~~~November Sparklers 2010 mummies and daddies thread ~~~~

Amber latched on fine, she just wouldn't unlatch :haha: and wanted to be there 24 hours a day...

...So the switch to formula was for my sanity and that of my family, with a 5 year old around aswell I felt just as guilty not being able to give her any quality time as I was constantly feeding, whereas now DH can help out, I get more time to enjoy my baby as I am not always having her latched on or expressing...so for us; it works :thumbup:
Erin has put on 170g in 24 hours with combination formula and EBM :thumbup: so I'm a very happy mummy! The MW was great, very supportive and at the end of the day, she's being fed and not lost any more weight. If she gets breastmilk this way it's a bonus.
OH has taken her up to the in-laws for a visit while I try and pump some more for overnight.
Breast is NOT best if it doesn't work for you!! Especially if you have another child to look after. I am stiucking at it cos to be honest I am really enjoying it and Evan is doing really well on it too. He has not been stuck to me today and has been feeding for shorter periods (15 mins or so) but is sleeping for slightly less in general. He had a real grisle this morning, but I think he was cold and over tired really. I also have no-one to worry about except evan and myself, so can happily sit on the sofa all day with the tv and feed him when he wants it.
I did break last night though. I was in the shower and my nipples were so sore, Evan had been feeding on/off all day. So I decided to give my boobs a break and gave him a bottle of Aptimel. Well I won't be doing it again any time soon!! He didn't take to it too well, he drank just over 2oz, but fed from me again about an hour after. Then was terribly sick and I couldn;t settle him for hours. For the first time he looked like he was in pain. i'd burped him and everything!

So today mum bough t me a TT bottle to see if he takes that better (I have Avent) and also some bm storage bags and my job this week is to express back up. I have my first night out on Dec 10th so need to get him sorted by then!
Well this morning I went to my sisters to have some photos of Evan done as my bil is a photographer. Well Evan didn't play ball at all! Cried the whole time. Not grisle, but bloody wail and sob :( We got a few pics but cos Evan was crying the ones where he doesn;t look like he is crying he still looks tense, so bil is coming over one evening to do them again. The ideas of the pics are fantastic and when Evan is in the right mood they will be bloody fab. My bil will also blow them up and put them on canva or frame them for free :happydance:

As for the weightloss ladies Evan took 16 days to get back to birthweight. He was just under the 10% loss but started gaining weight very quickly. He is getting a bit chubby in the face now :haha:

Night times seem to be a bit better with us! Past 2 nights he has settled better and I have managed some decent sleep. But I still need naps in the day or I will die :D Still can;t manage going out for long cos my scar is still so tender and the only clothes I can wear comfy is leggings!

Lizzy, really pleased Erin has started to put weight on :)

Dani, you have done the right thing for you and Amber so fuck everyone else who tries to say otherwise :hugs:

Gemma, you sound much more settled now :) I loved the picture on your fb of the pink sling :)
Breast Nazis = :grr: There is so much pressure too bf - When I had my 1st ever MW appt they asked me if I planned too BF and I said no - but over the time of my pregnancy I got pretty much 'brainwashed' into doing it - I am glad that I got talked around as I know the benefits are great, but I have no qualms about FF if it does start to go wrong for me.. time will tell I guess?

Well done Erin and Lizzy! :happydance:

AM make sure you share the pics of Evan when you get them :thumbup: Your lucky having a photographer in the family - proper photos are soooo expensive!!

Lol xx
When my HV asked if I was bf and I said yes I swear she nearly had a bloody orgasm on the sofa :rofl:

I sure will lol :) It is very handy. He didn't do bump pics of me as I didn't want any done, then when I changed my mind I ended up having Evan. Me and my sis wanted one done together as she is preggo with twins and at 21 weeks is mahoosive, about what I was at 26 weeks at least. But it never happened :(
Soph, I started on the Avent bottles...what a load of shite!! They leaked, Amber took ages to bring up wind with them and was mega colicy :dohh:

So we bought the TT closer to nature ones yesterday, what a difference!! She winds straight away without loads and loads of back patting, sainsburys have them on offer at the moment too, 3 of the bigger bottles with a third off, think it works out at about £7.

I was naughty today, I wanted a bit of shopping, and it was raining and I didn't really fancy dragging both of the girls out, so I drove my car to the supermarket :haha: Just don't tell my mum, who texts on a daily basis to make sure I haven't driven my car yet!!
why can u not drive ur car?

we hav tt bottles, i find she can never quite get all the milk out from them. I bought a medela bottle the other day gonna try that, has no one invented a bottle that they have to kind of latch on and work harder to get milk out like the boob? Watch this space and u might see me on dragons den!
Not meant to drive for 6 weeks after a section cod your stomach muscled are weakens and it affects your ability to emergency stop. Insurers cam refuse to pay out if u have an accident.

Naughty Dani!!! Bring stuck is totally killing me!!! 3 weeks till I can drive!!

I haven't had a problem with avent bottles leaking at all. But he didn't bring up burps so could bd why he was so unsettled last night xx
ahhhhhhhh right i did no know that thanks.

congrats pink lizzy thats fab x
I drove after 3 weeks with my section after Reagan, and my insurers okay'd it then saying if I felt I could do an emergency stop then go for it.

This time around I have an automatic car...and I felt fine driving it...problem is now I have done it once it is going to tease me looking at the car sitting outside the house :haha:

GG I agree on there always being a little bit of milk left in the bottom of the TT bottles.

Awww, Soph, are you going to wait the full 6 weeks before driving?

I have done a few 'not meant to's' this weekend...I pounced my DH too last night, poor man didn't know what happened :haha:
its annoying when ur milk is like gold dust haha and as long as you didnt over exhurt yourself I cant see it being a problem (is exhurt even a word or did i make it up?)

Well we have been making a little routine of night time bath between 7-8 depending on when she wakes then she had a little play time (mainly searching for food and me kissing her) and then a bit of a feed and then she went to sleep so instead of keeping the moses basket downstairs only to disturb her when we go up, Iv put her in it in the bedroom and got the angelcare on, she is making little noises but when iv checked she is asleep so must be having a nice dream :) Her next feed I have about 31/2 oz just out the fridge which im getting to room temp and then hopefully after that she will go down for about 4 hours. Fxd will update tomorrow!
Blimey attempting a routine already?? I can't even think about that yet!! We are still going with the flow!!

Dani i don't feel comfy driving yet anyway. My abdomen is still very tender and a bit numb :( maybe in another week or 2. See how I feel. I have people doing stuff for me and driving me about :haha: can't wait till I can just go out whenever xx
Evening all.

I started writing this post this morning :haha: I think my days of sitting around online have come to an abrupt end. Weill I can lurk, its just posting which is the problem as Georgie wont settle anywhere but on me (day or night) for very long so the minute he does I rush around like a mad woman.

So, to catch up :

Lizzy, bless you, its such a worry when they loose weight. Georgie dropped to just 5lb 11oz at last weigh in but luckily it was within the 10%. He is being weighed again tomorrow so fingers crossed. I have also topped up with formula when I have been worried, I have tried to pump but none will come out (which obviously makes me worry that I don't have any!).

Gemma, I think Georgie likes to stay on the breast for comfort too. I am finding that hard as I don't seem to get more than about 15 minutes at a time baby free throughout the day. He will sleep in my arms for ages but the minute I put him down he wakes and cries and roots for milk. I am sorry Libby had colic, that must have been really hard to hear her cry like that :hugs:

Welcome to our parenting thread vaniilla :hi:

loula, I am so pleased to hear that Ryan is getting on better with Aptamil, bless him, I do hope his constipation is now over.

oh iv been out for lunch and done it a few times but I have a breastfeeding apron that hides us which is a godsend when u have to fiddle about with shields ;).

Gemma, please do post a link for the breast feeding apron that you have, I think I could do with something like that as it takes me so many tries to get Georgie latched on that the whole world and their aunt has seen my boobies before we are sorted :rofl:

Sophie, hope you get some great pics when Evan is in a better mood.

Dani, it is going to drive me nuts not being able to drive although I am sure my hospital said just 3-4 weeks, which is about as much as I think I will bare!

Does anyone know why you are not meant to iron for 6 weeks? Or hoover? Hoovering I can handle as hubby will do it but he never gets round to ironing and I just had to do some of Georgie's sleepsuits this evening as he only has a few that fits him as he was so much smaller than expected.

We had a big family dinner out today for my MILs birthday, was dreading it as I just knew Georgie would just want to feed all through the meal and several family members have expressed their distaste of women feeding in public (hubby has a few sharp words for that) and I am ashamed to admit that as I am still learning and not yet discreet plus Georgie wants it so much, I took a bottle of formula with us. He drank it and was sick! I felt so guilty as he is never sick on my milk. He did sleep fr a good 4 hours though which he NEVER usually does. I am going to try so hard not to resort to formula again.

I also managed to pump a whole tablespoon out today :haha: big improvement on yesterdays droplet :rofl:

I am also so not in a routine, at this rate he will be at least 6 months old before I even attempt one!
Cocobelle - I'm sorry to hear about your son being sick on the formula, its terrible that you're made to feel bad for breastfeeding in public, hopefully when your confidence grows you can start to without worrying what people think, anyone against it can look away! I've not been brave enough to take lo out far beyond a walk in the park, supermarket and trips to MIL's house :haha: I'm not sure about ironing specifically but as far as I know your supposed to avoid housework all together and avoid lifting anything heavier than your baby.

I'm having a challenging night! I came down with a full blown cold last night, add to that migraine and painful uti I didn't manage to get to sleep until 5 even though I was exhausted, Lo wakes up every 2 hours for a feed, I don't know how I would manage if he was being bf, oh needs to wake up early tomorrow so I know tonight all the work will be on my shoulders but I'm still suffering from having no sleep last night :nope: this is the time of day where I feel down and it continues til about 1pm the next day. he's only 3 weeks but I think he might waking to comfort feed, anyone know much about this?
OMG sorry for the me me me post a minute but arrrrggghhh!!! Ive had several hrs of non stop crying today and she is having trouble latching - when she does she is latched for ages and falls asleep - 5 mins later crying house down and having trouble latching again -- we tried everything and she just won't settle --- so we got breast pump out -- nothing coming outta either boob!! So OH has just gone out driving around looking for 24 hr place that sells baby milk!! Can't believe this is happening - what if Ive had no milk all this time!?


Lol xx
This is such a stupid question but I need some help, please!

If I've expressed say 4oz of milk into a sterile bottle but Kai only has 2oz....do I have to throw the remainder away? Or can I re-bottle it and put it in the fridge?

I'm so clueless but have now resorted to expressing some milk for night time as we've had such a nightmare with him today. Was feeding from 8:45pm to 1am with small breaks inbetween but I just can't cope with that level of feeding everyday (and it's been pretty much every day). If he has expressed milk in a bottle, I know he's getting enough and hopefully it'll stop the constant feeding....worth a try anyway.

Sorry to hear you're having latching problems lolpants :hugs: Hope things get better for you.

vaniilla: Hope you feel better soon. :hugs: I think my LO comfort feeds. He's definitely not feeding for the whole time when we have a marathon feed. He falls asleep at the breast and when I go to move him, he wakes and wants breast again, sucks for a few minutes then falls asleep again....the cycle continues! It's hard work but I'm told it's a good thing....not sure how or why though!

GG: Hope the strategy works! :hugs:

Cocobelle: I don't blame you for not wanting to BF in public. I haven't even ventured out with LO yet but I'm dreading having to do it in front of people. Even at home with visitors I go into another room as some people get a bit funny about it. I'm silly really and should just get on with it...maybe one day!
OMG sorry for the me me me post a minute but arrrrggghhh!!! Ive had several hrs of non stop crying today and she is having trouble latching - when she does she is latched for ages and falls asleep - 5 mins later crying house down and having trouble latching again -- we tried everything and she just won't settle --- so we got breast pump out -- nothing coming outta either boob!! So OH has just gone out driving around looking for 24 hr place that sells baby milk!! Can't believe this is happening - what if Ive had no milk all this time!?


Lol xx

oh nooo sorry hun, it was all going so well, im sure u have some milk, remember baby's suck is a lot stringer than bp and if ur supply is still comin thru ur not gonna get much.. which pump do u have, iv found that makes a difference.

This is such a stupid question but I need some help, please!

If I've expressed say 4oz of milk into a sterile bottle but Kai only has 2oz....do I have to throw the remainder away? Or can I re-bottle it and put it in the fridge?

nah ur not unfortunatly :( lib wasted 1 1/2 oz last nite but its contaminated now so has to be chucked

Evening all.

oh iv been out for lunch and done it a few times but I have a breastfeeding apron that hides us which is a godsend when u have to fiddle about with shields ;).

Gemma, please do post a link for the breast feeding apron that you have, I think I could do with something like that as it takes me so many tries to get Georgie latched on that the whole world and their aunt has seen my boobies before we are sorted :rofl:

just ebay xx

didnt work as well as hoped but didnt think it wud yet, only reason i need to get bath in every night is as she has night and day confused it helps her too distinguish between two. Wont work straight away but worth a try

Vaniilla, you poor thing. Its hard enough to cope with lack of sleep due to baby, but being unwell must be awful. Georgie doesn't seem to wake for comfort feeds but I know he definitely comfort feeds when he is awake. Its very tiring.

Dani you nutter!!! :haha:

Gemma, thanks I will have a look on ebay to see what one looks like.

Lol, our latch is so hit and miss that I am going to phone our local breast feeding lady to see if she can come out and give us some pointers as I know that if they are not latched on properly, it can hinder their feeding and make them want to feed more and for longer. I am not doing very will expressing either. I have a medela swing pump and can still only get enough out for just one good mouthful! I also worry that means I am not producing enough but Georgie often comes off the boob with a milky mouth so that can't be the case.

Pixelle, I think you are meant to spilt it before you feed it if you pump more than you need but not 100% sure. Well done for being able to pump so much!

Is anyone else co-sleeping? I would rather not as I feel so much more relaxed with him in his crib on his Angelcare pad thing but he will not go in his crib at all and after being so tired that I was seeing insects crawling all over him when I was sitting up feeding him (I must have been flipping hallucinating) I have given in and he sleeps with me. Its great for night feeds as he just roots about and attaches and I wake up in the morning feeling totally refreshed and ready for the day but I worry about him so much that I dread dropping off to sleep.

We keep trying his crib but he wont settle in there during the day either and he is not keen on his pram for naps either, unless he is dosed up on formula and then he will sleep anywhere. Hubby and I are beginning to think we have waisted an awful lot of money on posh baby things when it seems a cardboard box would have done he same thing :haha:
:hugs: How are things this morning Lol?

Vaniila...hope you feel a bit better soon :flower:

Jo...I have fallen asleep during the day with Amber on me or cuddled up to her in bed...but the thought of co-sleeping during the night terrifies me, both hubby and I are heavy sleepers (on those few hours I get between feeds I make damn sure I make the most of it and sleep heavy!!)...I have heard a lot of breastfeeding mummies say howver that co-sleeping saves their sanity...so if it works for you, then why not?!!

Amber wouldn't settle until 1.30am this morning, she would sleep happily on me, but yet another case of as soon as laid in her basket *ping* little madam's eyes were wide open...at one point I was cuddling her and thought 'ouch', looked down, she had rooted and was sucking booby for comfort!! :haha: The scary thing is although I haven't breastfed since thursday I still have milk there!!

I have an appointment with the nurse today for a blood pressure check and a wound check...it seems the numerous antibiotics have cleared up the wound infection though as it isn't leaking anymore :happydance:

Christmas is coming!!! The coca-cola advert was on last night in the adverts of the 'Fix Factor'!! :dance: My other little lady will be 5 on christmas day...time flies!!!

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