November Rainbows 2016

26 weeks and double digits

My complications r increasing.
Id love bub at 37 weeks if all would be well.
But u never know when really :)
I labour very quickly. I don't have a latent phase or early contractions, my waters break and then bam full on contractions with only a few seconds between. It feels like someone is ripping your insides outside. I had a fully natural birth with Zack. Not even gas and air, but that was because i was an hour and half and they wouldn't believe I was in labour till the head was coming out. They kept saying first labours take hours, clearly not. I remember begging for an epidural though and threading to kill the midwife as she kept saying no. With Aurora she was back to back so although I was fully dilated after an hour I couldn't get her out. 8 failed epidural attempts so ended up doing it natural again. Took me three hours to push her out though and was seconds from theatre. This time the anesthetist had looked at my spine and knows why they couldn't get it in. I have to have an epidural if I'm allowed a natural birth but he assured me that it's not all bad as at least I will be comfortable this time.

Lilesmom I honestly have no idea, I only had gd last time. Don't remember anything to do with my though but could have just forgotten. Have you spoken to your midwife?
Not sure about ketones but certainly high sugar can be a sign of a UTI how high are the ketones?

Mine are checked by blood level rather than wee level so I have no idea if the range would be the same or not but I can look at what they are for treatment, though my treatment would be different to yours I suppose :shrug:

I've never had them high but if my blood sugars are high I have to check my ketones but they have not since pregnancy got high enough to check, but they fall into 3 ranges where I have to increase insulin in stage one and two by certain amounts and monitor and if they are in stage 3 I have to increase insulin and go straight to A&E :dohh:

OK hafter lots of googling I cant get a clear answer about ketones and UTI's unless your bloody diabetic which if thats the case they could be, I dont know hun its not looking promising for the GD test :hugs:

But double figures :happydance::happydance::happydance:
I thought Lucas' labour was fast once the contractions started but Zack has beaten it :haha:

Quick Lucas birth story then I'm going back to bed :blush:

I went to be monitored on his due date (16/11) as per usual I'd had no movement all day wasnt the first time I had been to monitored in fact by then I was on first name terms with all the midwives and was about to invite them for Christmas I spent so much time in that unit :haha:

They checked him all was good they sent me home and told me to come back to the day clinic the next day, when I turned up I saw a consultant and he flicked through my notes and said I'm not even bothering with you your going straight to a ward to be induced you seem to have spent more time here than I have, again :blush:

Had a panic as my car was in the car park OH dosent drive and no bag, but before I knew what was happening I was on a ward in a gown wearing paper knickers :haha:

OH went home by bus and got my bag whilst I called anyone and everyone I trusted to drive my car home.

About 2000 they inserted a pessary and said they will check in the morning, when they checked the doctor said your 4 cm and can go to delivery, I was like cool this dosent even hurt at all whats the fuss :wacko:

Off I was wheeled to delivery they had a check and said your 2cm but can stay as they was no one else there at all, I think they were bored :haha:

A short while later someone did come in in real labour not like my fake one so I was basically ignored while they dealt with her.

At 1600 they were bored again so decided to break my waters and start me on the drip, by 1730 OH was hungry so sent him for food and peace and quiet :haha:

At 1800 a lovely student came to see me and asked how I was doing (during all this they had cranked my drip to max) I told her I was in agony she looked at me with a well you are in labour look, but it was my wrist that hurt it had ballooned and I couldnt move it :shrug: Turns out they didnt site the drip properly once resited within minutes I was begging for drugs :blush:

It was about 1900 by this point and I was hurting they emptied my bladder for me (I cant do it myself properly and can pee on demand every 35 seconds if needed) which bought some relief as I wasnt so worried about peeing on everyone :haha: I begged for an epidural and the anesthetist came by at at 2000 refused as you know and left, when I got up to chase him I had a really bad urge to push, so they checked and I was 7cm :happydance: getting there

Midwife went to get pethadine and when she came back she asked to examine me before the shot I told her to feel free once I've had the injection :blush: she agreed when she checked I was fully dilated with a head to be seen 3 pushes later and sideways coming out my very purple and swollen Lucas was here :cloud9:

His colour and size came from him turning during labour he had always been back to back but spent the last 24 hours undecided and was spinning he even decided to try and turn coming out, he still an awkward little thing now and likes to be different :flower:

Sorry there was absolutely nothing short about that :wacko:
I couldn't get a clear answer from google either really.
But I'm thinking I'm prob borderline ish at the mo.
Hoping I can pull it back with diet.
I've had ketones in my pee before from liver
But never sugar and ketones
Sugar was pretty high.
Got to third level , the brown on the test strip.
Ketones were just the one beyond trace
So not bad.
Bub has bigger head and tummy already than rest of body
But not by loads.
I'll test again in a bit
And ring my gp when she is in
Id say best thing to do is clean up my diet
And do that test next week.
Thanks ladies xxx

Simes birth was long long long.
But actually fine except for his stroke.
I did get three gels.
Waters broken
Eventually got to 4 cms with these
Went on drip.
Max drip for a little bit
Got epidural.
24 hrs on the drip to eventually hve him
Threatened with section all the second day
In hindsight should hve jumped at it ;)
Once got to pushing.
Only 45 mins but episiotomy and we both got infection
And vacuum and Simon had broken shoulder and stroke.
But actually being in it
I did fine cos I never believed anything would happen him from it
And didn't know he was stuck till afterwards.
Births r just never easy I think
Fast or slow.
Each had drawbacks
Getting epidural was way better than I thought
But had to sing like a looper
Singing is my stress relief and happy place :)
I'm pretty good if I do say so myself :)
Would only admit that not in person
I'm actually really not a boastful person
Great to have a diabetic expert on here! :) you can help me if I end up with gd again this time lucusmum. I was pretty rubbish at controlling it last time. Tests are only borderline at the moment so that why they are repeating them, plus babies belly is measuring really big. I hope the test comes back clear though. Hoping baby is just a fatty lol. Could not believe how chunky he was on the scan yesterday.

You know with the epidural lilesmom, could you feel anything? Was it numb or just less pain?
Completely numb Maryanne
I went to sleep after I got I
Cos had been there ages awake already
And half in labour.
I was wrecked.
But it prob slowed progress, me going to sleep.
It was magic pain be gone though :)
Top of drip is tough.
I was grand with tens till top level
Just out of Dr
Got antibiotic for uti
She said sugar could just be leaky kidney during pregnancy.
Doing the test next week anyway
But hopefully be fine.
Lilesmom your birth was long, I would have give up and gone home :haha:

Could just have been the UTI playing tricks on your wee, they are good at that, after a kidney disease I'm not to bad on infections either :haha:

Kidneys are my old lady in me thing, I always tut at young girls with crop tops on in the col wet weather and will happily lecture them on kidney disease and how they need to look after them (says the person who if she has chippy chips pours equal mount of salt to chips on them :blush:) A nephrectomy isnt the most pleasant of operations its a long healing process unless you are lucky enough to go through key hole surgery (even thats not lucky the end result is still the loss of a kidney) if not you get left with a 14in scar across your front, I have even been known to flash it :haha: You have to monitor all the time have function tests every 6 months not much fun really :wacko:

The diabetic thing for me is really controlled by the amazing team of diabetic nurses and midwives that look after me I truly believe if it wasnt for them and their immediate actions constant support and so on I would have said goodbye to you ladies many months ago, I only hope you ladies get the same support as I do, of course I've cleaned up my diet myself though I wouldnt have complained if they wanted to come round and cook :haha: I suppose the rest of it I knew anyway just didnt really put it into practice a great deal, it was always a few more carbs wont hurt and oh its just the 10th time this week one more pudding will be OK and would often forget to take insulin out with me but instead of thinking maybe I should be careful what I order I just went with whatever I fancied :blush:
My sis lost a kidney recently ish too.
They don't even know why.
Think maybe reflux or an untreated infection
So I always make sure to go fast if I suspect uti.
My sis had keyhole
Was very shook looking for a few weeks
But recovered really fast.
Thank god.
U need good support for diabetes don't u
An ex house mate and still friend ended up in a coma over unmanaged diabetes
He is good now .
Gave him the shock he needed to look after himself
Without doing damage

We went to Dr today.
Then went to pick up second hand pram
We changed our mind and decided
Needed proper pram instead of nest and buggy.
I was always a bit unhappy with just the nest really
We get home.
Ds is starving.
I go to the loo
Come back and Oh has gone to bed.
Yeah sure u go rest pet
I'm only preg with a uti and a son who barely slept last night
That I looked after
But sure if ur tired , u must come before all that.
Stupid sod!!!;
Was def tempting to give up and go home Lucas mom :)
It was when the nursing shift changed over repeatedly
And I got the,
Oh are you still here u poor thing.
That I felt a bit like is it ever gonna happen :)
Oooh what Pram did you buy lilesmom? I'm so glad you said that about the epidural, I'm looking forward to a easier birth this time hopefully where I'm more comfortable.

Lucusmum it's great you have people looking after you making sure it's controlled. My nan has type one. Ended up in coma with kidney failure before they found out she had it. She ok now though with insulin injections. It must be tough having to live with taking the meds all the time.
I actually never heard of it before.
Its abdor , think its polish brand.
But its lovely.
Must just wash it all and get matress .
It's pretty and lilac and grey.

Epidural is honestly magic stuff.
I'll be revisiting it again :)
That looks a lovely pram :flower:

I'm used to the injecting I've been doing it so long, just being pregnant means an extra injection and ever increasing insulin I seem to take alot but better than than not enough :flower:
Thanks hon xx

I imagine it takes a bit of getting used to,
Injecting yourself.
I used to get seriously sweaty and faint if a needle approached me.
But I'm good now.
But I still hate when they cant draw blood first go.
If it goes on too long, I still get a bit sweaty
My veins r mostly buried.
They often hve to call one or two more people to try :)
I was the same, used to feel shakey and faint if I saw a needle but now I do my fragments injections by myself. All it took was for DH to forget to do the morning one and the risk of baby being hurt got me over it and I did it myself. I still would rather not have them but I'm glad that I've got over a huge phobia that's affected me my whole life.
Its a bit like a crazy zoo here at the moment, my friends son is staying the night so Lucas has got all the reptiles out to show him, they have abandoned my poor dragon who is happily annoying the cat :haha: whilst they play with the snakes in another room :wacko:

Thankfully the boys get on really well together so its actually been quite peaceful I dread bed time though :wacko:
I'm no good with blood tests, I used to be fine until I was rushed to A&E and got told Lucas was an ectopic pregnancy and they needed to do surgery asap the doctor tried to put a cannula in but completely ruined me both arms were battered and I have never seen bruising like it the nurse came in was horrified sorted me out scanned me and told me there was nothing wrong with me :wacko:

When I went for my 12 week scan booking in and bloods all done together in a room full of pregnant ladies I fainted and have done every time nearly since I have to be lying down with my head lower than my feet if I want to stay with it :blush:

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