November Rainbows 2016

No rest!!
Oh sis text to see if they could call
So had to get up and clean the house :)
Was nice visit though
They r lovely
They brought us lots of baby clothes.
Her little girl is 5 months now
So we got loads of newborn, 0-3 months and 3- 6 month stuff.
Whenever mouse goes back to playschool um gonna pack hosp bag
He is still cranky and coughing loads.
Keeping us both awake.

Hope they are bh for u Maryanne and not contractions xx
They sound a bit more like contractions though do they?
Hope they ease up and give u a break.
I've seen some ladies say they get them for weeks
Exhausting!! Xxx
I'm getting scared
Got f all sleep last night.
Had to go pee 6 times
And simes wont sleep anywhere but in my arms if anything wrong with him.
And his cough kept us all awake.
How am I goin going to bf a newborn
And recover from section
Simes isn't going to miraculously not need me.
And he will be cranky cos I'm not there forhim.
I think the baby clothes made it more real
I do really want this baby
I can't wait to meet her
And see her in The cutest babygros I got yest
But I need to win the lotto
So I can hire help!!!!
You will be fine Hun. Don't worry I get moments like that all the time when Zack is having a meltdown and Aurora is refusing to sleep and throwing tantrums. I just think 'oh god what was I thinking. I'm never going to cope'. Do you have people that can help you after your section? Can your OH manage Simon in the nights for the first few weeks of baby being home? DH and I have come to the agreement that for the first 6 weeks he's looking after Aurora in the night and while I'm looking after Henry. For me it's why I'm so against a section, because the recovery and hospital stay will make things really difficult.
And I don't even know what they are. All I know is they hurt. I had to go for my weekly movement check this morning and they were registering on the monitor but not in any pattern. She said just to watch them and if they get regular to come back. She said the same though that some women have weeks of contractions before birth. I just hope they stop for a bit soon. It's impossible to get any rest. I'm all ready anyway should I end up in labour. Just would rather he stuck in to at least 36 weeks. Plus he's still breech. Little sod needs to hurry up and turn.
That's what I was thinking up till today
2 parents 2 kids means one each
And doable.
I needed to sleep earlier today cos didn't last night.
I went up to nap letting oh with Simon
Id fall asleep and wake up two secs later cos Simon kept xrying
Texted oh saying he is hungry
He wouldn't eat for him
Eventually I had to get up,
Feed him.
Then we tried to go back to bed
Same story
Simes wanted me
Now he is asleep beside me
And I'm wasting my poss nap time worrying
I'm a dope
I'm half sick
I always get worked up more easily when sick

Hope henry hangs in a bit more hon xxx
Hope y get some rest too xxx
Ur quite far along now for him to be fine if he needed to come
But a few more weeks in be nice xxx
Giving myself a kick in the butt to stop moping :)
Just needed a little rant
Mouse woke up in good form
He has been terrible lately.
Sick for weeks.
Hoping he has turned a corner now
Then we can all get back to normal a bit
Nothing wrong with having a rant. We all need sometimes. You will honestly be fine. I won't lie for the first few weeks I found having a new baby tough with having to care for Zack too but once I got into a routine I was fine. It's totally normal to worry though.

My turn now. DH has been worried about me possibly being in labour all day and refuses to relax even though I've told him I'm not. So I catch him taking towels out to the car. I ask what he's doing and he says they are there incase I go into labour and need to get to hospital. I was still confused so asked why I would need towels and he comes out with 'well the seats are heated so if your waters break in the car we would have a big bill to fix/replace the seats.' I've honestly never been so annoyed with him. I told him in no way do I care about the f'ing seats, if they get broken them they can be replaced but our son can't and then I told him to get out. I don't even want to be around him at the moment. I was speaking to one of my good friends and she said her DH would be the exact same but it doesn't make me feel better. And now he's texting non stop that he's sorry and didn't mean it how it sounded but I still hate him. Idiot.
Good evening ladies sorry been mia for a couple of days.

Lilesmom I wonder how the hell I'll cope with it all and Lucas will be 10 :wacko: I'm sure we will figure it all out :flower: How is Simon now feeling better I hope

Maryanne I would have murdered OH if he was more worried about seats :haha:

Lucas made his trials Friday night it was a bit touch and go though but he worked his little butt off we will find out in 2 weeks if he has made it to the next trial seems as though a hurt back is the way forward:haha:
I was laughing when I read towels first
Cos on telly its towels and hot water for giving birth
What that's gonna do for mom and baby
I really don't know.
Thought he was being sweet
But if it was just to mind the seats :)
Well then kick in the bum
But I must admit when bub went low down
And I thought I might hve leaked
I was going to put black bags in mine and oh car for the same reason
Maybe cos I just got my car .
Hugs though.
I know it feels like he was being heartless xxx

Lucas mom
Glad Lucas made it to try out xx
Hope he makes the next one xx

I'm not too bad now again
Was just super tired
And feeling it was undoable
After washing and sorting the pretty little clothes
And Simon slept last night I feel better about it
I have calmed down and forgiven him now after a good chat with a few friends who all didn't see the big deal and told me I was over reacting. Plus I bought a mattress protecter and sleep on a towel in case my waters break in bed and I don't want our new mattress ruined so I can't really have a go at him. I'm always nagging him to look after the car more, but what a time to start lol. I think my hormones just got the better of me yesterday. I still think he's an idiot though :rofl:

Glad Lucus was well enough to make the trials. Keeping my fingers crossed for him.

Glad your feeling better about things today lilesmom. We all get wobbly days. Hugs. Hope Simon is feeling better.
Maryanne, my BIL was exactly the same with his car seats when my sister was due. She didn't take to kindly to his greater concern being the car seats either! That all came to nothing though as she had to be induced. It's made me think about our car should my waters break though... Although we don't have heated seats the car is fairly new and I don't want to have to worry about cleaning that! Hmmm...

lilesmom, I'm sure you'll manage just fine. We all seem to just adjust and muddle through with these sorts of things so I bet this will be no different. My only suggestion is to get DH to help out as much as humanly possible so that on those days that Simon and new baby aren't being cooperative you've had as much sleep as possible! I'm sure it'll be grand though.

Lucasmum, Well done to Lucas making his trials. Sounds like a right wee determined boy you've got there! Hope he makes it into the next round!

As for me, I'm still getting over the last of this cold. It's really just a cough and sniffle now but the cough really hurts! I shouldn't complain though, I could have had it a lot worse. Yesterday my sisters, BIL and niece came over for a sort of mini baby shower. Essentially we spent about seven hours chatting, eating lots of (unhealthy) food and they gave us a few wee outfits and other little gifts for our wee guy. Oh, and my sister cut my hair and did the skin test in preparation for getting it bayalaged later in the week. It's about time I did something with it, especially with DH's cousin's wedding coming up in a couple of weeks!
Thanks Maryanne xxx
Being an idiot is a man thing I think
Hee hee :)
Glad u had a nice shower xx
And ur nearly better.
We all hve colds for weeks too
Soo many bugs this year!!
And its not even winter.
Seems like I tend to get colds around this time of year a lot. I don't mind too much so long as it means that I won't have one when little guy makes an appearance. If only it worked that way for sure!!
Fingers crossed it is long gone and stays away by then

I've a full on waddle going on now
Oh has started calling my belly beach ball
I was asked by someone in the supermarket yest was I due really soon :)
Lovely :)
I hope you feel better soon Lynanne! Everyone in my house is suffering with nasty colds, I'm trying my best not to catch it. Last thing I want is to feel ill in labour or with a new baby. Your mini baby shower sounds lovely! I wish I'd had one this time. I had a big one when I was having Aurora and although it was so kind of everyone it just wasn't my cup of tea. I don't like fuss. Something like you had would have been perfect.

Lilesmom I totally have the waddle too. Zack keeps making fun of how I'm walking. I am huge though. This bump is my biggest yet. Fundal height is 46 :rofl: i do get fed up of constant comments about it as it makes me really self conscious but I'm trying to not let it get my down and enjoy my bump while I still have it. Sure I will miss it when it's not here.
I have so much back pain today and across my tummy not sure if they are braxton hicks or possibly a uti as its in my kidney area or it could be sciatic :shrug: I'm no good a diagnosing myself but the pain is on the side I do have a kidney so it's a possibility I suppose I have a nurse appointment weds so I will get her to check my wee (sure she will love me) just in case it came on quite suddenly this afternoon :shrug:
Mine is really really round
I carried big but differently with Simon.
She is doing something funny again this eve
Another big move
Hope its not down again
That was more uncomfy
Its funny how many people do comment
I would never comment on a strangers bump.
I might smile a dopey smile but not say anything :)

Lucas mom i still cant decide if i hve uti or just muscle pain and bh
Dr gave me antibiotic but said hold off unless I've more proof
Test strips keep showing trace of stuff
But not more since the first day
But i do hve back pain and tightening bump
Could be either
She thought it was more cystitis than uti
Hope ur midwife helps u xxx
Got Moses basket ready today.
I'm getting a little excited now too
Feeling more real the more prep I do
Hope you feel better soon lucusmum. I had my urine tested yesterday at my check up as I felt uti ish but the midwife said it was clear and the back pain and pressure is just babies bum pressing down. Little git has his butt where his head should be lol. Could baby maybe have started engaging? You do suffer with uti's though don't you.

Awww it's lovely getting stuff ready isn't it lilesmom. I love seeing Henry's next to me crib in our room. Can't wait till he's here now.

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