~~~~November Sparkler 2010~~~~

You&me, were you this unwell when you were having your little girl too?

I was worse...LOL...I had all day, every day sickness with her up until 28 weeks..and she was born at 29 weeks...I just don't do pregnant very well it would seem!!

Now, I am only being sick once a day, so I can handle that :)
Beautiful baby bump pics ladies!

AFM, still a tired most days, but feeling pretty good otherwise.
Yet again my in laws have started.Jaysus these people just cant be normal and must spread rumours. I dont even care actually as I was expecting a back lash of nastiness coming from them. Hopefully they will get tired and ignore us like we ignore them from now on. I have enough to keep me busy in my life they dont. Yeah apparently we are tool thieves! we steal tools from a van and sell them. Errm ok??? lol Thats what darren gets for offering to fix someone's van which he didnt even touch as he was so busy. And we hear this now from close fam after months. Sounds like someone invented a story because they are bitter. I can only ignore, laugh and get on with my life. Nothing else we can do. Pity them maybe as they are fuming away about us that had nothing to do with them.
My phone is quieter and darrens actually in the house moving stuff about like he should be now because they arnt speaking to him. the joy!! He is allowed to be a dad for once.

Anyway, I wish it was november as i cant wait till xmas! this will be baby number 2 1st and williams 2nd and I cant wait to see what my tree looks like in my new place! will be ace looking and if we get snow all the better. Moving in June and it cant come quick enough as i am changing my phone number and all and no one can get through the castle gate unless they call my mobile so no one can annoy us like his nasty family members. I can even let on i am not in as it goes through my mobile hehe.
im dreadfully moody, ill, running to the potty at all hours of the night, can't rest well, soooo exhausted, so thirsty.....and SO sick : ( lol when does it end?!!! with my son it was a piece of cake pregnancy i never noticed any symptoms with him!!! lol why the sudden difference??? maybe a girl????

If you ladies have had ur first scan, what was the heartrate....

at my first the HR was 176
2nd was 167

I was like you in first preg and second is different, my first was a boy so I thought this one maybe a girl??? I am hoping to guess of symptoms of others as loads here get the sex told where as my hospital wont tell us at all. Them Chinese thing say girl and one says boy and the one that say girl where wrong with william to. I think birth is a good way to tall lol
Still tired and sick here as well. Even though Im not as sick as often as I was, still sucks though. I turn 16 weeks this week! WHERE IS TIME GOING???? next thing I know its november and all of us ladies will start having our wonderful babies :D I still to the nightly trips though to go pee(its soooo irratating!) Last night though i was so exhausted since I didnt get hardly any sleep the night before. I had to run up to my parents house because they decided to get drunk and drank WAY too much. My mom ended up having alcohol poisoning and my dad was past out when we got there(we live an hour away and made it there in 30 mins :S)

Not only that, we finally met my DH son the day before yesterday, the baby looks just like him!(Thank GOD!) The grandmother is telling us to take the kid away from the mom and get full custody because the mom is an unfit mother. She is living off the state and my hubby's child support checks. She is also putting the child in danger by taking him to different men's houses and spending the night! She barely knows these men and its really upsetting my husband. THEN!(this girl does NOT have her brain in right or something). She is living with her friend right now and they plan on getting a place together(neither of them work) but the friend's fiance is in prison for molesting and raping a child and he gets out in 2 months!!! Both of these women say he is innocent, and the whole time Im thinking "Well if he is innocent, why is he in prison???" Some people....Not only that but she has another son that the grandmother has custody of, she pretty much up and left him AGAIN and moved out with my hubby's son. So we are pissed because its putting the other LO in a lot of stress and he is getting depressed. I mean I feel bad for taking a mother's child away from her but at the same time the baby needs to be in a stable and safe environment. I cried about it all yesterday. I honestly dont know what to do.

Sorry for the rant! Hope everyone is doing well. I have a dr's appointment tomorrow and Im excited! We might have a scan and if we do im going to ask to see if they can see the sex! :D
i walked through my first pregnancy. in fact I didn't know I was pregnant till I was about 10 weeks.
This time I'm just reall tired I can't come home and go straight to bed. On the plus side I have a little wriggler in my belly now so that makes me feel alittle better.

Would any one like to be my bump buddy? I feel a little left out :(
Think I am due same date as you. But whats bump buddy? I know I heard that here before but I never had one the last time.
beauty- sorry you are going through that! maybe you can get full custody though and give her visitation on weekends or something. She seems like she needs to get her life in order so maybe limited visitation is the way to go- never know she might agree to it for the freedom it will give her to sleep around! haha! try not to stress out too much because baby gets the stress too- its better to try to calm down and relax just let it go the way it will go. good luck!

i had a wonderful day today my brother and sister in law came to visit and they were delightful! they spoiled dd like crazy and took us out to dinner! nice :)
woohoo week 14 and I still dont look pregnant just fat. hurry up proper bump so I can have an excuse for actually being fat!
thanks rowley. We went and seen the baby last night and dh got upset because lo wouldnt let us hold him(he is a shy baby). Plus it definetly doesnt help that the poor thing has two ear infections :(

Well i have my appointment today :) really excited. My mil will be bringing me so that will be nice for her. I will update later
i just look fat too. I told someone at work today I was pregnant and she just looked at me as if I was insane. I do work in scrubs though which hide a mulitude of sins.
well got back from my appointment. Everything is great! :) we didnt get a scan but my 20 week scan is 3-4 weeks(I have to get it schedualed). I did get to hear the heartbeat but....As soon as he got the doppler in the right place the little shit kicked it! It was amazing!!!! I didnt really feel anything, but it was cool to think that its getting big enough to where is doesnt like being pressed on(meaning I shouldnt sleep on my tummy anymore lol) I have to go back thursday and get my blood drawn for an AFP(or whatever it is abbreviated like)...i hate needles......EEEKKK!!!!!!!
Had my blood taken today to check my iron stores as my prev. blood test showed I was lacking. Took 50 minutes to walk to the hospital (usually takes 20.min) and kept having to sit down as I was nearly being sick and stuff the whole way, I need a feel-better pill!!
Hopefully everything will fix itself soon, my migraine is doing my head in (literally!)
im here!!! lol :) got my midwife app today, dreading getting my blood results, hope it all looks better than last time xx
Beauty- When you say raped & molested a child, but is getting out in 2 months, do you know for a FACT that is what he was charged with or just the grandmother talking smack? As far as I know crimes against children have fairly long sentences (in the US, at least) and since he will now be on the sex offender list that would mean he would be unable to live with/be roommates with a woman with a child...

You are from the US right? I forget. :)

But here is my opinion. EVERY SINGLE PERSON says they have a crazy ex. They (as well as family members) typically exaggerate and blow situations out of proportion because they do not like that ex. Disgruntled family members may also talk smack because they are disappointed (or whatever the reason). So what may really be a single mother, down on her luck, recieving government assistance, trying to save money by having a roommate (and dreaming big by wanting a house) and trying to date again (because she deserves to)...could mean something totally negative to someone like the Grandma, who is probably pissed that she's raising an child again instead of living it up in retirement and definitely doesn't want to do it with 2 kids (resentful)!

I don't know, I obviously don't know the situation but it seems whenever a man remarries, that suddenly the ex wife/girlfriend is suddenly unfit and the new wife feels the need to take away custody. Seriously, if the child was in that much harm, why didn't your husband step in before? Why hasn't the grandmother stepped in if your husband was unavailable to? Why hasn't the county stepped in? She wasn't that bad while he was sleeping with her...and she hasn't been that bad during the amount of time he's been paying child support.

Sorry situations like this tend to bother me as I've been through something similar first hand. Except *I* was suddenly the unfit mother, harassed, put down, threatened...the courts decided otherwise and I won full custody. My situation was a bit different though, instead of a new wife/gf it was his MOM.

So I guess all I'm saying is don't be so quick to judge and don't be so willing to take a woman's child without knowing the FULL TRUTH, not he said she said stuff...imagine if that were you ___ years from now.

Just my 2 cents! :flower:
Hi everyone, hope you are all keeping well. I have my 16 week check up with the midwife this afternoon. Not sure whats going to happen, but at least I may beable to listen to the baby and get some reassurance. I'm counting down till the 16th June for my 20 week scan, I wish that was today haha oh well. Will give you all an update a bit later on!

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