November Rainbows 2016

I'm a bit childishly peeved this eve.
My niece is due ten days after me.
When I was preg with Simon my sis said she would do a baby shower for me
That never happened.
I had one from work friends which was lovely of them.
But I just got invited to my nieces baby shower the weekend of my bday.
I'm a little bit miffed.
But I know I shouldn't be
Its her first baby.
Think hormones maybe making me cranky !!
Is there nothing they can do to help lilesmom? Zack used to have really bad problems sleeping due to his stomach condition. I didn't want him medicated to help him sleep but I know a few people it's worked for. I'm just a worry wort over medication. He doesn't sleep all night now but cause he's ten he just turns his telly on low and lies in bed till he drops back off. Aurora I've lost all hope that she will ever sleep through while she's little. She's never done even a three hour stretch without waking. Hope Henry is a better sleeper.

And I'd be annoyed over the shower too! On your bday weekend too!
They r trying to find combo of meds to control it.
But so far it hasn't fully responded to any of them.
Looking into surgery too
But I don't think its a good option cos would be complete half his brain disconnected.
The limited control he does hve on right side would be mostly gone
And his leg is pretty useful :)
Its just trial and error with meds
And fingers crossed we find one that works.

They hve mentioned melatonin
But his trouble sleeping is mostly tummy problems
Due to medicine side effects
So I think it be useless in our case
He falls asleep easily
And doesn't want to wake up.
His tummy wakes him
And then cos his sleep is disturbed he has a fit.
But he isn't awful at the mo.
Getting good long sleep stretches so nor too bad.

Some kids just aren't good sleepers.
Is aurora very active by day?
Some people just naturally run a little faster.
Doesn't help when u need sleep though xx

I'm over the party again
Just had a little childish, what about me minute .
There r three of us preg in my family at the mo.
So be a bit weird for my sil too
Sometimes I feel like people aren't happy fir me with this preg.
All I seem to get is stuff like,
How will u manage with Simon too.
Or hope they look after u for the birth this time round .
But I suppose they r just trying to be nice.
Our family is big.
I've 11 siblings and 45 nieces and nephews.
Think having babies is a bit old now :)
Poor thing :( least he has a good mummy to look after him.

Yea she's non stop all day. Literally hyper all the time. The health visitors have mentioned that they are concerned by the fact she's so uncontrollable. Personally I wasn't as she's only a baby but since they mentioned it it's played on my mind a lot. Guess I just worry cause if there should be something wrong how would I cope. Zack although he's older is still really high needs. I think I'm worrying over nothing though. I think the health visitors are just scaremongering and she's just a naughty baby.

Wow 11 siblings! That's amazing! I have no family bar my DH, children and nan. Must be amazing! I think when you have your second baby there's always that lack of excitement, plus I'm sure they are just trying to look out for you though. Doesn't make it any less annoying sometimes though. I used to get the 'how will you cope with Zack and a baby' all the time when I was having Aurora. Sometimes I struggled to bite my lip.
I hve a nephew who was like that.
Nothing wrong except asthma.
He just did everything at the speed of light :)
Was and still is just running at a higher speed than others.
Much less so now he is grown up
But he still finds it hard to stay in one spot :)
But he is doing great in his job
And one of the nicest guys u would meet
Trust ur instincts.
Mom knows their child best xxx
I hve a nephew who was like that.
Nothing wrong except asthma.
He just did everything at the speed of light :)
Was and still is just running at a higher speed than others.
Much less so now he is grown up
But he still finds it hard to stay in one spot :)
But he is doing great in his job
And one of the nicest guys u would meet
Trust ur instincts.
Mom knows their child best xxx
Thanks Hun. I do agree mums know. With Zack I just knew something wasn't right, but with her I think she's just a little sod and there's nothing at all wrong with her lol. I suppose it's good that at least they are keeping an eye on her. She's sleeping now though, so fingers crossed for a few hours! Hopefully you can get some rest tonight too.
Hope u get a good rest hon xx
Mouse is asleep too.
Had to lift him up myself.
Oh first day back at work.
Works late, then calls to his parents
And gets back when I hve everything done again.
He is gonna get some shock to the the system if I hve to get a section!!!
My biggest worry is another bad sleeper, I love my sleep Lucas even now is a crap sleeper, last night until gone midnight he kept me updated with how its hot and how its still hot and are you hot I'm hot felt, but his sleeping issues are down to his issues, one day his batteries will run out :wacko:
Simon was a great sleeper until we had to start playing with meds
He is like a little teenager
Doesn't actually want to wake
But I forced to so he gets grumps
I've a feeling this one is gonna be a live wire
Already waking me at 4-5 every morn
Back from the scan. He's huge. Really really big. 4lbs2, head down, fully engaged which is absolutely terrifying. Huge chance he's going to come early. His heads so far into my pelvis that they couldn't see his face. Hoping he is just getting comfortable early. Gd tests were repeated as the were borderline, second tests were borderline again so have to have it repeated again Tuesday. In a great mood though knowing that he's ok. Even if all I saw was his bottom and legs.

Hope all you lovely ladies are good today?
That's fab hon xx
Great news he is growing so well
So if he did come early
He would do great xxx
Are they giving u steroid injections for his lungs
Or I there no need since he is growing so well
Glad its all good xx
Hr could pop up again.
Little miss was head down second last scan
Breech last scan.
They still hve room to move about
But I'm not sure how much if he is over 4 lb. :)
My little girl is 1 lb 15 oz
And they thought she was a big bub :)
Glad the scan went well how long are they going to leave you before induction, he could be here really soon bless him cant wait to meet his mummy :cloud9:
Thanks ladies. I was a little surprised over the size but they have assured me it's possible he could slow down later on. Just Gotta watch the being fully engaged so early as went in labour with Zack at 30 weeks but they managed to stop it. They are going to give me steroids though to mature his lungs just in case. It's just all suddenly sunk in how real this all is. I'm On cloud 9, we are having another baby :) think it's suddenly hit DH too as he's been treating me like a princess all night, won't let me do a thing. Just hope little man stays in for a bit longer. But yea sorry for rambling, I'm just so happy.

Still no word on when they will induce if I don't go myself before then. They don't even discuss it till 35 weeks which seems really late to me but apparently that's the way it works now in our hospital. Do any of you know when your babies will be arriving yet?
That's great that alls well hon xx
Hopefully he hangs in fir a good few weeks :)
I'm sure he is nice and snug where he is xx
Think they prob discuss it a little with me next appointment
But not sure really.
Lots of people I've met doing scans
Say they don't even talk about any of that before 32 weeks.
Lots of factors can change I suppose
So maybe nor much point making plans that will be changed :)
The latest they will let me go is 38 weeks which puts me at 16th, but they will decide at my 36+2 week scan which is 4th November my consultant is really nice though and has told me there is always room for adjustment as its Lucas' birthday on the 18th and dont really want top be in hospital for that.

Fingers crossed he stops in to cook for long enough glad they are giving steriods though just in case how exciting :flower:

2 more weeks till my 28 week scan and appointment.

Do any of you automatically have to see the anesthetist? I have an appointment booked for 32 weeks.

When I saw my consultant 2 weeks ago she asked if I have an appointment booked and I for some reason for she said diabetic team which I did straight after her and she said good organised already (if only she knew me properly :haha:)

After it kinda played on my mind and I did wonder if she had said anesthetist so when I saw the diabetic midwife last Monday I asked her and she said yes, which installed major panic the last thing I want is a section (I've nothing against them, I just dont have time for no driving for 6 weeks OH dosent drive and it would be hell baby, Lucas' kit bag ect on a bus as I couldnt afford to use taxis all the time)

It turns out they do it in my hospital to every consultant led patient, its a just in case thing as I will be induced early or if I wanted an epidural (again another no thank you for me)

So yeah just wondered if it was standard or just something thats done in Essex :shrug:
Yea I see them every time lucusmum. They just weigh you, check your spine to see if is favourable for an epidural etc. In our hospital though you only get it if you have have a previous traumatic birth and are at high risk of a section. But in my friends hospital they give it to all women with a bmi over 30. Guess it varies by area. I saw mine at 23 weeks. He was so nice!
I wanted an epidural with Lucas after declaring I was having no pain relief only been there 10 mins and was on gas and air :blush:

He came to give it to me but as I wouldnt/coudnt sit still he refused to do it as it was to dangerous I soon after saw his point but when I saw him walk out the room the poor bloke was called for everything under the sun I even tried to chase him to get him back :rofl:
I sang while they gave me my epidural :)
Was the only way to keep me still and calm me
Looked like a total weirdo
But it worked :)

Thought I might hve uti
Cos been very tired, confused and thirsty in patches
Tested my pee
And hve ketones and fairly high sugar
I told Oh last week I thought I might fail gd test this time round
Lucky I'm meant to hve it next week to check anyway.
Can this happen without gd?

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