I thought Lucas' labour was fast once the contractions started but Zack has beaten it
Quick Lucas birth story then I'm going back to bed
I went to be monitored on his due date (16/11) as per usual I'd had no movement all day wasnt the first time I had been to monitored in fact by then I was on first name terms with all the midwives and was about to invite them for Christmas I spent so much time in that unit
They checked him all was good they sent me home and told me to come back to the day clinic the next day, when I turned up I saw a consultant and he flicked through my notes and said I'm not even bothering with you your going straight to a ward to be induced you seem to have spent more time here than I have, again
Had a panic as my car was in the car park OH dosent drive and no bag, but before I knew what was happening I was on a ward in a gown wearing paper knickers
OH went home by bus and got my bag whilst I called anyone and everyone I trusted to drive my car home.
About 2000 they inserted a pessary and said they will check in the morning, when they checked the doctor said your 4 cm and can go to delivery, I was like cool this dosent even hurt at all whats the fuss
Off I was wheeled to delivery they had a check and said your 2cm but can stay as they was no one else there at all, I think they were bored
A short while later someone did come in in real labour not like my fake one so I was basically ignored while they dealt with her.
At 1600 they were bored again so decided to break my waters and start me on the drip, by 1730 OH was hungry so sent him for food and peace and quiet
At 1800 a lovely student came to see me and asked how I was doing (during all this they had cranked my drip to max) I told her I was in agony she looked at me with a well you are in labour look, but it was my wrist that hurt it had ballooned and I couldnt move it
Turns out they didnt site the drip properly once resited within minutes I was begging for drugs
It was about 1900 by this point and I was hurting they emptied my bladder for me (I cant do it myself properly and can pee on demand every 35 seconds if needed) which bought some relief as I wasnt so worried about peeing on everyone
I begged for an epidural and the anesthetist came by at at 2000 refused as you know and left, when I got up to chase him I had a really bad urge to push, so they checked and I was 7cm
getting there
Midwife went to get pethadine and when she came back she asked to examine me before the shot I told her to feel free once I've had the injection
she agreed when she checked I was fully dilated with a head to be seen 3 pushes later and sideways coming out my very purple and swollen Lucas was here
His colour and size came from him turning during labour he had always been back to back but spent the last 24 hours undecided and was spinning he even decided to try and turn coming out, he still an awkward little thing now and likes to be different
Sorry there was absolutely nothing short about that