~~~~November Sparkler 2010~~~~

Well C L has said yeah but you are on holiday which is true I am so I couldn't go anyway. but always nice to be invited even if you can't go!!

I am considering leaving my phone at home while I am away... does anyone think this could be a good idea? A week of no-one contacting me, no internet, just peace :)
phones are good for emergencies so keep it on you just dont contact any one.
Oh goodness ... drama x 100000000 with my family today. People honestly need to think about some stuff before they start talking! I just don't understand honestly .. sometimes I wish I could move far, far away from a lot of them!

My family where and are that bad I considered moving far far away I even went looking for houses to rent in this town that was over an hours drive from my parents just to get away from them. I had schools and all looked into and what was there. But since they hardly call to me any more due to to many fights its not so bad. Theres still phones for plenty of fights so I stopped answering them to. My parents return from hols on friday,. not excited as my mum will be here for first time in over a month and as usual will be picking on my son and yacking on.

Yeah, I would love to stay out of it except for my cousin feels she has the right to call my OH worthless. :growlmad: I just do not see where she gets off. It all started because she and her OH can't stay out of anyone's business. Ugh ... long story, wouldn't want to bore you. But honestly it just drives me nuts! I am seriously thinking about moving away once I have this baby. I don't need this stuff anymore. Its not like the half of them do anything for me. I love them .. but jeesh! Then my mom just had to pipe in!!! Which made me even more mad. So now I think I'll just run away!

I am sorry about the impending visit from your mother. I hope it ends up going better than you suspect. :thumbup:

I have perked up a little. I have packed my suitcase, although I hate most of my clothes!! I think I will live in mostly the same stuff lol!!

3 hours till viability yay :happydance:

Oh and I am celebrating with a chicken burger from the kebab shop :D
Oh goodness ... drama x 100000000 with my family today. People honestly need to think about some stuff before they start talking! I just don't understand honestly .. sometimes I wish I could move far, far away from a lot of them!

My family where and are that bad I considered moving far far away I even went looking for houses to rent in this town that was over an hours drive from my parents just to get away from them. I had schools and all looked into and what was there. But since they hardly call to me any more due to to many fights its not so bad. Theres still phones for plenty of fights so I stopped answering them to. My parents return from hols on friday,. not excited as my mum will be here for first time in over a month and as usual will be picking on my son and yacking on.

Yeah, I would love to stay out of it except for my cousin feels she has the right to call my OH worthless. :growlmad: I just do not see where she gets off. It all started because she and her OH can't stay out of anyone's business. Ugh ... long story, wouldn't want to bore you. But honestly it just drives me nuts! I am seriously thinking about moving away once I have this baby. I don't need this stuff anymore. Its not like the half of them do anything for me. I love them .. but jeesh! Then my mom just had to pipe in!!! Which made me even more mad. So now I think I'll just run away!

I am sorry about the impending visit from your mother. I hope it ends up going better than you suspect. :thumbup:

Are they the type of poeple who just have to row with people all the time? i had two friends like that a couple and I swear i heard them bitch about everyone till they started a fight with me to! now I fell out with them when I was preg with william with the way they where right in our lives messing about and since then I havnt heard from them. though I am not the only ones as they have a list of people they have interfered with that dont talk to them and people they where fighting with when we knew them are not best mates with them. I have no time for that silliness at all so glad to be rid of them! it was actually a blessing. One went to prison and the other lives miles away now. Karma or what.
But I hate them types, seriously I cant be arsed with fighting and thats what annoyed them I wouldnt rise to it. Just couldnt give a crap and waved good bye while she actually me to my house drunk when i was 22 weeks preg to have a fight and had my mate in tears with how she was acting.


I guess my mum will bring me back something with my name on it AGAIN and finish the row about why I tell people I was born in Ireland when I was because she thinks its insulting to my dad. :wacko:
Time for a rant (sorry about the me post here)

It gets worse look at this status on fb:

C L roll on Friday so I can see my gorgeous girlies :) xxx
20 hours ago · Comment · Like

C L Minus Al! x
20 hours ago · Like

Sophie G And me ....
19 hours ago · Like ·

L K woo hoo jj's here we come!!!
8 hours ago · Like

C L Oooh you're not out either Soph?! I'll have a drink for you hun :) xx JJs and Lindsey's for a sleepover lol x
about an hour ago · Like

Sophie G I wasn't invited.
23 minutes ago · Like ·

I am Sophie!!

C L is the bride of the wedding and L K is the one I had a row with today!!

Hmm sounds very much similar too experiences Ive had -- this is a copy from facebook of one of my friends ... (Im Lauren and too make matters worse the girl (Kat) who Sarah went with is also my friend!!)

Sarah Jones saw eclipse last night, awsum! had my vip seat, lol ^^ she still acts weird tho.
Saturday at 12:22 · Comment · Like

Lauren Parslow uh hum??? thought we were going together?
Saturday at 12:27 · Like ·

Sarah Jones kat managed 2 get me a vip ticket for cwmbran, but 4 last nite, sorry hun. im away nxt wk as mums havin an operation an im stayin with her, didnt know wen i wud o had time 2 c it afta, as i was away in wrk 4 bout 2/3 wks an didnt manage 2 get home till last nite. coz of my wrk i didnt wanna miss it, i cudnt miss it in the cinema.
Saturday at 12:33 · Like

Lauren Parslow well I wasn't doing anything last night :(
Invite woulda been nice :'(
No one wants to bother with the knocked up Lol
Saturday at 12:36 · Like ·

Sarah Jones ‎='[ boohoo sorry. didnt even think as it was a rush job as i was travellin bak from london an didnt even know if id get bak intime.
Saturday at 12:39 · Like

Gareth Delaney Eclipse is awesome, it's bringing bestiality into the main stream where it belongs.... /s
Saturday at 14:17 · Like

Lauren Parslow I wouldn't know Del, not seen it ;p
Saturday at 17:07 · Like ·

Sarah Jones hahaha so true gar...lol
Sunday at 16:06 · Like

:shrug: I just dunno how she thought her response would make me feel better for not being invited!?! Especially as it was 2 of my friends went together!? I'd understand if we were all really young but Im 30 now - a couple of really really old mates still bother with me and thats about it :cry:

Glad your not letting it ruin your Holiday - hope u have an ace time!!

and remember ladies around 3 months from now we'll have the best friends we'll ever need!! :thumbup::hugs:

Lol xx
This is what makes me laugh lauren, my birthday is my 29th, not my 19th. we are grown adults, it is just totally pathetic.

I admit since I have moved I have not been great at staying in touch, but I do see them as much as I can when I go home. they haven't once mentioned coming down. since moving I got a boyfriend and as you know how it goes was all wrapped up in him, then found out I was pregnant and haven't had the easiest 5 months!! But they have never once thought, lets go and visit Soph. I have seen them once I think since I got duffed up.

Pisses me right off!!

I seriously think it will be just me and my boy lol!! When he is 30 I will be beggin him to stay at home and doing all his washing, ironing and cooking :rofl:
If it makes you feel any better I have one friend that seldom visits as the rest all left when I was pregnant or after. None of us speak any more. And its happened to loads I know to. Not true friends if they cant even stand by you at this time. Do they have children?
The only friends I have are ones that have children. I am not too far out of high school, and so I have 1 friend that I still see/talk to regularly. The only other forms of social interaction/friendship are actually my cousins, lol! (Who have/are going to have children as well)

Its storming pretty bad here, power keeps trying to shut off. :( I will most likely be bored out of my mind tonight and going to bed EARLY.

Any of you ladies a math whiz? I am in college and just started an Algebra class and I think I may go crazy with fright as I am not that great at math at all!!!
Oh goodness ... drama x 100000000 with my family today. People honestly need to think about some stuff before they start talking! I just don't understand honestly .. sometimes I wish I could move far, far away from a lot of them!

My family where and are that bad I considered moving far far away I even went looking for houses to rent in this town that was over an hours drive from my parents just to get away from them. I had schools and all looked into and what was there. But since they hardly call to me any more due to to many fights its not so bad. Theres still phones for plenty of fights so I stopped answering them to. My parents return from hols on friday,. not excited as my mum will be here for first time in over a month and as usual will be picking on my son and yacking on.

Yeah, I would love to stay out of it except for my cousin feels she has the right to call my OH worthless. :growlmad: I just do not see where she gets off. It all started because she and her OH can't stay out of anyone's business. Ugh ... long story, wouldn't want to bore you. But honestly it just drives me nuts! I am seriously thinking about moving away once I have this baby. I don't need this stuff anymore. Its not like the half of them do anything for me. I love them .. but jeesh! Then my mom just had to pipe in!!! Which made me even more mad. So now I think I'll just run away!

I am sorry about the impending visit from your mother. I hope it ends up going better than you suspect. :thumbup:

Are they the type of poeple who just have to row with people all the time? i had two friends like that a couple and I swear i heard them bitch about everyone till they started a fight with me to! now I fell out with them when I was preg with william with the way they where right in our lives messing about and since then I havnt heard from them. though I am not the only ones as they have a list of people they have interfered with that dont talk to them and people they where fighting with when we knew them are not best mates with them. I have no time for that silliness at all so glad to be rid of them! it was actually a blessing. One went to prison and the other lives miles away now. Karma or what.
But I hate them types, seriously I cant be arsed with fighting and thats what annoyed them I wouldnt rise to it. Just couldnt give a crap and waved good bye while she actually me to my house drunk when i was 22 weeks preg to have a fight and had my mate in tears with how she was acting.


I guess my mum will bring me back something with my name on it AGAIN and finish the row about why I tell people I was born in Ireland when I was because she thinks its insulting to my dad. :wacko:

Honestly DF they are just miserable people all together. None of them do anything with themselves. And I hate to look down on anyone to be honest, but living off the government and not getting a job because you have "back problems"? It is rather pathetic. I am not the best person in the world, and although I don't have a job I am a full-time college student. I worked when I was pregnant with my DS but was terminated for something that was practically out of my control.

Anyhow .. I just can't stand them. I think the only people I am going to communicate with anymore are my sisters, mother, and my grandmother and a select few cousins whom help me a lot so couldn't imagine leaving them out.

Perhaps you will rather like the gift from your mother?? I know you have said you do not like your name much, but perhaps it will be pretty??
I have never ever liked anything my mum has got me ever. She has a totally different taste than me and when she asks do I want anything back ahs gets me something I dont want back. If I told her and wrote it on her head she wouldnt get it. She bought Darren back nice stuff, jumpers and syrup waffles, I couldnt eat the waffles as I am a coalic and she just looked at me and said "didnt know what to get you". So I got another keyring with my name on it. Told her nothing with my name on it this year, tulip bulbs if need be or some delph. I garentee she will get none of them things it will be something like a tube of cadburys cod from the air port. Her taset in cloths she reckons i should be wearing pink flowery things like a child, she has my sister dressed in everything pink from primark! and is gutted i am to fat to fit in to it so she keeps telling me. Second hand cloths for me again there but lucky I am pregnant and not as she says "slender" as my 6ft tall sister who is 16.

She can say what she likes, when pointed out several times on picking on me when i am pregnant about weight she answers!"just saying" refusing to even believe it was offensive to me. PS she is near 30 stone I think, been in weight watches over 10 years never lost just gained. My dad makes her go to it.
I have never ever liked anything my mum has got me ever. She has a totally different taste than me and when she asks do I want anything back ahs gets me something I dont want back. If I told her and wrote it on her head she wouldnt get it. She bought Darren back nice stuff, jumpers and syrup waffles, I couldnt eat the waffles as I am a coalic and she just looked at me and said "didnt know what to get you". So I got another keyring with my name on it. Told her nothing with my name on it this year, tulip bulbs if need be or some delph. I garentee she will get none of them things it will be something like a tube of cadburys cod from the air port. Her taset in cloths she reckons i should be wearing pink flowery things like a child, she has my sister dressed in everything pink from primark! and is gutted i am to fat to fit in to it so she keeps telling me. Second hand cloths for me again there but lucky I am pregnant and not as she says "slender" as my 6ft tall sister who is 16.

She can say what she likes, when pointed out several times on picking on me when i am pregnant about weight she answers!"just saying" refusing to even believe it was offensive to me. PS she is near 30 stone I think, been in weight watches over 10 years never lost just gained. My dad makes her go to it.

I am sorry DF :hugs: I always wish that someone could have a better relationship with thier family than they do. I don't have the best relationship with my mom either. But, its nothing like that. She is just overly protective but isn't around enough to really say anything ... iykwim.

Atleast I have my Grandma, who practically raised me. She can get a bit annoying at times, but I sure do love the woman. Do you have other family that you are close to?


Happy V-Day to Baby Madelyn!!!:D :happydance:
my gran looked after me a lot when I was growing up as she was working but she died in 1998. My dads fam are in another country and dont care and my mums the rest of them live mins away but never visit and have problems with me not christening my son. They all visit each other daily though. I did ask and I was given the reason that I dont visit them because I have no car they dont have to come to me when they do have cars and live mins away in a car. They think I should be walking down dual carriageways and back roads to visit them and my mum even says that. Dare I inconvenience anyone in my family. Even on xmas day when I was preg with William she told me to walk to my granddads when I had dangerously high bp and swollen feet I coudlnt hardly walk and was near due. She really hasnt got a caring bone in her.

When my aunt came to see me she got me a gift for moving in, my mum was more concerned with asked me what the brand name on it was and where she would have got it so she could work out how much she spent! I wouldnt ever have thought if that and didnt look at where it came from or who made it I just like it.

I cant get along with her at all I disagree with every thing she does and says and how she acts. My OH can see a lot of my bro and sister are like her but I am not. As I never got anything I wasnt selfish with anything like the other two. More forgotten about. Wish she would dam well carry on forgetting instead of making it known she is forever insulted by my parenting decisions.
I am sorry that you have such little family support DF.

Where is everyone today? Lol.
Hi girlies. Happy V Day to my little boy :) :happydance:

Congratulations :happydance:

Hope the last few days of term aren't too stressful and that you have a brilliant holiday!

In other news, I have been the only person at the aquafit thing for the last 2 weeks - I know you're on hols next week and there's no class the week after that, but after that you should really come!
I am finished for the year now! NQT over so proper teacher come September :happydance:

I do have valid reasons for not coming honest :D Last week I was on a school trip and didn;t get home till half 5 and was knackered and today I have come straight to my mums in Croydon as off on hols tomorrow :)

so as soon as the next class is on should be around although I am back and forth Hastings/Croydon (doctors, dentist, birthday, babysitting etc!!) so I shall let you know :D


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