~~~~November Sparkler 2010~~~~

Do they have fluoride in the water where you live? Bad teeth aren't genetic, even though a lot of people think they are. It's based on decay... If you brush and floss enough. A lot of people don't know that you can get cavities in between your teeth from not flossing. Fluoride helps remineralize soft spots that can turn in to cavities. Teeth usually break off when there's decay underneath.. It's soft dentin under hard/soft enamel. I need to wash some stuff out of my hair.. I'll be back in a few.
I use floride tooth paste for sensitive teeth. I do floss also to no avail and use all manners of mouth wash the damage was done and continues. Part of my front tooth is missing and I cant smile any more :cry:
Theres nothing anyone can do apart from take them out as they get sore, theres really no back teeth at all. One thats sore is a broken one. I have no enamel left on my teeth I lost that long time ago probably being sick more than 4 times a day for 9 months. Even my dentist said there's nothing I can do apart from keep em clean which is what I do already.
Honey.. I am so sorry. I love my job because I know people feel so much better about themselves when they smile!! I cry when we do full mouth rehabs.. People that haven't smiled in years.. They start to cry when they see their new smile and it gets me every time!!! :*) You should ask your dentist about composite veeners! It's cheap and some places don't consider it cosmetic! Since it IS a tooth colored filling material that goes over the tooth!! :hugs:

I think that is what I have on my two front teeth. The enamal wore away, they said cos I brushed too hard. So I had them filled with white fillings. Bit discoloured now though :( I was charged £50 per tooth.
I had that done for years but then it fell out again and just erroded away and I lost the took two over frmo being sick! it was a perfect tooth and all just broke in half. Apparently my coalics makes it worse to when I was eating gluten and didnt know, my mate has coalics and her teeth are worse than mine and we are obsessed with brushing teeth. I have some good ones there mostly to one side. I dont look like I should be on jeremy kyle yet sporting my lack of teeth rot or greasy hair :blush:
Do they have fluoride in the water where you live? Bad teeth aren't genetic, even though a lot of people think they are. It's based on decay... If you brush and floss enough. A lot of people don't know that you can get cavities in between your teeth from not flossing. Fluoride helps remineralize soft spots that can turn in to cavities. Teeth usually break off when there's decay underneath.. It's soft dentin under hard/soft enamel. I need to wash some stuff out of my hair.. I'll be back in a few.
I use floride tooth paste for sensitive teeth. I do floss also to no avail and use all manners of mouth wash the damage was done and continues. Part of my front tooth is missing and I cant smile any more :cry:
Theres nothing anyone can do apart from take them out as they get sore, theres really no back teeth at all. One thats sore is a broken one. I have no enamel left on my teeth I lost that long time ago probably being sick more than 4 times a day for 9 months. Even my dentist said there's nothing I can do apart from keep em clean which is what I do already.
Honey.. I am so sorry. I love my job because I know people feel so much better about themselves when they smile!! I cry when we do full mouth rehabs.. People that haven't smiled in years.. They start to cry when they see their new smile and it gets me every time!!! :*) You should ask your dentist about composite veeners! It's cheap and some places don't consider it cosmetic! Since it IS a tooth colored filling material that goes over the tooth!! :hugs:

I think that is what I have on my two front teeth. The enamal wore away, they said cos I brushed too hard. So I had them filled with white fillings. Bit discoloured now though :( I was charged £50 per tooth.

The margins on composite get stained if you drink a lot of juice, tea, and coffee! you can look in to crowns or porcelin veeners
Do they have fluoride in the water where you live? Bad teeth aren't genetic, even though a lot of people think they are. It's based on decay... If you brush and floss enough. A lot of people don't know that you can get cavities in between your teeth from not flossing. Fluoride helps remineralize soft spots that can turn in to cavities. Teeth usually break off when there's decay underneath.. It's soft dentin under hard/soft enamel. I need to wash some stuff out of my hair.. I'll be back in a few.
I use floride tooth paste for sensitive teeth. I do floss also to no avail and use all manners of mouth wash the damage was done and continues. Part of my front tooth is missing and I cant smile any more :cry:
Theres nothing anyone can do apart from take them out as they get sore, theres really no back teeth at all. One thats sore is a broken one. I have no enamel left on my teeth I lost that long time ago probably being sick more than 4 times a day for 9 months. Even my dentist said there's nothing I can do apart from keep em clean which is what I do already.
Honey.. I am so sorry. I love my job because I know people feel so much better about themselves when they smile!! I cry when we do full mouth rehabs.. People that haven't smiled in years.. They start to cry when they see their new smile and it gets me every time!!! :*) You should ask your dentist about composite veeners! It's cheap and some places don't consider it cosmetic! Since it IS a tooth colored filling material that goes over the tooth!! :hugs:

I think that is what I have on my two front teeth. The enamal wore away, they said cos I brushed too hard. So I had them filled with white fillings. Bit discoloured now though :( I was charged £50 per tooth.
I had that done for years but then it fell out again and just erroded away and I lost the took two over frmo being sick! it was a perfect tooth and all just broke in half. Apparently my coalics makes it worse to when I was eating gluten and didnt know, my mate has coalics and her teeth are worse than mine and we are obsessed with brushing teeth. I have some good ones there mostly to one side. I dont look like I should be on jeremy kyle yet sporting my lack of teeth rot or greasy hair :blush:
I would go and tell them that you are in pain every single time. dpending on how far down the crown has broke, they can do root canal therapy to save that tooth!! Then you'd need a build up and a crown!! I hate how some dentist work. My dentist has a HUGE heart!! He goes the extra mile to make people happy. I wish that I could help you so badly! :(
I had root canal thats the teeth that have fallen out now lol and it looks like a bomb went off in back of my mouth. Top teeth still there no bottom at back and unsavable. I see a new dentist every time as no one lasts in this place i go to and they are very quick in getting people in and out and making stupid apps to get them to come back months apart and i am way to busy and nervy for all that. I rather most was done at the same time. I am on income support i dont pay.

my sons front teeth are bad to! he dosnt even get sweets or anything to do that he was grinding his teeth and they went down. I am mighty pissed off about that as I always brush them, he even brushes them from when he was 6 months old! :( I was told it was my breast milk but theres no connection LLL said as formula has more sugar and more common in ff babies.
Baby teeth aren't a big deal.. there are adult teeth under them. You are suppose to use a rag when they are new born to wipe the gums off. As long as they are brushing 2 times a day when the adult teeth come in, you should be ok.. Grinding as a kid is ok.. but it's the adult teeth the docs are concerned about!
My DH is feeling quite peeved that he hasn't felt the baby yet - I keep being CONVINCED he'll be able to feel the kicks, as I am sure I can feel them from the outside. But whenever he tries to feel either bubs goes quiet, or I feel a HUGE kick and say "you must have felt THAT!" and he just shakes his head and looks glum. I really hope it happens soon, I think he's getting too disheartened to even bother trying now :cry:

I have exactly same issue here!! :flower::cry:

I feel her moving a lot during the day - not so much at night - but when I do I grab OH hand and stick it on and I try not to say when I feel her moving etc as i wanna see if he felt it --- and then of course he says nothing - so I get frustrated and he gets inpatient and its all :grr:
He keeps on saying he'll feel it in time! :dohh: Doesn't seem to get why I would care??

Lol xx
Baby teeth aren't a big deal.. there are adult teeth under them. You are suppose to use a rag when they are new born to wipe the gums off. As long as they are brushing 2 times a day when the adult teeth come in, you should be ok.. Grinding as a kid is ok.. but it's the adult teeth the docs are concerned about!

He dosnt do it any more as but they are stumps and dark in the middle. we did use a rage to do this teeth with when he was younger I read that but now he likes to brush them he has his own tooth brush. I feel I failed as i wouldn't let him have anything like sugar or sweets yet he still ended up like that, raging I was and still am in case people think I feel him crap. dont want him to have teeth like mine :cry: I dont think his next teeth will be like that but he hasnt really got top front teeth to talk about. He can get away with it now though.
OH has felt baby kick twice. I also grab his hand when little man is kicking and lat it on my stomach but then he stops kicking! Grr...but there's still plenty of time for him to feels the kicks.
Baby teeth aren't a big deal.. there are adult teeth under them. You are suppose to use a rag when they are new born to wipe the gums off. As long as they are brushing 2 times a day when the adult teeth come in, you should be ok.. Grinding as a kid is ok.. but it's the adult teeth the docs are concerned about!

He dosnt do it any more as but they are stumps and dark in the middle. we did use a rage to do this teeth with when he was younger I read that but now he likes to brush them he has his own tooth brush. I feel I failed as i wouldn't let him have anything like sugar or sweets yet he still ended up like that, raging I was and still am in case people think I feel him crap. dont want him to have teeth like mine :cry: I dont think his next teeth will be like that but he hasnt really got top front teeth to talk about. He can get away with it now though.
You haven't failed. Parents can only do so much.. Kids have to learn to take care of themselves! You can purchase some fluoride drops to put in his drinks or directly in to his mouth.. This is good for kiddos up to about 4-5... :D
OH has felt baby kick twice. I also grab his hand when little man is kicking and lat it on my stomach but then he stops kicking! Grr...but there's still plenty of time for him to feels the kicks.

I could have written this - lol

We have the same due date too :D
I am really looking forward to today as I have an hour long scan and its just for fun!
Well just for fun for me, the scan is actually being done as part of a U/S training course for trainee sonographers, I was asked if I wanted to volunteer my bump and 'Herbert' and I were happy to oblige :)

I just hope baby manages to keep its legs closed this time as I don't want any more little hints or clues as to what flavour 'Herbert' might be.

Welcome to the fun house xoButterfly25, we look forward to getting to know you a whole lot more.
No! My bubs was measuring ahead, on average and behind and all different things. His stomach is due way before his femur :haha:

LOl ha ha. Mine is the same, his/her stomach is is due nearly 2 weeks before its head:))

Told my OH, look at me and you, baby is already taking after us - big tummy :) Not that we are fat :)
Hello ladies, how are you all today?

I felt awful last night, I could breathe properly, so I couldn't sleep ..It literally felt like someone was holding my throat :wacko: but I feel okay now ..and we have such strong winds here at the moment too and that kept me awake, it's so annoying because it's supposed to be summer, gr.
why couldnt you breath? I hate when that happens, I have asthma and sometimes just get short of breath but know near end of preg I was like that as there was less room in me for lungs.

Its crap here to., well sunny now but has been raining and rain is on way back. I dont like summer any more here I rather autumn its sunnier. I cant hear the rain and wind through my walls which is weird I used to hear it in old house as the walls where thin and cold now there could be a storm and I wouldnt hear it.
why couldnt you breath? I hate when that happens, I have asthma and sometimes just get short of breath but know near end of preg I was like that as there was less room in me for lungs.

Its crap here to., well sunny now but has been raining and rain is on way back. I dont like summer any more here I rather autumn its sunnier. I cant hear the rain and wind through my walls which is weird I used to hear it in old house as the walls where thin and cold now there could be a storm and I wouldnt hear it.
I have asthma too and it spontaneously gets really bad and I suppose being pregnant makes it a little worse, but the baby was up quite high last night too, so maybe he was closer to my lungs making it difficult for me to breath :shrug:

It's sunny at the moment here, but the wind is sooo strong. I had to bring the pool lilo's and stuff in because of the wind. I came back from the hospital yesterday and they were sitting in bushes of my garden, lol.
I only heard the wind lots last night because I needed to keep a window open for fresh air, even though it was quite cold out I was soo hot, lol
OH has felt baby kick twice. I also grab his hand when little man is kicking and lat it on my stomach but then he stops kicking! Grr...but there's still plenty of time for him to feels the kicks.

I could have written this - lol

We have the same due date too :D

LoL he did it again last night too. He'll give me a couple of strong kicks and then stop. I'm still trying to see him kick my stomach...that's my new favorite thing.
I think ive been a huge bitch to my husband lately. I feel bad but in the heat of talking to him he drives me nuts sometimes. I can hear myself being a bitch but I just keep talking blah.

This is my 2nd baby and you dont get a baby shower for the 2nd atleast not in my family which kinda sucks cause now I have to buy everything myself :( I have a lot left from my son but because of his disability he still uses a lot of his baby things like his diaper geenie and his mobile.

I also feel guilty that I'm less excited about this one then I was about my first. Maybe because I know what hard work is coming where as with Ben I was just picturing cute baby outfits haha. Now I really know what people mean by you wont sleep at night for months...

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