November Rainbows 2016

Phil and teds out n about double is nice.
Do u hve the single one?
I remember u buying the pram bit.
U cam get adapter for the double to hve one side buggy , one side oram
Or hve both buggy.
I was gonna go with that
But mouse is too dangerous in it now.
Too heavy and would topple them both.
I got the Eva wheels for it.
Soo much better
No more punctures

We don't argue over money anymore
Cos its all seperate.
Oh does what he wants
I do what I want
If any spare money
Not that there is much spare
But even just for clothes and stuff
We go halves on bills.
I pay home ins and bins
Oh pays mortgage.
But I pay for everything for Simon
Works out about even
If I'm struggling I ask Oh to help
Cos I do get lots less than he does
But he has to pay diesel to go to work
So its even enough I think.
We used to argue about money
Until we totally divided it :)
Doesn't work for all
But does for us.

You will hve the cleanest if clothes Maryanne :)
Men r silly sometimes. Xx
I save a tiny amount every month by direct debit
I get respite grant and fuel grant once a year
I try save a good bit of them too.
New car has mostly cleaned me out now again
Plus 5000 euro loan.
But I'm glad I could afford it
Without too much strain.

Are ye getting the same kind of car Maryanne?
Did u get ur cast off
I forgot to ask and am crap with time :)
We did buy the out n about double but it won't fit in this new cars boot. I bought the out n about when we were going to get a bigger car. So had to sell it and buy a Britax b agile double. It's not as nice but it's all that fits pretty much. Luckily we made back what we paid for the out n about so weren't out of pocket.

Yea cast came off last week. Arm healed well. Never ever want one of those on again. Feels weird with it off though. And yea same model of car but got a nice new one. We were going to change but it was proving to complicated so we are going to trade after xmas for a seven seater. Going to be a tight squeeze till then though. No idea how all the kids are going to fit in :/
Aw I thought u had that buggy
But then thought I was wrong and maybe the single u had
Its not too long till u get ur bigger car.
Insurance can be awkward like that.
It was completely not your fault with the accident
So they should hve accommodated ye xxx
Glad you got the cast off
They r so awkward.
I was only 12 but cam remember how annoying it was
Tiny mouse is rocking my belly
Think we r at the alien about to burst out stage
I love this stage :)
Till she gets to big too hve a good run at it :)

I'm getting more dark hairs on my chin and around my belly button
Some preg things r just gross ��
Where do you get your energy lilesmom I managed work I took Lucas for a skate and made microwave meals for dinner :wacko: just about managed a shower without drowning now I'm going to bed :blush:

I used some heel cream tonight as my heels are so sore but after I put it on I realised it was a little out of date (2013) now I'm hoping my feet don't turn green and fall off during the night :rofl:

Anyone else suffering leg cramps in the night? I woke up the past few nights I normally try and shake it off but I just can't it's so painful it's making me scream out the neighbours must think I'm being murdered I also need a wee so as well as trying to shake trying not to sound like I'm being killed I'm also trying not to pee the bed :haha: trouble is I then get up in the morning and my calf is so tight I spend all morning hobbling about :dohh:
That sounds like lots Lucasmom!!
Working uses up lots of urs xxx
How long do u hve left till mat leave?
U could do with some u time :)
So long as u don't go mad cleaning and sorting then like me.
Its just cos I haven't had a clear run at the house in 3 yrs.
Mouse is pretty demanding.
I'm also way too aware I prob wont get another go at it for another 2 or so :)

Had a dream I could see my baby's face through my tummy last night
Hair and all
Really dark, full head of hair and so pretty.
I was trying to push her back in
Saying its not time yet baby

Yup getting the cramps for ages
I get them at times even when not preg
But a million times worse when preg.
Some people say more magnesium but I'm not sure anything cures it
Think its a preg blood flow thing
Hurts like hell though when they get properly established
Warm bath might help a little I think
If u can xx

I've had to wake mouse for playschool last two days
Now the day he isn't going
He is up at 6.
Haha were your feet still there this morning lucusmum? Yes cramps here too. They hurt like hell. And leave my leg sore for hours after. Apparently sleeping on your left side is meant to mean you don't get them as much. Can't say it's working for me though, I always sleep on my left side.

Oh no lilesmom, we had an early wake up call too. Aurora is killing me at the moment. Up every hour last night. Feel like a zombie. How is little man today?

Back from movement check up. Baby is good. Nice strong heartbeat on the monitor. Still breech though. Given the go ahead to try acupuncture though to see if it turns him. Apparently it's got a great success rate and midwife has recommend a really lovely clinic. Saw my friend while I was there. She had her baby yesterday. She's just adorable. Forgot how little a newborn is, and I only had a baby a year ago lol.
37 days and counting till mat leave :happydance:

So the foot didn't go green it didn't do a lot of anything really :shrug: maybe I'm being impatient but I'm sure when I used it before it was a lot better the next day or maybe it's because it's 3 years out of date and I should stop being cheap and just buy a new one :blush:

I'm sick of the heat now I coped in August but now we are on day 3 of a heatwave it's been over 30 during the day we are supposed to have one more tomorrow then the rain comes Friday can't bloody wait I'm stayin to have empathy for snowmen when they melt that's how I'm feeling right about now every time I stand up I feel damp :blush: I need a shower about 134 times a day and I swear the air con on my car isn't working properly I have an idea it needs re gassing but would have no idea how I find out if it actually does or not

Rant over!
Little man was terrible today.
Awful form.
This new medicine is killing him
But that's normal enough getting onto an epilepsy med.
It just sucks for mouse and all of us while its happening.
But has to be done.

Phone about to conk.

Hope aurora sleeps tonight xxx

Hurray for great check up x,
Its much cooler here the last while.
It suits me better
But the rain is peeing me off.
Curtailing our walks.
And we both love to get out.
Careful what u wish for :)
Hurray mat leave I soon xx
Just one day of rain suits me so long as it's cooler :wacko:

Sick to the back teeth of everyone and everything today I think it's just the heat and heart burn got to me I hate feeling like this :cry:
It's so hot here too. Not coping that well with it. And the nights are killing me. I actually sat and cried last night as was so uncomfortable. We are predicted storms tonight so I'm hoping that will cool things down. Hope your ok now lucusmum.

Hope everyone is well today?
Feeling better today even the heat isn't bothering me as much I have an easy day at work tomorrow and have finished for the day today and then I have the whole weekend off wooooooo no shifts no Oncall no nothing shame my weekend is jammed packed with Lucas activities though so no rest either lol
Hope you enjoy your weekend off even though it sounds like it's going to be busy!

I'm still miserable. It's been hotter here again today and will be hotter still tomorrow! I'm done with summer now. Bring on Autumn chilly mornings, Halloween and planning xmas. Oh and bringing little man into the world, can't forget about that. As from this weekend we will be 100% ready for his arrival.
I love summer I love the heat but I'm also done we are supposed to have 2 days of rain with the temps dropping by 10 degrees but then it's supposed to come back again! We need a good storm but none forecast
I love the hotter weather - not that we are getting the same kind of temperatures that the rest of Britain is! What I can't stand is the muggy weather which we seem to be getting plenty of at the moment. It makes me feel horrible, especially when pregnant!! Just give me blue skies and proper hot days or plunge us into autumn with it's chilly, crisp days, please!

Seven months down and two to go until my due date today!! I'm feeling truly massive already though so I'm not sure how I can possibly grow much more. Hardly any of my clothes fit anymore and half of that is because nothing fits over my thighs or boobs which have both decided to grow more that I would have liked! I just looked at my bump pics that are on the first page of my journal and noticed how small I really was when I though I had a bump at week 14!! :dohh: How silly!
I understand completely how you feel Lynanne. I feel like I couldn't possibly get any bigger. My weight gain elsewhere has been OK up till now but I've put on quite a few pounds in the last week or so. Plus my legs are really swollen which makes them look huge. So yea not feeling that attractive at the moment. It doesn't help that DH has taken to calling me 'big mama'. Not funny at all. Bump measuring 45cm. I normally have big bumps but this one hands down beats the others.
Keep getting time to read but not enough to post :)
I woke up this morn and my bump has just dropped.
Like a lot
Helping heartburn but both the need to pee.
Think I prefer it higher

I was looking at bump pics on my phone yest thinking the same Lynanne.
My what I thought was a big bump really wasn't.
Will I think that in 8 more weeks :)
I need to do more bump pics for comparison last one was at 18 weeks I don't feel to big but I was like this with Lucas then woke up one morning and it was where the hell did that come from :haha:

I have finished work for 3 yes 3 whole days :happydance: it's the simple things :wacko:

Weather has been crap all day we had a bit of a storm during the night and it really helped clear the air and my head shame it woke me up at 0330 but never mind :dohh:

I have a crazy weekend coming up yay :wacko: Lucas has a party sat which is a good 40 mins away, during that I have to scoot across 3 towns to pick up a bumbo chair then back to get him back to Chelmsford for a match and on Sunday I get to get up at the crack of dawn to take him training it's also OH's birthday so we are going out for breakfast then I get to drive across London for another match we also need to eat at some point (other than breakfast) I need to get to the reptile shop or the animals may eat us as well as the usual housework washing ironing and so on :wacko::wacko: thank god I've Monday off I may just sleep through it :haha:

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