I was 19 weeks on sunday!
It's exciting, we're almost half way!! I haven't gained a pound either, my other friend is 23 weeks and she's already gained 15 pounds, I'm trying to eat right, and not get toooo big throughout this pregnancy.
WOW - you haven't gained ANY weight AT ALL??!! That's incredible. You are soooo lucky....lol! I was hoping to gain the minimal amount of weight as possible but right now I dunno. I mean I still have a ways to go so....you never know. Yea - people tell me that I look so tiny and that they didn't even notice I was pregnant....but I DEFINITELY have gained some weight. And I also have quite a bump. It's probably easier for me to hide than most ladies on here as I can still get away with not wearing maternity clothes....particularly now since much of the summer fashion is like loose-fitting, flowy tops. But if I wear anything at all fitted it's obvious and my pants don't button anymore so yea - the weight gain has begun!
I'm up at stupid o'clock, worrying about not feeling bubs move so much today Is is it normal to have quieter days? He/she is usually really active in the evenings when I have my dinner but last night I didn't really feel much at all.
Poked and prodded when I went to bed and felt some movements but now I can't feel anything.
I know my placenta is anterior which could be masking some movements?
I went back to bed at about 5am, lay down and baby started wriggling away like mad!
Woohoo Bambi!
As of right now in this pregnancy I am not going to breastfeed. I didn't breastfeed my son either. I am a bit interested in it, but I also have many reservations about it ... so we will see.
Woohoo Bambi!
As of right now in this pregnancy I am not going to breastfeed. I didn't breastfeed my son either. I am a bit interested in it, but I also have many reservations about it ... so we will see.
Nothing to loose by giving it a go, you may actually like it. I felt the same when I was pregnant with William I had no intentions but that changed when I tried.
Needless to say I will be breastfeeding this time around also. So much easier for me.