~~~~November Sparkler 2010~~~~

glad to see all the new members on here :)

we're not having a private scan, its not that its expensive its just that it could go towards something useful for the baby, if we don't find out the gender at the 20 week scan we're staying on team yellow :)
Welcome all the new ladies! :)

Vinteenage I am a teen too(I dont know if you ladies knew that or not) im 19. And with things that are happening with me I will have 2 kids under the age of 2 by the time Im 20. So its going to be an interesting ride. But you know what, people do it every single day so why cant i right??? :) So if you ever just want to pm me to talk about specific things like school or anything feel free too.
Hiya November mums!

I am due November 25th, the day before my birthday which is cool. :thumbup:

What a nice b'day present! You never know, you and LO may end up having the same birthday. I'm due the 26.
Hi Rai :)

I'm trying to look on the brightside, I made it through the first trimester (which was always touch and go with the diabetes) and my 12wk scan showed nothing to be concerned about. I'm going to be having scans every four weeks from 20 weeks, and will be induced between 37 and 38 weeks.

You and your LO will be fine. :thumbup:
@jogami: Congrats on the baby boy!!!

So leaky boobs is something I should expect huh? This is my first one, so I learn so much from this site.

@Dragonfly: I didn't know that breastfed babies are typically smaller than formula fed babies. Is this true even if you express your breastmilk and feed them from the bottle? I guess I'm trying to figure out if it is something about the breastmilk or is it due to the babies having problems getting the milk from the breast.

Not smaller less fat. Thats what helps fight obesity. There is a baby here thats 7 months older than william and formula fed and she is the same height as william but fatter. Thats why they have two charts for height and weight for both babies. Same where ever the breast milk comes from boob or bottle.

William just burns it off and dosnt keep any fat no matter how much he has in him the guts healthy and working in perfect order.

Thanks for the info! Man, we need to find some way to have breastmilk for adults! I certainly need less fat on my body! Well, not now, but after baby speggy is born.
Welcome all the new ladies! :)

Vinteenage I am a teen too(I dont know if you ladies knew that or not) im 19. And with things that are happening with me I will have 2 kids under the age of 2 by the time Im 20. So its going to be an interesting ride. But you know what, people do it every single day so why cant i right??? :) So if you ever just want to pm me to talk about specific things like school or anything feel free too.

Hey makes no different to me what age you are in here I dont judge, your going to be a mum just like me or are one. :flower:
@jogami: Congrats on the baby boy!!!

So leaky boobs is something I should expect huh? This is my first one, so I learn so much from this site.

@Dragonfly: I didn't know that breastfed babies are typically smaller than formula fed babies. Is this true even if you express your breastmilk and feed them from the bottle? I guess I'm trying to figure out if it is something about the breastmilk or is it due to the babies having problems getting the milk from the breast.

Not smaller less fat. Thats what helps fight obesity. There is a baby here thats 7 months older than william and formula fed and she is the same height as william but fatter. Thats why they have two charts for height and weight for both babies. Same where ever the breast milk comes from boob or bottle.

William just burns it off and dosnt keep any fat no matter how much he has in him the guts healthy and working in perfect order.

Thanks for the info! Man, we need to find some way to have breastmilk for adults! I certainly need less fat on my body! Well, not now, but after baby speggy is born.

Apparently it makes babies better looking, https://www.breastfedbabies.co.uk/b...reastfed_babies_are_better_looking_babies.htm not saying formula babies are ugly its to do with the milk having stuff in it. Makes sence to. I think I will be drinking it myself! though it maybe to late for me :cry:
Hey, I Only Just Discovered Second Tri! I Thought I Should Have A Look Round And There's LOADS Of Other Threads And Groups On Here I Didn't Know About :shock:
Anyways I'm Due 17th Nov...Cant Decide Whether To Find Out The Sex Or Not...So Indecisive :-k

Apparently it makes babies better looking, https://www.breastfedbabies.co.uk/b...reastfed_babies_are_better_looking_babies.htm not saying formula babies are ugly its to do with the milk having stuff in it. Makes sence to. I think I will be drinking it myself! though it maybe to late for me :cry:

Your Baby Definitely Is Beautiful...:flower:
Welcome all the new ladies! :)

Vinteenage I am a teen too(I dont know if you ladies knew that or not) im 19. And with things that are happening with me I will have 2 kids under the age of 2 by the time Im 20. So its going to be an interesting ride. But you know what, people do it every single day so why cant i right??? :) So if you ever just want to pm me to talk about specific things like school or anything feel free too.

when do you turn 20...You better milk those teen years for all they are worth.:happydance: I remember being 19..sigh.. I just turned 30 (which I know may sound old to you right now) and I can't believe how quickly the years have flown by. I remember my 21st birthday (well parts of it :blush:) like yesterday. Actually, my 29th b'day was nice. Hubby and I met up with friends in Miami Beach.

A supportive family unit is important when having a baby, but even more so, when you are having them as a teen. If you don't have a good support system at home or through FOB try to seek on out through school, church, etc. When I think back on my friends that had kids in their teen years, those who had a good support system usually were able to still go to college (if that is what you want) without a delay. Not saying that it can't be done without the support system, but it is always easier if you know that there is a friend, grandparent, aunt, etc that you can trust to watch the baby when you need to study, work, sleep, etc.

Actually, hubby and I are living far from our family, so right now we are worried about having that support system. It's just the two of us (since we moved last year we don't really have any close friends). :(
@jogami: Congrats on the baby boy!!!

So leaky boobs is something I should expect huh? This is my first one, so I learn so much from this site.

@Dragonfly: I didn't know that breastfed babies are typically smaller than formula fed babies. Is this true even if you express your breastmilk and feed them from the bottle? I guess I'm trying to figure out if it is something about the breastmilk or is it due to the babies having problems getting the milk from the breast.

Not smaller less fat. Thats what helps fight obesity. There is a baby here thats 7 months older than william and formula fed and she is the same height as william but fatter. Thats why they have two charts for height and weight for both babies. Same where ever the breast milk comes from boob or bottle.

William just burns it off and dosnt keep any fat no matter how much he has in him the guts healthy and working in perfect order.

Thanks for the info! Man, we need to find some way to have breastmilk for adults! I certainly need less fat on my body! Well, not now, but after baby speggy is born.

Apparently it makes babies better looking, https://www.breastfedbabies.co.uk/b...reastfed_babies_are_better_looking_babies.htm not saying formula babies are ugly its to do with the milk having stuff in it. Makes sence to. I think I will be drinking it myself! though it maybe to late for me :cry:

You shouldn't have told me the last bit. I might save my breastmilk for myself and formula feed LO!:haha:
I have an AMAZING support system with my family and friends. My dh is always supporting me and pushing me to go to school cause he knows I want to succeed in school. I will be going to an online college to finish my degree in accounting so its nice :D But I know I will need a job as well so Im glad our families are willing to help. I turn 20 in july but I still feel like im a teenager :S But honestly I am so excited to be a mom that I could care less! I had a chemical pregnancy about a year ago(before me and hubby were married) and it was hard because we knew we still had at one point a baby growing. Honestly though Im glad I got pregnant after we were married because if we werent married we would feel obligated in getting married. So Im thankful for that as well.

Now I just wish November was here! and i have never said that in my LIFE because thats when snow starts again lol.
Thats what I felt when I had william, my life started with him, everything else was just waiting really when I look back.

ok off to bath for me now. :) I am getting some me time now.
I've come around to the idea of breastfeeding, since I found out I was pregnant - the pro's far out weigh the cons! :thumbup:

BlkHrBty- U should feel blessed your having a baby young - I wish I had been pregnant 10 yrs ago, the risks just go crazy once your in your 30's and above! Not saying you don't feel blessed - you obviously do, but just wanted too let you know you shouldn't feel ashamed of being young (and 19/20 really isn't what I would call a young Mum, 1 girl I went to school with had had 2 by the time she was 16!!!:wacko:)

DF - William is gorgeous!!! :p

Lol xx
I come from a community where everyone is almost 30 when they have kids so here Im considered a young mom. But Im fine with it. Im so excited! I keep seeing ladies with their babies and i keep telling my hubby I want ours NOW lol
really? you would think the moms would be young living in UT! (i am mormon and we tend to marry young and have 5 kids by our 30th birthday! of course i am behind the curve)
Well it has happened! Today I got poked! :happydance: I was laying in bed and just about to get up when I felt it so I decided to stay in bed an extra half hour to see if it would do it again, but it didn't do it again until I was eating my cornflakes!

Welcome to all the new members :wave:

Vinteenage, I was 17 when I fell pregnant with my son (18 when I had him). Once he started school I spent 4 years studying at uni, so there is nothing to stop you fulfilling your dreams if you put your mind to it.
I come from a community where everyone is almost 30 when they have kids so here Im considered a young mom. But Im fine with it. Im so excited! I keep seeing ladies with their babies and i keep telling my hubby I want ours NOW lol

All my mates had their babies when they where in school. One has 5 kids now and she is 28 same ages as me. You where asked to leave soon as you started to show in my school, shame and all on catholic school. Dont think its like that now though. I remember a girl, lovely girl she was pregnant at 16 to her drug dealer boyfriend and he was over 40 and a scum bag :( dont know what happened to her never seen her again. Its not unusual here, not even frowned upon any more., The older you are the more that ask why you havnt had kids by now.

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