November Rainbows 2016

Lovely bump! You look fab. Wish I looked that good!

I've stopped taking pictures now as I'm really self conscious about how I look. It's all I ever hear at the moment is 'whoa how are you managing to walk' or 'you sure it's not triplets'. DH commenting on it was the final straw. I'm hibernating now till baby comes! Well that's wishful thinking but I'm avoiding people as I can't face the comments anymore. I don't understand why people are so fascinated with how big/small a bump is.

Aurora is an amazing name, but then I'm biased haha. It was the same with her though, it was the only name we could imagine calling her. I almost changed my mind to Clara in the last week I was pregnant but quickly came back to the original as in my head that was already her name and it felt wrong changing it.

Im so tired! Been up since 5 cleaning literally everything I could as I couldn't sleep. My midwife phoned earlier and I mentioned it to her and she said she doesn't think I'm far away from giving birth if I'm behaving like that. Little does she know I'm this ocd all the time :rofl:
I wish I felt like I looked fab! I'm only still taking pictures every few weeks so that I can see the progress once I've forgotten all about it. It's funny to look back at 20 weeks when I thought I had a considerable bump and realise how small it really was. Wonder if I'll be saying the same thing about now come 40 weeks!

I love the name Aurora, especially with the nickname Rori. When we were thinking about boys names I suggested Rory but DH told me no as it could potentially spoil using Aurora in the future.

I wish I had some of your motivation. I've done next to nothing today as I just can't seem to find any energy to do stuff. Well that's not entirely true, I have done a washing and written out my Christmas card list. Productive!
We call our Aurora Rori, her middle name is rose so she's Rori Rose most of the time. We don't actually call her Aurora that often, I must start using it more. I always said if I had a daughter I'd call her Aurora as I was obsessed with sleeping beauty when i was little. DH wanted to call her Penelope :/ he's banned from picking girls names if we are ever blessed with another daughter.
I went through a nesting phase a month ago
Then bub dropped.
Was half afraid i was in trouble
But she has popped up and kinda sideways again
So wasn't a sign here thank god

Lynanne ur tiny, just bump hon xx
I'm already up 21 pounds
That was my end total up with simon
So looks like I'm gonna surpass that
Not surprising since my diet had gone to pot

Looking forward to next app on Tues
Hoping to get section date and a few Qs answered
Hope they don't fob me off till next appointment
Most I've done today is look after squish
No playschool wed
Its more than enough for me!!!
Went for a walk shopping too but more to occupy purselvese
Our appointments are the same day lilesmom :) its decision day for me, will hopefully know for sure if it's section or natural birth but I'm not holding my breath. My usual consultant is on leave so I'm half afraid I will go and still not have a desicion made. Hope I do though as I hate not knowing. Hope your little man is well today!
Hope we both get our decision made and Qs answered hon xxx
Just had a snooze with squish.
Longest day sleep in ages
Nearly an hour.
Could hve slept the day away I think :)
My oh is officially a dumbass
His sister called the other day with her hubby
When she saw me, she went
Oh my god look at your belly!!!
She is lovely and I knee it was just cos she hadn't seen my a few months
Her hubby was like oh my god u cannot say that.
So I just said its the only time u will get away with a comment like that
We all laughed.
Grand that day

So dumbass thought he had licence to mock me now.
Started with beach ball which I found a little funny
But also insulting
Then today was humpty dumpty.
So I gave out to him
He came back with remember its the only time its ok to mock u cos ur tubby cos your preg.
Cue me losing it.
Him floundering like a great big dope
He isn't even skinny himself the bloody idiot.
He picked totally the wrong night.
Cos I weighed myself this morn
Hasn't done it in ages
Cos I'm swelling.
Was up.4 more pound since last time.
So now I'm crying myself to sleep,
While he sulks downstairs.
Actually tempted to kick him out!!!
If we had a,spare bed he would be bloody in it for foreseeable future
Or forever.
Lilesmom I totally understand. I was in the exact same position last night. I was so annoyed at him but I must admit i did feel a bit better about it by the morning. Try not to take it to heart too much, as much as men are idiots and say the stupidest things things I'm sure he never meant to offend you. I've banned all pregnancy jokes and nicknames after last night though, he normally calls me Preggo but I said if hear that name even leave his lips I will castrate him myself :rofl:
Men are idiots though can for one night and probably one night only OH be an exception to the rule, he got me to number 5 pandora charms today (Lucas plays in 55) for no reason at all :cloud9:

Lynanne your bump is gorgeous all neat and nice mines just lumpy and flabby :blush:

Not sure if I told you all or not how I'm the cruelest meanest horriblist mum in the world ever but there you go I am was wondering if I win an award or anything for it after all it's quite a title to have :rofl:

It all goes back to Monday night when Lucas as usual was put to bed at his normal bedtime of 9pm after the usual I'm hungry, I'm thirsty, I need a wee, my leg fell off, I'm blind and so on he settled down roll on 11.20pm when I go to bed his room is right across from ours it's a tiny flat so, so he sits up and looks at me, he is wearing his glasses hmmmm pretty sure he took those off this requires a closer look, go into his room pull back the covers and the little sod is watching YouTube videos on his phone :growlmad: lots of telling off and tears later he chose his own punishment of 7 days of early bedtimes :haha: so this is why I have the new title :haha:
Lilesmom I totally understand. I was in the exact same position last night. I was so annoyed at him but I must admit i did feel a bit better about it by the morning. Try not to take it to heart too much, as much as men are idiots and say the stupidest things things I'm sure he never meant to offend you. I've banned all pregnancy jokes and nicknames after last night though, he normally calls me Preggo but I said if hear that name even leave his lips I will castrate him myself :rofl:

Thanks :)
I did feel better getting up
But now I'm thinking of it again
Making myself mad all over again
He is such a dope
Found himself hilarious.
My little guy loves when I sing him humpty dumpty
Now all I can think of is insults when I do.

Simes is much better again thank god
Hope it lasts now.
Too many germs around
But fingers crossed

How ye doin?
Roll on Tues xx
Its crawling in now this week for me
Aw Lucas mom that's lovely
Can u get him to teach oh how to be nice to people :)

That doesn't sound very mean
He even chose it himself :)
Lucusmum I'm always the cruelest meanest mum in the world. Glad it's not just me. We caught Zack doing a similar thing on his iPad so now it stays downstairs at bedtime. They are sneaky little buffers sometimes.

Try not to think about it too much, I totally understand how you feel though. I refused to even put my my pj's on in front of DH last night after his 'your belly is massive' comment. Typical bloke though he totally does not understand what he's done wrong.

Yea I'm ok. Still fed up and uncomfortable and time is dragging now. 35 weeks on the weekend though. If I go at 37 weeks again that will only be 2 weeks left!!! I doubt I will go early though as he's breech and I'm expecting it this time and when you expect it I know it won't happen lol. With Aurora it totally took me by surprise as I went 14 days over with Zack.

Hopefully we will both have some a answers on tues!
I've got it into my head that my waters r going to break at 36 weeks now
Thanks to that dream .
I'm def in till 39
But least I know I wont be going over due anyway
Would be lovely to go early if bub is all good
But I doubt it will happen me.
Ur in with a chance when u went early once
But like u said if he is breech prob a bit less likely.
Its tough not knowing :)
You never know. Girls seem more eager to come out than little boys. DH reckons I'm going to go into labour next week, he's convinced on it. His only logic is that he was born at 35 weeks so it means this boy will be too. I've tried to explain to him that it doesn't work like that but he's having none of it :rofl: fool.
I am totally expecting to go over, I just don't think I am lucky enough to go a little early. I know it doesn't actually mean anything but both DH and I were overdue (I was 5 days late, DH was 8). I really don't want to go overdue though. If he was healthy and strong enough I'd have him right now. I'm pretty tired of being pregnant at this point and just want to meet the little guy!
I'm not going to lie I hated being overdue on Zack. He was my first and was so eager to meet him. By my second though I wasn't fussed, the thought of being overdue wasn't too bad, gave us more time to prepare but she turned up early. This time how ever I feel back like I did with my first and if I could be sure he would be 100% fine I'd have him right now. I'm done being pregnant. This is by far my most uncomfortable pregnancy.
Sometimes it feels like she is trying to.burrow her way out already :)
I'm with ye on feeling kind of done.
If I could be guaranteed safe and healthy now be great
But as it is I know she needs a good few more weeks yet.
They r passing fast enough except first half this week crawled
We will get there ladies xxx
And lovely healthy babies to show for it xxx
Least we know its normal
Cos we all feel like this.

Did some exercise and started taking my vits again
Also got blood test done
So hoping to feel a bit better soon
Growth scan tomorrow last time she was a few days behind meaning no earlier than the 38 week mark we will see tomorrow I obviously want her fully coooked and ready but if she can come at 37 weeks I wouldn't complain OH thinks she will be early no particular reason for it he also thinks she is going to burst out alien style though I get that she does make my belly move a lot at times and looks like she is trying to break through :wacko:

Lucas is grumpy with me still as I keep telling people about his punishment he says it should be kept within the family :haha:

Got speaking to another mum at the rink tonight she is also pregnant and due 27th November she is giant sized I thought she was due in a matter of days makes me feel better about resembling a small country :blush: as nice as she was she was very stuck up (there are a small group of parents who are very wealthy it's not a cheap mans sport we are by no means wealthy just daft and go without so he can do what he loves) anyway I think she is from that group kept saying have you this and that yet I was pleased when I could say I did have my pram my second hand £90 bargain which I'm mega pleased with well at that point she went "oh second hand and only one, I have 5 already" 5 who in their right mind needs 5 proms so not only am I mean in Lucas world I'm now failing the unborn child by only letting her have 1 pram :rofl: maybe you lot should just report me to social services right now :haha::haha:

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