Just had a massive catch up been so busy the last few weeks with the end of Lucas' hockey season and making it to the national finals again, which were the weekend just gone as you probably saw on Facebook they won their semi final but lost 8-1 in the final coming in second place in the country, so they couldn't retain being first but second is pretty blooming good
Little lady is good, still doesn't roll over and I don't reckon she will anytime so , she is wanting to crawl and gets in the right position but can't make it anywhere she sits up now and when I get the inclination to get of my arse and go shopping I'm going to pick up ice cube trays and make her some mush but mainly will be baby led weaning, ha a meal out sat and she say playing mainly with some squash and cauliflower she is more than ready for this, did try puréed carrot but she got sick really sick! Wasbonly a cough and cold but she managed to get it really really bad
Little lady is good, still doesn't roll over and I don't reckon she will anytime so , she is wanting to crawl and gets in the right position but can't make it anywhere she sits up now and when I get the inclination to get of my arse and go shopping I'm going to pick up ice cube trays and make her some mush but mainly will be baby led weaning, ha a meal out sat and she say playing mainly with some squash and cauliflower she is more than ready for this, did try puréed carrot but she got sick really sick! Wasbonly a cough and cold but she managed to get it really really bad