golden boy. He really is good as gold. Doesn't cause me any issues at all. I keep waiting for my luck to change. He was 13 weeks yesterday. It's going to fast :(
Hope v all bubbas are better xxx
And ye got some sleep xxx
Zackarina:rofl: Lucas gets called Lucy and if you want to get smiles out of Edith when she is in a strop just say mong boy will be here soon I know it's just coincidence but we get the biggest smiles every time :rofl:

Another not great bad not awful night she didn't go to sleep till 0130 :wacko: I think I woke her an hour later when I got up to wee but went back off pretty easy and slept through till 0800 had a feed and back off till 1000 grumpy now though, you can't win every time I suppose :haha:
It suits him. He's being sooo whiny lately. I know it's his age, but I'm starting to dread teenage years. Cant believe he's 12 this year! Also can't believe I'm 30 next month. I do not want to be 30.

DH came home with flowers today which was lovely. He's still trying to sweeten me up to ttc sooner. He dropped in to conversation that he had looked in mothercare and seen lots of really cute newborn things. Guess that's a hint :rofl:

Henry can roll from his his belly back to his back!! Was so proud. He's done it a few times today. He's doing things so much quicker than my other two.

I'd say that's a good night lucusmum!
OH would never ever ever go into mothercare for a browse, I have to drag him in promising a coffee or a toy or something to get him through the door when we need to go in :wacko:

Lucas is like a stroppy teenager already!

30 this year what I'd give to be 30, I'll be 41 on the 24th of this month :blush:
No big birthday for me this year. I'll be 28 in July which believe me feels old to me! Probably because I still feel about 18 most days and then my body reminds me I'm not! Connor had me pacing back and forth for 45 minutes this afternoon non stop and my back aches! This boy just loves a snuggle and a sway. I can't wait until he grows out of this grizzly, moany stage. Even if that takes a while!
You don't look it lucusmum! I'm really shocked!

See my DH is the opposite he will go in at every opportunity. I'm the one that tries to avoid it as know it will lead to the 'just one more' conversation. Him and little baby clothes, he can't resist.

My body feels about 50 today lynanne! :rofl: have you tried a sling or carrier. Might help your back if he wants to be held a lot. Henry still spends most of the day in his wrap. Although he does love a roll around in the floor on his mat. Thank goodness we have avoided the moany stage with Henry although zack has never left that stage haha. I reckon I'm going to be hit hard with Henry though in the toddler years, he's so good at the moment that it has to change eventually. Everyone remarks how laid back and quiet he is. He hasn't cried once today. Hoping it doesn't change though. I'm owed a good baby after devil child Aurora :rofl:
I don't feel as old as I am either lynanne, it sometimes shocks me that I'm actually 40 I don't feel much past about 30 :haha: my dad always used to say I'd grow up one day, he was wrong, god rest his soul :haha:

Lucas is still moany :dohh: Edith does have grumpy days but really for the most part she is incredibly calm and smiley, she just doesn't like sleep all that much :wacko:

Someone tonight told me she is spoiled :growlmad:
She was in her pram minding her own business, one of the other mums (ice hockey training tonight) picked her up cuddled her for about 35 seconds then dumped her back, she started to cry, they scooped her back up straight away and she instantly stopped crying, so they decided to tell me and anyway within ear shot how we had made her spoiled :growlmad: I replied calmly (go me) that if you had been through what we had and had waited as long as we did you would spoil her as well :haha: OH replied with a not so polite she is 11 weeks old and it's nothing to do with spoiling her :wacko:
Any child picked up and then dumped back down would cry!!
Silly person

Henry will prob stay laid back hon
Boys r often just more relaxed :)
Hope so xxx

Lynanne Conor still sounds like such a good baby
Lucky and clever you xxx

Tried to post twice already
First disappeared
Second said token expired and wouldn't post
So because she wanted some attention she's spoilt? How pathetic. There's absolutely no such thing as a spoilt baby. I was told in the middle of Asda by an elderly couple that if I kept wearing him in a sling he'd grow up to be spoilt. Yes of course because providing a young baby with physical comfort will spoil them, DH went mad. We also get family members who say we have made aurora spoilt. All because I point blank refuse to let her cry it out at night. If she cries then I go to her. I could never ever sit there and listen to her cry and do nothing. Even if it does mean getting up with her 15 times a night. Each to their own and I don't judge others who do control cry, but it's not for me.
Spoilt baby?? What a lot of crap! By all accounts babies grow up to be less anxious and such if they get cuddled when they are upset. Who cares if we hold and cuddle our babies whether or not they need the attention. That's what being a mummy is all about, providing love and comfort. Stupid person. And yes, I agree, when you've waited a long time for your rainbow baby you simply want to cuddle them a little longer. Ugh!

I normally use the wrap, Maryanne, but I thought he was just being a little moany and would settle quickly. 45 minutes later I very much realised my mistake! He loves a good snuggle in the wrap fortunately otherwise I'd never get anything done!

Off out to my sister's this morning to spend the day with her and my niece. Aiming to be out the house in 25 minutes. Just giving him a bottle now. Haven't seen my sister in a couple of weeks and she's not been feeling great so it'll be good to spend today with them.
Have a lovely day lynanne! :)

Does anyone have issues with their baby fussing while they feed? Henry loves his food but they last few days he just won't stay still for a bottle. He waves his hands about and kicks his legs. It's so hard to give him his bottle and it takes such a long time now as he's thrashing around. Can't be mad though as he does it with a really cheeky grin on his face.

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