November Rainbows 2016

I'm really tempted to try my breast pump
Bought a hand one.
Cos were in lidl :)
Its tommee tippee so should be grand.
Really want to see if I can get anything out
But don't want to start myself leaking everyday :)
Do you think I could do that? You don't think that would make me look difficult do you? I just really don't want the stay in hospital or recovery from a section unless totally needed. That's a really good idea though, thanks Hun.

I started expressing before Aurora arrived last time. I was told it's ok from 34 weeks but not sure if that's right. Something to do with causing early labour I think that's why they don't recommend it too early. Although I'm in a group on here of mums who had babies last September, and one lady in the group started at like 30 weeks I think. I'm expressing at the mo but not sure if rules are different for me as i have been breastfeeding all pregnancy. Can you ask your midwife?
Baby was head down at the scan Friday she had better bloody stay that way :haha:

I would also let them book the section but insist on a scan just before, but 34 weeks that's so close :flower:
Thanks ladies. Feel dumb for not thinking of that. DH has had to put up with me crying all day over this, feel so sorry for him. I think I'm just a little overwhelmed by everything at the moment and being so close. I'm a hormonal mess lol.
I don't think any of us would be thinking logically if we got told your news I know I wouldn't :flower:

Feeling fed up tonight I'm counting down in induction weeks so am telling people 9.5 weeks to go then explain (don't know why I bother with that lol) but I'm sick to the back teeth of the nearly done it will fly by or it will drag comments just f8ck off the lot of ya, I know they mean well and they got me in a tired mood and I still don't feel 100% I don't like being rude to them but cant help myself :blush:

On the bright side OH knew I was still feeling crappy so took Lucas out this afternoon and came back with a lush bath bomb for me, not much but I know how much he hates the shop and the smell of them in the bathroom so it means a lot that he bothered even though I can imagine he went in grabbed the first one he could lay his hands on :haha: unlike me who spends ages sniffing reading and so on whilst he waits in costa :haha:
I'm totally with you on feeling like that lucusmum. I have to be honest that I'm no longer enjoying being pregnant. I just want these last few weeks to fly by and to have my little man here. I'm huge, my hips hurt, I'm all swollen up, sick most of the day and the baby being breech means he's kicking hell out of my cervix which is hurting a lot. 9 weeks left till term so hoping they pass quickly.

Awww how sweet of him. I love lush, could spend all day in that shop just sniffing the air :rofl: best smell ever. My DH bought me Ben and Jerrys to cheer me up but I ended up crying that it would make me fat and then he would leave me. Yea it's been on of those kind of days. I've cried over everything and been totally irrational. Good job DH finds it funny.
Time for me to catch up again! I keep reading along but never getting a moment to reply - either that or I'm simply too tired!! Doesn't help that it was my great aunt's funeral on Friday and so there was a lot going on with that and family. Kept me both mentally and physically pretty busy. Glad that it is over now though. I hate when things get drawn out too long and you don't get that closure.

I feel like I am getting tired so much easier again. It's not like in the first trimester where I could literally have slept all day but I certainly need naps more frequently again. Plus staying up past 11pm is completely impossible now. I thought the tiredness wasn't really meant to kick in until the end of third tri?

Maryanne, whilst I wouldn't say I am not enjoying being pregnant (I still love his wriggles) I'm definitely wanting time to hurry up. I can only imagine that it is going to get worse with my achy pelvis and hips, tiredness and heartburn. Pregnancy is not exactly glamorous is it? As for the C-section, I think I would do as the others have suggested: set a date but insist on being scanned before to see if he has changed. I've heard of babies changing position in the last few weeks so never say never. I have no idea what position my little guy is as I haven't been scanned since 20 weeks. Can they tell at standard midwife appointments? Like when they feel your bump?

Lucasmum, I would love a lush bath right about now but we don't have a bath in our flat, only a shower cubicle. Honestly, I really wish we had a bath for all the little aches and pains I've had with pregnancy (which are no doubt just going to get worse!) but what can you do? My sisters have said I can go to theirs and use their baths but it's not quite the same, especially as we'd have to drive home after and all I would want to do is throw on my pjs and crash on the couch!!

lilesmom, you always seem to be out walking. I'm quite jealous! The weather hasn't been so great recently for taking the dog for a walk although we did yesterday afternoon. I miss the walks but between the rubbish weather, my aching pelvis and hips, and general tiredness I feel like I haven't done any proper walks in ages. I can't wait until after little man is here and I can take him out in his pram on lovely crisp winter days, all wrapped up!
I'm sorry to hear about the funeral Lynanne :(

Yes they can tell just by feeling your bump how baby is laying. I knew something was off though by where his kicks were. After that big pain and spotting all his kicks were literally on my cervix compared to under my ribs where they had been for weeks. Plus my bump looks really weird now. Just really hoping he will turn himself back soon.

As for the tiredness I've always had it all third tri rather than just towards the end although this pregnancy the tiredness has been constant since the start. Me and DH are super boring. We go to bed at 10 every night now. He gets up for work at 4 so it suits him and I'm too tired to stay up longer than that.
I seem to mainly feel my little guy on my right side, moving into my ribs. I only hope that he is head down and decides to stay that way. Obviously, I'm not going to take any unnecessary risks but I'd really rather avoid a C-section. I hated being stiff and unable to do much after my surgery for my ectopic last year and that was only three little incisions. I can't imagine the recovery needed for a C-section - with a newborn too! I'm guessing they'll let me know if he is anything but head down at my next appointment at 32+1.

The tiredness is an absolute killer right now. I have no motivation to do anything and if I do I need a nap afterwards!
Sounds like he's head down! That's great, babies do normally stay head down but my little man is just being a pain again. Think he's going to be difficult like his dad lol. It's the recovery and hospital stay that puts me off a section too. My births arent great and God do they hurt but at least I can get home really quickly and be back on my feet. Even after a bad tear last time I was still able to pretty much carry on as normal with pain killers. Not sure how I'd manage with a newborn, Aurora and Zack after a section. I mean I have DH but as much as he tries to help he's pretty useless sometimes. Plus being away from the other children for a 3 day hospital stay, no thanks. If it's needed to keep baby safe then I'd totally go for it. But I'm still hoping it won't come to that. It's just not right for my situation.

The only thing I have the energy for lately is cleaning. Nesting is well and truly kicking in. I'm being really ocd about everything being clean. Driving everyone mad, but they are so messy! I've been taking naps though. DH takes over with the children when he gets home and I try and get 30 mins or so. I don't think I'd make it till bed time otherwise.
The hospital stay freaks me out too! I've only ever stayed one night in a hospital my entire life (after ectopic surgery) and I hated it. I definitely recover best at home - at least I can sleep there. Ideally, I'd like to have a fairly straightforward birth and be able to go home the same day or have one overnight stay at the worst. Can't guarantee that though! Will just have to wait and see.
Do you think I could do that? You don't think that would make me look difficult do you? I just really don't want the stay in hospital or recovery from a section unless totally needed. That's a really good idea though, thanks Hun.

I started expressing before Aurora arrived last time. I was told it's ok from 34 weeks but not sure if that's right. Something to do with causing early labour I think that's why they don't recommend it too early. Although I'm in a group on here of mums who had babies last September, and one lady in the group started at like 30 weeks I think. I'm expressing at the mo but not sure if rules are different for me as i have been breastfeeding all pregnancy. Can you ask your midwife?

I don't think it would make u difficult at all hon
Its a simple enough thing for them to scan u
To check if still breech or not.
If u really don't want section
It could mean u would avoid it.
I got a chance to read but not reply.
Sorry xxx

I've put away the pump :)
Its only tempting me.
I'll ask Drs when I tell them in going for section.
Thank you xxx
I'm not alone so.
Must be third tri
I get up feeling alright but a bit stiff
Few hours after I'm needing rest and would love to go back to bed!!!
Little mouse is in preschool but I had to go to Dr get whooping cough vaccine
And then do paperwork for the car.
He be home soon
I didn't do anything physical
But I'm still tired :)
Least I know its normal cos we r all the same

I hve been doing the same lucasmom.
I say I'm due Dec 3 rd but will be sectioned the week before
I should just say end of Nov
People don't need my explaining
But I feel like I'm lying saying I'm due ens of Nov
Even though baby will be arriving then :)
I think that's what I will do then :) hopefully he will get his butt moving and go back to being head down. Honestly this boy is causing so much trouble and he's not even born yet!

How's preschool goin lilesmom?
He will be well worth it at the end :)

He seems to still like it.
Goes off and comes home happy enough
So I'm hoping he is happy.
Heart burn is killing me the last 24 hours had the same with Lucas grrrrrr

Lucas stayed head down once he went but in true Lucas style he spun a lot would never know from one day to the next if he was back to back or not even in labour he couldn't make his mind up and came out sideways!!

I've got to stay in for a few days this time discharged myself after 13 hours as my Nan was making a roast dinner and I don't want to miss out :rofl:
Lynanne I was walking lots.
But been a bit slack the last week.
Raining all the time
And I've gone a bit lazy
Really need to cop on a bit
Cos I feel better and eat better when I walk
I've been getting crazy heartburn
Even hve Rennie under my pillow :)
Love hearts are awesome for heartburn although maybe not great for you if your diabetic. I swear by them. Heartburn usually means full head of hair, well it was true for me with Aurora. She looked like she was wearing a wig when she was born lol. Didn't have much with ds and he didn't have much hair, I'm luckily not getting much this time. Looks like another baldy baby in the way lol.

Glad he's enjoying it lilesmom. Must be nice for you to have a little break too before baby arrives.
Oh, I might have to try love hearts for the heartburn, Maryanne. It drives me crazy. Fortunately I only seem to get it every few days but when I do it makes me feel miserable. I seem to be suffering from a muffled ear today. Its been a bit funny for the past few days but it feels particularly muffled this afternoon. I hope it hurries up and sorts itself out. I really don't want to have to go to the doctor for something like this but it is driving me crazy!

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