~~~~November Sparkler 2010~~~~

Crazy things happening in my life. Firstly the thing making my heart hurt alot is that my family dog we have had since she was born(her mom was our dog and I watched her be born) is dying. Its so hard for me to look at her especially since you can tell she is in so much pain. :( We are most likely going today to the vet and have her put to sleep. We all cant take it anymore. We are also suppose to leave for a family vacation here today as well!!! My dh isnt going because he has to go play army boy for 4 days(he left here about 40 mins ago). Im excited to get away but at the same time, I seriously dont want to deal with siblings lol. They are all still at the ages where they drive me insane(mostly due to the fact that I have had to grow up a lot faster than they have). THANK GOD for skull candy headphones....I cant hear ANYTHING when i have them in lol. Well if I dont get on for a couple days you know why :D

As for an update, Still having pains and cramping, I cant believe I am 2 weeks away from being half way through! where has the time gone????
Dragonfly - you definitely need car with kids, no question about it! I passed my test when my second one was only few months old and never looked back. I am still paying off my credit card which I used to pay for lessons...but I wouldn't be able to function without the car...I have a job because I have a car...my kids go swimming, scouting, football, dancing because I have a car. I get to see my friend because I have a car...well, everything really...

Hope you ll find someone to take you to the scan...is public transport or taxi not an option?

I learnt that in this life you should always rely on yourself...I was 38-40 weeks pregant last time when me and my ex were moving houses..and had a 12 month old baby as well.... It was absolutely harrendous...we had no help, no family around, he had no friends either (I didn't as I come from abroad and he had moved me 3 times, so every time I got friendly with anyone, we moved, but that's another story)...

So what I am trying to say, just persevere with the everyday life, and only rely on yourself or OH if he is reliable....Any other help from outside will be as bonus......

A taxi cost nearly £30 there and back to hospital :wacko: I dont have that I really dont. I dont work and my other half cant get a job and is ill so where on crap money and have to pay part of the rent to. He gets nothing I get a little. Hence why we cant get even driving lessons but my dad has said he will help out. I just have to pay for the theory which will be a while. plus I will have william and a massive car seat and I cant carry that. Its one of them big ones not the ones with handles. Prams etc. to much and plus the bus leaves you miles from the hospital to and I cant stand buses I panic on them and havnt used one in years. And one dosnt stop in the middle of the dual carriageway which my drive way in new place goes out onto (its a long drive way). And I aint walking that with a baby. My dad agrees I need a car especially when time flies and william needs to get to school and we would love to go out together as a family somewhere instead of staying about the house all the time. So many places I want to go with william yet not that easy.
And when I want to work again when William and next baby at school I need to get there, I have the place I want to work and all picked as its being build now lol well ahead of myself.
LOL well, planning for the future is the first step, so all good. Sounds like a a whole operation for you :( Would only suggest to have a plan B in case you don't get a lift, that's all.

In terms of work...I know everyone has their own views, but I chose not to wait till kids go to school...but that's the whole other discussion that been on here before x
Hey Everyone. I haven't been on here in forever it feels like. My son has been sick and we've been really busy. But I saw my obstetrician for the first time this week. He totally agrees with me about having a schedualed c-section and he was actually going to suggest it which is awesome. Plus he's going to fill out my sick leave paper work so I can go off work early. My last day is next Friday. Because he knows how stressful having a disabled child can be. And he booked me for my gender scan for June 30th which I'm really excited about. ANd I got to hear the babies heart beat :) and then Mexico is all booked and we are ready. I already started packing for my son. We leave in 10 days. I am very excited.
LOL well, planning for the future is the first step, so all good. Sounds like a a whole operation for you :( Would only suggest to have a plan B in case you don't get a lift, that's all.

In terms of work...I know everyone has their own views, but I chose not to wait till kids go to school...but that's the whole other discussion that been on here before x

I do have other medical problems I do not mention in here that keep me off work and has been tested by several docs from the dole. But I am looking forward to doing something studying etc then work. Think I may go back to nursing homes if I am deemed fit enough by then I should be. So I need my NVQs and other things I have the experience so thats something and I enjoyed it. I hope we dont have to get into a discussion about this here seems every thread on someone on benefits gets nasty. I aint here by choice just temporary and I did work before for many years from solicitors to store detective to shops.
Noooooooooooo, no discussion and no nastiness. Whatever the reasons are either way - it's personal choice or circumstances.

Hope you will get better soon, I work in the nursimg home myself, but I am in Finance/Payroll and girls on the floor seem to enjoy what they do.

Hayley - Glad you are back and hope your little one is getting better! So does that mean you will be off on Maternity from now on? Do you get paid? It ll be nice if UK had the same system.:)
Yeah well the way it works here is maternity and paternity combined you get 50 weeks which you can take up to 8 weeks before your due date but then if you go on sickleave because of bedrest or anything really. unsafe work enivroment work stress standing all day if your a clerk or something. As long as your doctor agrees to sign the form you can get 15 weeks on top of the 50 so its really 65 weeks total which you can start 23 weeks before your due date. My doctor has agreed because I feel really stressed trying to get to all my sons medical stuff plus my own plus work and everything I miss a lot of days of work anyways trying to take him to all his appointments and I hate my job. Yes we get paid. We get 55% of our wages but because I dont have to pay a baby sitter any more and we get extra money for Ben's disabilites I'll be making about the same as now.
Oh and you don't have to take it that early. You do have to do sick leave before the baby is born but many women wait till the baby is born to start the mat leave so that they are off till their babies first birthday. So many women if they are doing sickleave (which a lot of us do) go off 15 weeks before birth. Once your new baby is born you also get baby bonus which isn't a lot its between 100-300 dollars extra a month but it helps.
Hayley - that's quite generous. Although we do have Tax Credits (what they call them) here, and once the baby is born you get extra first year and then less after the baby is over 1 year old.. I get 90% of my wages for the first 6 weeks, then 50% for 12 weeks and than flat rate Statutory Maternity, which is not a lot, if you are on a lower wage, 75% of your child care costs are paid for, but if its like £250 a week, you pay £35 yourself, so I will be definitely worse off.

Will be saving on petrol to get to work though hopefully will survive:) Cut down on bills etc...like mobile? that's about it :) everything else has to be paid...and OH is only in work till October...what happens after that - noone knows :(

As I said before, relying only on myself!:)
yeah last time I went on mat leave I moved from the city which was high wages to where we live now where people get paid less but because my mat was based on my city wages I basically made the same as if I got a job in our new area.
Oh Laura, that is so sad. Sorry for your loss hun xxx

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