November Rainbows 2016

Lovely weekend xxx
Tired now but worth it

I'll post properly tomorrow xxx
Sorry for not being around recently girls. I've been reading along as always but I never feel like I have the time or opportunity to actually write some sort of response! DH has the wee man just now and I've been editing some photos on the laptop so I thought I'd drop on by.

We're doing away fine although we all seem to have caught a cold which isn't much fun. Fortunately I don't think that it is a particularly bad one - other than a scratchy throat and the very odd sneeze and cough I feel fine. Connor has a wee cough and a runny nose but he doesn't seem particularly phased by it.

He is pretty much his normal self thankfully. He has his 2nd vaccinations on Thursday so I am hoping that he'll be better by then. I know they say it's fine to get them if they have a cold but I'd just rather he wasn't trying to fight off the cold and anything to do with the vaccinations. I'm not looking forward to his little scream again. I'll just have to smother him in kisses and cuddles afterwards.

We've had a busy week with family visits. Yesterday we had SIL over with her husband and our two nephews who are 3 and 5 which was a bit manic but a lot of fun. They've been selling their home about an hour away to move closer to the rest of the family on this side of the country so they haven't been able to see Connor since New Year! We then had DH's aunt's 60th birthday dinner and had to leave Connor at my parents. It was a lovely night but I don't know how people are happy to leave their little babies regularly. I was desperate to get home to him. He's my wee best friend.

How are we all doing, ladies? How are all those cute little babies of yours doing?
Oh, also wanted to share with you that I finally put up some more of the dino decorations in Connor's room. I finally made DH buy and print of the dinosaur prints and I framed this morning and popped them up. The dino clock came from my best friend and is just perfect for the room. I absolutely love it. I think it looks pretty good now if I do say so.

Just got to pop up his homemade mobile and hang his room sign on the door. That and give that room a big tidy all ready for him to move in when he is 6 months. I know that he is only 14 weeks but those weeks have absolutely flown by so I can only imagine that it will be here in no time.


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The room looks fab hon xxx
Heading to health nurse now for 3 month check.
My two snuffles too but not sick as such.
I've started giving Simon a little of my milk to try beat the colds.
But em seems to be getting hungrier all the time so we see how much I can get for him.
THe room looks great lynanne. Glad things are well with you.

How did the check go lilesmom?

Henry's next injections wednesday :( hope we don't end up back in hospital again.
Relaxing weekend here and lunch with a friend today :flower:

Edith has been sleepy and grumpy so I'm guessing growth spurt :shrug:
Check went well
She is flying it
98 percentile for weight.
61 for height


Gggggrrr injections.
Not looking forward to next set
But big break after thrm
Weather is yucky hete.
Simon back to school
Happy out

Had a lovely day Sunday for christening

No news really
Wound finally closed
But still fluid build up
Hope it drains now
Going for reflexology now to try help it

Hope Henry be OK for these injections xxx
That's great lilesmom. I'm so pleased she is doing so well. Glad the christening went well too. Hope that wound will heal soon. Must be so stressful for you.

Henry is 16 weeks today. I can't believe it. He's 4 calendar months next week, the day before I turn 30.

Sorry I'm being so slow replying. I very rarely come on b&b nowadays. I must make more of an effort. I have lucusmum on Facebook but if anyone else wants me to add them then let me know. I get on there a little more than I do here :)
Me too.
I'll pm u my name there so u can add me.
Will do the same for lux as mom and lynanne if ye want?
Just don't want to put it where anyone can see it xxx
Happy to friend you all on facebook although I'll be honest I dont post much on there but I'm always having a wee nosey. Dont actually know how easy it is to find me as I've got most stuff set to private! Feel free to message me though and I'll add you all.
I try but struggle Facebook is easier for me

Glad the christening went well :cloud9:

Had to buy Lucas new skates tonight feeling very poor now though we did get them £50 cheaper by going direct to a supplier :wacko:

You can find me on Facebook Lorraine marsh and profile pic is Edith sleeping sucking jet dummy feel free to add me :flower:
Thanks ladies :)

Henry had his injections today. Little love cried for a second then went straight back to smiling. He also guzzled the rota virus drops like they were food :rofl: can't believe in a few weeks I will be thinking about weaning. Aurora was weaned early at 4 months as her reflux was so bad. The health vistor even agreed it was the only other option open to us after none of the meds worked. With Henry I'm going to make the most of him just being on bottles for as long as I can before I have to start making baby food up again.

Hope everyone else is well!
Glad Henry is doing well after his jags. Connor gets his second set today and is a little cranky so I'm not looking forward to it one bit. Fortunately he seems to be over the worst of his cold so I imagine there'll be no issue getting them. Got a visit with the health visitor next week to check how he is doing. I had said I was just going to decline the offer of another HV visit but my stupid mouth just agreed when she phoned. Why the hell do I do that?!
Hope they went ok lynanne?

I have a habit of doing that too and then regretting it. Do they always visit often where you live?
Jags were no bother at all. He was all smiles just before, let out a little cry and then was straight back to smiling. He's a wee trooper.

We haven't seen the HV since he was about 8 weeks old. I didn't realise that they did any more checks until about 2 weeks ago when a girl I know had another visit for her 4 month old. If any more crop up then I will DEFINITELY tell them I'm not interested. I can't be bothered with it whatsoever. The only highlight is I'll get to know how much he weighs now as I haven't had him weighed since he was 9 weeks, I think, and 11lbs 2oz.
On my first they visited a quite a few times, it's standerd here for a ftm. With Aurora the visited once and with Henry I've had two visits but I asked for the second as with him being so ill I wanted him checked over. Thank god as it's my third they barely bother with me, Im glad as I hate our new health visitor but I do think sometimes that they shouldnt just assume you know everything on your third baby as I certainly don't. I think they should offer the checks as some mums may be struggling and want them. I have to say though that every other health visitor I've had bar this one has been lovely and sometimes I did like someone to ask questions to and to just reassure any concerns I had. Plus if she hadn't of visted Zack's autism wouldn't have been picked up so early. I wouldnt want this new one over though, she's awful. I doubt she will want to visit but if she does I will be telling her No very firmly.

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