~~~~November Sparkler 2010~~~~

so true! I used to think the same thing beauty!

So, I've started lactating...not milk or anything yet, but the clear colustrum. Kind of embarrassing. I plan on nursing but the :baby: isn't even here yet. DH and I were messing around and normally I love him to play with my breasts but I had to stop him because of the leaking...sigh!

Anyone else?
im in the same boat hun!!! dh is entertained by it and its HILARIOUS! But its too the point where i have to wear pads in my bras to stop it from getting my bras soaked! lol
hello girls! sorry i havent been on here in awhile. We had family come to visit and I have been soooo busy- plus they were staying in the computer room so not alot of internet time! I have been feeling kinda yucky lately. I had some red mucous the other day that freaked me out- but i was too busy to go to the same day clinic and now i feel dumb going because its been a few days! i hope everything is okay down there. I am pretty sure I feel movement though!

about leaking- it hasnt started yet for me but i am so tender that they are off limits- and my sex drive is like gone- but i am still having weird sex dreams! omg- last night was a same sex dream and that was different! i have never ever in a million years been attracted to females so dont understand where its coming from! blaming hormones! maybe i should tell dh about it- i bet it would get him excited! hahaha
We heard our babies heartbeat yesterday at the midwives...it was 135bpm :happydance:

I have my triple blood test this morning.

And it is 3 weeks til anamoly scan day on the 16th June!! :happydance: Time seems to be going so quickly now!!
Morning everyone!
Hmm, really don't have time to be on here before the school run but I was just so excited! My friend had her twins and I've just seen pics, awww theyre soooooo cute! Ah cant wait til November!
17 weeks for me today :happydance: it doesn't seem possible that I will be half way there in just three weeks time!

Welcome to those who have finally joined us in 2nd tri :hi: I remember feeling such relief when I finally made it over.

You&me, my scan is the same day as yours, can't wait. Good luck with your triple test. I had my results back last week (combined PAPP-A, Nuchal Scan & Triple Test) and my results are less than 1:10 000. I am really happy with that.

No leaky boobies for me but then I am not really blessed in the boob department and they have not even grown a cm! I never get the fun stuff, the bigger boobs, not the leaking :rofl:

I wonder who will be the first of us to have their babies sex officially confirmed? It won't be me as we are staying on team yellow. At least that is the plan :)
im 16wks today! :) but no leaking yet! lol it take me awhile to leak since this is my 1st baby.

Please can I join you all?

According to my dating scan, I'm due 29th November.

Hope to get to know you all soon xx
When I got out of hospital with William I remember cuddling my OH to sleep and drowned him in bresstmilk. You leak everywhere till your body knows the right amount to make for baby so thats a few months of leaking, plenty of tops I had to have to change into and breast pads. I think i leaked at 20 weeks or something cant remember. Was freaky seeing that as I had no idea that would happen I didnt even know about breastfeeding as it just isnt done here. William is 15 months old and they still have no breastfeeding size chart to measure him by so they always say he is underweight but not to worry as they have wrong charts they are formula ones. I do hope they have them for next baby so I can not be so confused.

Feel dizzy and sick today. :(
Had a check up at the hospital today, uterus measures perfectly to dates, heartbeat 145bpm, no problems mentioned from blood results. Baby is on my bladder, could've guessed that! Also asked midwife if what I had felt was the baby and she said yes :) This morning it was like little thumps.
Can I join the November sparklers. My due date from dating scan is 24th nov.

I'm so excited to be in the 2nd tri, although have had a nose over hear abit over the last week 
Lol well ladies I found out my baby's gender! We went for a private scan on Monday and it was the best thing I ever did! It was well worth every penny!

We are on Team BLUE :D Cannot wait to meet my little PRINCE Xxxxxxxxxx I love him so much my heart will burst Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Yay Jogami, you are the first to find out! Congratulations on joining Team Blue :happydance:
Hello to all the new 2nd Tri'ers!!

I had midwife appt yesterday too - 150 bpm - is that about right?? I am awaiting downs testing too *fingers and toes crossed* babies ok!! Really don't fancy having a aminio!!

I am gonna hopefully find out sex of baby - which is 3 weeks tomorrow - its still a surprise either way - whether we find out at 20 weeks or 40 weeks!! But at least I can get stuff in and not have to rush out after babies born. If baby don't cooperate then I'm gonna go for a private one :D

My nipples seem to have got very dry white stuff on them - I guess this is not leakage??

Lol xx
I do want to know the sex just because I am impatient but then I dont, hey makes no difference they wont tell anyway. I thought it was a girl and last time I was right but now I think boy for some reason. I used the Chinese sex things again and one that was right with William says its a boy even though symptoms are different. I will be wreaking my head till the end! and everyone around me to with guessing and asking if i know when no one around here knows the sex of babies till birth so I dont know why they ask. No private scans either.
I have this on my nipples too, but no leaking. Just booked a scan for Saturday to find out if boy or girl sooooo excited. Have one of each at minute and really don't care what it is but want to but a pink or blue!!!!!!
sorry can you change my date to 4th November please.

CONGRATS ON TEAM BLUE!!! :) Im getting so anxious! these next three weeks need to hurry! I will update the list for everyone :D Im so excited for EVERYONE!!

As for an update for me, ive been sick for the past couple days which has been no fun. But I keep feeling my lo(mostly when im laying down and relaxed). I want to go do a private scan but money is way tight right now :S so i have to be patient. Maybe I will just start that baby blanket i wanted to start knitting! lol.

I want to go camping! lol. Yesterday was so nice that all i wanted to do is go! ha ha! We got to go play with my dh's son yesterday as well! OMG i cant wait to just take him home with us(for now we are going to do weekends) Im so excited to love on him. He tried walking towards us too and it was awesome! I wanted to post a pic so i am :) lol

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