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~~~November Sparklers 2010 mummies and daddies thread ~~~~

I still get pains now!! Not often or bad but really felt it yesterday.

As you'll have read lol bf is bloody hard work. Certainly not something anyone tells u!! Basically it seems your lo will be on boob for a considerable amount of time as in theory baby is building up your supply.

Even though me and gemma have been struggling both libby and evan have had fantastic weight gains. I am still perservring. I guess for me restless nights and no routine arecrge hardest. Luckily I have a good milk supply so am keeping at it for now. Have given evan ebm once and will do more when I can be arsed!!!

Share anything here lol, as u can tell were all going through the same things! The food thing is we know our lo's are totally normal :)
I think Ive just been lucky so far - she averages every 2-3 hrs in the day but seems too sleep for around 6 hrs at night - she feeds for an average of 20 mins - sometimes a bit more or less - hope that Im doing it right - she gets weighed tomorrow and again on Tuesday and I know BF babies lose weight 1st and then regain it so im not gonna let it worry me if she hasn't put on weight tomorrow.

Its such a crazy steeped learning curve - all the books in the world can't prepare you for the real thing!!

Lol xx
I still get the odd cramping now, but thats a good sign :)

Loula - did someone recommend you give him water? as I read you dont need to give a newborn water as milk has water in it esp if your making up the milk with boiled water so in a sense your just filling baby up with water and getting nothing from it. Glad he settled and hopes he gives u a massive poo! Im not sure what age they give them movecol from but nephew always had problems with poo and that worked a treat!

well im a bit worried about libby, but im beginning to think im always gonna feel like this... we gave her the top up feed last night and she slept till 6ish and then took v little feed and fell back to sleep at 9 and i had to wake her at 12 for a feed a she wasnt really interested but I got her to feed for a decent amount of time, do u think the top up feed just filled her up for so long or she is poorly she does have a bit of a cold? I also managed to express an ounce in about 20 minutes off the other boob while she was feeding on one, most iv got that fast before!

Is anyone else aching all over? my back, my hips and my knees are killing? I had a touch spd but Im walking liike a penguin now cos of pain.

I wish I could stop worrying so much! If I had a penny for everytime I said "right we are switching to formula today" I'd be a millionare!

oh I forgot to say, went for newborn hearing test at the hospital yesterday as she failed in hospital but she passed yesterday. It was sooo stressful tho, hubby has car and I had to get 2 buses. Naturally, I missed the first bus by minutes, libby started searching for a feed at the bus stop, missed the second bus by minutes, libby started crying for a feed, got off the bus a couple of stops early as im still new to the area so had to run (in pain) to the hospital with a screaming baby to start feeding in the waiting area, after the test - more feeding, had a cuppa in the restaurant, she fell asleep but woke on the bus, so had to feed her in town in a baby change standing up and the lights were sensored so they kept going off leaving me in the dark :cry: a simple trip was so stressful and people coughing all over her on the bus and thinking they can peer in the pram and talk to her with their germs....and hubby wont let me have a second car :(

LOL sorry for me me me post there, got a bit carried away.
I think two cars are essential with a tiny baby!! Can't u get a cheap little run around? Saying that I can't drive and am walking everywhere. But cos of the section I still can't do much. I walked into town yesterday but walking home uphill really affected my stomach and scar!!

I had my first public bf incident too! Visited my friend whose baby girl is 9 days older than Evan. He went mental for a feed so had to whip booby out at her house! Wasn't too bad but not sure how I'll feel about proper public!!

Gemma evan has sometimes been feeding less maybe for 20 mins before settling. If she is sleeping between feeds I'm sure she is fine :)
oh iv been out for lunch and done it a few times but I have a breastfeeding apron that hides us which is a godsend when u have to fiddle about with shields ;)

we could but he says we have to pay our debt off with any spare income and when my maternity money stops I need to find a little job.
Erin has lost weight:cry: The MW came this morning and weighed her-she has lost 400g from her birth weight which is 14%. She rang the hospital and they have said she can stay at home but needs to be given 1oz of formula after every feed and be weighed again tomorrow.
She has been able to latch on with the nipple shields and my milk has come in but my nipples are agony still.
She has slept so well today, in her moses basket that I feel guilty that she has been hungry all this time and that's why she wouldn't settle :cry:
u wernt to know hun it wasnt intentional, and she will soon put it on again :hugs:
GG That sounds like an awful journey :( My OH suggested going down too one car - theres no way I would now - especially as we have had to have 1 car the last couple of weeks whilst his gets fixed

Lizzy - I thought bf babies were expected too lose weight in 1st week?

I've just got back from spending the day at my Mums - Phoebe was a bit grizzly and wouldn't latch - had 3 small feeds an hr apart and just cried lots in-between :( Dunno whether it was the change in surroundings?

Lol xx
they are but only up to 10% xx

im fed up lib has been on for 3hrs now! i just gave her some formula as was worried i wasnt satisfying her but then she stll wants to be on so must be comfort, i thought we wee making progress xx
Hey GG dont worry about the whole 3 hour thing. Flynn has been relentless today and will nap for a 2-3 hour stretch then be on the boob for 40 mins of every hour for the next 3 hours. Just keep at it. I have thrown my expectation of a schedule out the window right now and am just going to try and get through this. Hopefully this is just a short phase.

We are all doing great jobs with our LOs ladies. Keep up the good work!
just found this thread :happydance:

by the sounds of it every one is doing great jobs, I'm still getting used to the waking up a lot during the night, I keep thinking every night why does nobody want to baby sit at night :haha: but its something we have to go through like everyone else,

getting sick of people that practically ignored/were rude throughout my pregnancy now pretending to be best friends and asking to come over :nope:
I know what you mean vaniila, I've had people I went to high school with pestering to come visit, and the funny thing is I don't think I even spoke 10 words to this girl at school! Just nosy some people.

AFM - Ryan seems to like aptamil so much more if nothing else, he's is finishing 3oz feeds every 4 hours which is fab as he started off such a slow feeder. As for his constipation I am keeping my fingers crossed that, that has passed as well. Last night we massaged sudacrem into his anus (sorry tmi but was recommended by my neighbor and we were willing to try anything!)... he did a fairly big poo there and then but it was still very hard...but then what followed...well, wow is all I can say... I never would have imagined that so much poop could come out of such a small bum! No wonder the poor thing has been so uncomfortable holding all that in!

This morning he had done a normal sized, soft poo... I'm gonna keep giving him his 1oz of water a day though and hope he never has to suffer through this again! x
well i discovered the reason she fed for so long was she had colic! put her to bed and she screamed uncontrolably even when I held her she couldnt settle, she screamed till 2ish and I put her bki on boob and that must have soothed it and I lay down in bed with her on, she wasnt even getting any milk just fallin out the side. :( so We have NO more formula in the house cos she is getting enough im just fretting over nothing and that blood tommee tippee breast pump makes it worse as I cant pump very much from it, but when iv looked in the reveiws it seems its common to take so long to get so little so Im lending an advent one, hopefully thats better or il have to buy a medala.

Hi vanilla, welcome to thread :) I havnt really had that problem as I dont live in my home town anymore, but that comes with the added problem that if people visit they have to come down all day cos of the drive.

Glad apitmal is agreeing with Ryan and he had a huge poop! :)
We had a better night with Kai. Seems he's getting into more of a routine now I'm waking him for feeds during the day. He still suckles for comfort and will only fall asleep on my chest at night so I wait til he's asleep properly before putting him in moses basket. During the evening he still feeds for hours on end but it's much more manageable than middle of the night!

Tmi but I'm still bleeding very heavily and am so sore it hurts to sit for more than 20 minutes! Really hoping I heal soon. Wish they'd told me the extent of my tears and I'd had stitches now!

Sounds like we all have milk monster babies...but I'm told it does get easier. Hope everyone is coping ok. This seems to be something no one tells you about!

OH is still in bed, as is Kai. Think I might have a nap on sofa as we have 2 sets of visitors today. Getting a bit annoyed with it all now,though. We haven't had any proper time together yet so next weekend I'm not allowing visitors. Don't want to be harsh but people can wait now!
I decided to try and pump last night and was able to get 1oz at a time in about 10 mins so I've been giving Erin EBM as well as formula every 2 hours. My mum is an absolute angel and stayed over last night to do two night feeds and let me sleep so I'm feeling so much better!
We weren't getting on with the nipple shields as she's still finding it so difficult to efficiently get any milk from me so I think at the moment I'm going to carry on expressing and feeding her the EBM as well as the formula to help her jaundice-I already feel much less stressed although I do feel as if people will be disappointed in my decision :wacko:
The MW will be coming over again soon to re-weigh her so fingers and toes crossed for no weight loss!
Hi Ladies
Had my 2nd MW visit - and was a different lady to my normal MW - Much nicer and explained so much too me! Phoebe has lost 8.6% so is under the 10% but still high- she has recommended we wake her during her 6 hr nap at night for a feed if she hasn't had at least 8 feeds by the time we put her down -- hoping we don't have to do this as I don't really wanna wake her (plus its nice to get 6 hrs sleep!) MW not concerned as my milk has only just come in yesterday so she thinks Phoebe will be more demanding now.

Glad too hear things are getting easier for you Lizzy :hugs:

Pixelle - you didn't have any stitches I take it? I was sutured all the way around as I had 2nd degree tears :( and Ive been suffering sitting and walking since yesterday.. Im finding a cold wet flannel pressed against there every few hrs is a nice relief

My visiting starts from tomorrow - been lucky that everyone respected us too leave us till then

Lol xx
I decided to try and pump last night and was able to get 1oz at a time in about 10 mins so I've been giving Erin EBM as well as formula every 2 hours. My mum is an absolute angel and stayed over last night to do two night feeds and let me sleep so I'm feeling so much better!
We weren't getting on with the nipple shields as she's still finding it so difficult to efficiently get any milk from me so I think at the moment I'm going to carry on expressing and feeding her the EBM as well as the formula to help her jaundice-I already feel much less stressed although I do feel as if people will be disappointed in my decision :wacko:
The MW will be coming over again soon to re-weigh her so fingers and toes crossed for no weight loss!

Do you not think its because there is so much pressure put on woman these days to breast feed? I feel the same but it doesnt matter if anyone is dissapointed in you, you are doing whats best for your baby and that makes you a wonderful mum, it doesnt matter if you breast feed or not, baby is getting everything she needs and is loved and thats whats important :hugs: x
I decided to try and pump last night and was able to get 1oz at a time in about 10 mins so I've been giving Erin EBM as well as formula every 2 hours. My mum is an absolute angel and stayed over last night to do two night feeds and let me sleep so I'm feeling so much better!
We weren't getting on with the nipple shields as she's still finding it so difficult to efficiently get any milk from me so I think at the moment I'm going to carry on expressing and feeding her the EBM as well as the formula to help her jaundice-I already feel much less stressed although I do feel as if people will be disappointed in my decision :wacko:
The MW will be coming over again soon to re-weigh her so fingers and toes crossed for no weight loss!

Do you not think its because there is so much pressure put on woman these days to breast feed? I feel the same but it doesnt matter if anyone is dissapointed in you, you are doing whats best for your baby and that makes you a wonderful mum, it doesnt matter if you breast feed or not, baby is getting everything she needs and is loved and thats whats important :hugs: x

I think there is too much pressure on women to breastfeed, health visitors aren't very helpful either, mine doesn't even acknowledge expressing, when she asked how I was feeding lo I said he was having formula and ebm and she just said so he's on formula is there a reason why you chose not to bf and I said because I don't feel comfortable and she just gave the most patronizing look :growlmad:
There is way too much pressure to breastfeed, and I think that is why I felt so guilty, was beating myself up, and in tears feeling like I had failed Amber when we switched to formula at 2 weeks old.

My health Visitor came the other day, she is an older lady, I told her my decision expecting the same as the midwife gave me (keep at it, blah blah blah)...and I was pleasantly surprised...the HV was lovely, no judging, just very supportive and full of useful advice :thumbup:

There is no denying breast is best...BUT...what is the point in a mum continuing with it when it is making her mega unhappy, happy mum = happy baby...as long as the baby is fed either way, is content and loved...who bloody cares what pressure society and the health care professionals put on it, at the end of the day it is not their baby!!
There is way too much pressure to breastfeed, and I think that is why I felt so guilty, was beating myself up, and in tears feeling like I had failed Amber when we switched to formula at 2 weeks old.

My health Visitor came the other day, she is an older lady, I told her my decision expecting the same as the midwife gave me (keep at it, blah blah blah)...and I was pleasantly surprised...the HV was lovely, no judging, just very supportive and full of useful advice :thumbup:

There is no denying breast is best...BUT...what is the point in a mum continuing with it when it is making her mega unhappy, happy mum = happy baby...as long as the baby is fed either way, is content and loved...who bloody cares what pressure society and the health care professionals put on it, at the end of the day it is not their baby!!

I completely agree. I was made to feel extremely guilty for giving up and switching to FF, but Ryan would not latch...no matter what I did, what positions I tried he just fell asleep. I tried stripping him, tickling him...nothing worked, he just fell asleep on my chest. It got to the point where he hadn't fed at all in almost a day and thats when I gave in. It was upsetting me that I couldn't feed him and I was getting so stressed and almost angry with Ryan because he wouldn't latch on. Breast is only best if your baby will actually feed! x

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