Hiya Everyone!!
I'm probably the last one to cross over. I didn't want to move over until after my dr appt. I had my 2nd dr appt today. And all looks well. I lost about 2 lbs since my last weigh in (probably closer to 3 lbs, but I had a full bladder when they weighed me). But dr wasn't worried. I had no morning sickness my 1st tri, but I did have a decrease in appetite.
Baby Speggy heartbeat was 156 today, last time it was 175 so it has slowed down alot. I know there is some old wive tale about predicting gender from the heartbeat but I wonder at what pt that is supposed to be done..seems like at earlier stages the heartbeat will be faster.
Hubby came with me today. There was no sonogram done so I was disappointed. Hubby missed the 1st appt (my mom went with me though) so he won't see Speggy moving in the sonogram for another 8 weeks.
I can't believe how quickly time is passing...It seems like just yesterday I was POAS trying to determine whether I saw the 2nd line.
I'm soooo glad to be over here.