November Rainbows 2016

Zack didn't go into 3-6 till 8 months. He was always short, although now he's suddenly shot upand he's so tall, think he was just a late bloomer.

We stopped co sleeping when Henry started sleeping through. I was just waking him up when he was in with me but he sleeps 10-11 hours now if he's in his next to me crib. Only issue is that he's filling it now. And we don't have room in our bedroom for another cot. Can't put Aurora in her own room yet as she doesn't sleep more than 2 hours without waking. So I'm unsure what to do. We are moving in the summer though once we find a new house we like so hopefully will have a bigger room then. We need more space for our growing brood anyway. Dan still really wants six. I'm not so sure lol.

My birthday was lovely thanks, had a really lovely day.
Bad mother alert, putting this here rather than Facebook as I don't feel like being judged by my mother!

Took Edith to watch Lucas play field hockey for the school today, outdoors and a beautiful day, so beautiful in fact poor Edith is sun burnt :cry: it was like burly and really warm but I didn't think it was suncream warm :wacko: noticed this after her cheeks were really red but this was on the back of a screaming fit so just thought it was that, they haven't gone down at all noticed OH was looking a bit pink so made him move his tee shirt and he is clearly sunburnt :wacko:

It's March we are not supposed to burn in March
We all make mistake lucusmum, No one has any right to judge you. There's not a parent out there that hasn't had made an ooops moment. Whack a bit of sudocream on it and I'm sure she will be ok. We had really cold weather here today! I'm jealous that obviously it's warmer were you are.
I think she will be OK, she found out anyway and lectured me thanks to Lucas and his big gob :dohh:

41 years old and still getting lectured by my mother :wacko:

I think she will be fine in the morning, bless her she's happy enough :cloud9:
I saw your pic it doesn't look bad
Just a teeny bit pink xx
Def wouldn't expect it this early xx
I've had my two out for walks without sunscreen.
Just hats. Xx
Time to dig it out maybe here too
But we seem to be back to showery again
Emily keeps getting called a boy
I didn't mind but its starting to annoy me
Today she was wearing a pink cute sunhat and pink stripey baby gro
And I got asked hows your happy little dude!!
Don't worry, lucasmum. We all make mistakes sometimes. It doesn't look too bad and so long as she seem happy enough then I wouldn't worry. I'm so jealous though. It's still cold here. We are definitely not getting the weather that other places are!

Lilesmom, I don't know why people are calling Emily a boy. She totally looks like a little girl to me. People always tell me that Connor looks like SUCH a little boy.
I'm glad she's ok lucusmum. I wouldn't think to use suncream this early either. I've just used hats on the kids when I've taken them out in the sun.

Ignore them lilesmom. Some people are just stupid. Aurora has a pretty blue coat with white fur around the hood and when ever she wears it someone calls her a boy!its crazy cause it's a bloody girls coat with bows on! You have seen her, she's a pretty little thing. Not boyish at all. Henry gets called a girl if I put him in neutral colours. I kind of get it though as he has really pretty eyes and long eyelashes. I'd probably make the mistake too.
I think she is girlie too Lynanne . Thanks :)
Although she is very like Simon as a baby so...
Not sure how that fits :)
Conor I gorgeous and does look very boy I think too.
Some babies u know right away.
He is dotey xx

I think henry looks very boyish too
And totes adorable :)
I understood the other times cos she has a navy stripey dress I love
With a blanket on it can look like a boys top
But when u see it all its lovely
But this time she was top to toe pink.
I actually had a cashier get cross with me for saying actually she is a girl :)
Oh well.
I think it nay be lack of hair :)
Ps I think if people see blue at all they assume boy.
Dumb asses .
Aurora is gorgeous xx
I'm so with you n that Edith was head to toe in pink the other day and got is it a boy, Lucas got in with reply before me with no it's a baby, have to say I was quite proud of that one :haha: the looked the same as well but I think Edith could possibly look more boy like than girl :wacko:

I think she might have had a bit of a bug, throwing up a lot in the last 48 hours and yesterday had a lot of awful nappies, could have been from the sun but both me and OH have been unwell :dohh:

So I finally got round to sorting Edith's cot out and she has slept the last two nights in it, both nights she has been put into it half asleep about midnight and has dropped of with the dummy and has woke stirring about 0600 so I gave her the dummy to see if she wanted feeding or would go back off and she has slept till 0800 when she has had a feed, hasn't made my back any better though :dohh:

What do you ladies think about ear piercings for babies, for me it's a total no, in my opinion it looks daft and I just don't see the need at all, I had mine done when I was 3, they tell me I asked and asked and asked, after seeing a dog with them done, I don't remember but do remember the dog :haha: my mother is also a clean freak so I've no doubt she looked after them probably to the point I had the cleanest ears in Glasgow:rofl:

I ask as Edith's cousin has just had hers done, she is six weeks older than Edith and has had fecking sparkly diamond ones put in, the picture showed her ear bright red and swollen and half her face with a tear on her cheek captioned just had them done!! She made someone else take her for injections as "I can't bear to see her in pain" but happily did this, she is childish and immature and uses the baby as a fashion accessory, she spent £150 on shoes for her the other week :wacko: she also has 3 or 4 dogs that climb over you lick your face and sleep in the bed with them, nothing much against the dogs and babies together, but they've never been properly trained, I won't go round unless they lock them in the cage, one of their old dogs nipped Lucas when he was little and nobody believed him when he came home I asked where the dog had got him he showed me and there was clearly a bruise, anyway I've gone on a ramble, I just can't see her keeping the ears clean and with the dogs jumping I can see them getting pulled :cry:
Don't even get me started on ear piercing in babies lucusmum. I can't stand it. Why anyone would put their baby through pain so they can wear earrings have is beyond me. I had my ears done for a third time when I was 16 and they were so sore for days. Can't imagine what that like for a little baby. A women down the road from us had her daughter who's 6 weeks done recently and she has small gold hoops in them! It's the most ridiculous thing I've ever seen. My and dan have already agreed that there's no ear piercings with aurora until she's old enough to make the choice for herself, understand what it involves and look after the piercings. 8 is the youngest I'd personally allow it.

I feel strongly about dogs and babies too being an ex dog trainer. Now I have a dog, the kids see him and fuss him and he's part of our family but he's still an animal and I would never leave him in a position where he could hurt the children. Zack was taught basic dog body language from when he was small so he knows when the dog needs space and the two youngest are never left unattended with the dog. He's the softest sweetest dog ever and has never even growled at anyone but any dog has the potential to turn. I really wish more people would be more responsible with their dogs and then those horrible attacks you hear about will stop happening.
I have to be honest I don't see the point in a baby getting her ears pierced. There is absolutely no need for it at that age in my opinion. In my house growing up there was a rule that you could only get your ears pierced in the summer closest to your 12th birthday. Being a July baby I got mine done a couple of weeks before I turned 12 so that they'd heal before I went back to school. I think I'd implement a similar rule in my house.

As for dogs and babies, it annoys me so much how people can be so blasé about them together. I have a jack Russell terrier and she is the sweetest, most gentle dog in the world but I never leave them in a situation that could result in an accident. Up until now they haven't really shown any interest in each other but now that Connor has become more aware of her I'm trying to introduce them slowly. I'll sit on the floor with Connor in my arms beside the dog and let her and him see each other. She can sniff him if she wants etc but the moment she's had enough or looks even the tiniest bit anxious I take him away. She gets lots of praise for being nice and calm and I plan on teaching Connor stress signals in dogs as early as possible. Even then I won't be taking any chances! Imagine potentially losing both of my babies because of a stupid moment. People need to be more responsible with their dogs and kids and realise that even the sweetest dogs can snap.
I don't think it's limited to just dogs that people can be like that with though, when Lucas was a baby we had the sweetest black kitty ever he stood watching over him all the while I would have no issues popping to the loo leaving them together, he passed away a few years back, the cat we have no is evil :blush: he is mainly an out door cat is always coming home with fleas (I spend at least half my wages defleaing him :dohh: ) he is clumsy, he thinks nothing of trampling all over her! He has had me in A&E after a nasty bite which left me without a hand for a week, we also have snakes so I'm not about to let them out and leave her alone with them either but some people seem so irresponsible :growlmad:

As for the earrings I'm not sure what age I would let Edith have hers done but certainly not yet that's for sure
Hope you all feel better from tummy bug. Xxx

As for earings I think its cruel.
And really hard to keep bAby from pulling their own earings off id imagine

Emily is flying it wit food.
Ate all I made for her today
And looking for more which I wont give yet.
Slept nearly 7 hrs last night. Woke for 5 min Drink in the middle inly.
Awesome in comparison to the last few weeks.

Had spa yest was lovely.

Hope ye all well xxx
Glad she is liking it and is sleeping better :cloud9:

Goodbye tummy bug hello cold :dohh:

Ediths little face peeled today :cry: she is ok though
Glad she's enjoying it lilesmom. I've got a greedy little piggy here too.

aww poor girl. Sunburn is horrible. I'm so pale that I burn every sinner no matter what cream I use. I have to have prescription suncream for when I go abroad. DH calls me Casper. Have you all got the cold?
Aw stupid cold.
Emily stuffed up on and off too.
Hope ye r better soon x
Oh and Edith looked super cute in her paddys day outfit.
And very girlie xxx
I use kids full sunblock :)
I burn way too easily as well.
Pale freckly skin.
Too Irish. :)
The peeling part doesn't hurt at all so Edith should be grand .

Hve ye tried variety of foods or should I take it really slowly being early?
We have been introducing a new food every other day. So we did two on apple purée, two on pear purée etc. Once we are sure none are causing a reaction then we will start mixing them to make new flavours. I've spent today making up big batches of purée and freezing them. The only thing I won't give is baby rice but that's because it doesn't have any nutritional value at all, only the milk you make it with does.

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