~~~November Sparklers 2010 mummies and daddies thread ~~~~

hey girls :hi:

Grace is hard to settle last feed at night too. she gets fed at 10pm and at 12:30am shes still awake and fighting the sleep big time! during the day and the feeds during the night shes quite easy to settle after, but its as if she knows that me and DH and crying out for bed at 10:30pm so she decides its play time :haha:

DH goes back to work on wednesday and im not looking forward to it. im worried how i'll manage on my own cos he works long shifts, day shifts and night shifts :wacko:. im trying not to dwell on it too much as i can feel myself panicking abit about it. im hoping everything falls into place, I mean he doesnt really do that much, hes just there if i forget a get a bib he'll get it or if i need to the loo hes there to watch over her, just silly things! I think its just knowing im gona be doing it alone thats a bit frightening.

Anyway we're taking Grace to see santa this morning! OMG soooooo excited! :happydance:
morning ladies

well OH managed to get some ready made formula and we got some peace! she has had 3 feeds of it now and seems so much happier - not giving up on the BF yet though - just giving boobies a break and will resume with it later today - gonna go to a local support group tomorrow too.
I have the spectra pump - had brilliant reviews, so don't think it was the pump?

MIH - thats so cute that your taking Grace too meet santa - Im gona have to do the same :thumbup: .. Im panicking about OH going back too work already too!!

Coco - were not co sleeping for the same reasons Dani mentioned- but its perfectly safe if you do it right

Pixelle - well done on expressing so much!! Might be best to store smaller amounts so that you don't end up wasting it? You freezing it at all? Can last months in the freezer!

I missed the coca cola ad!! But everyones FB statuses told me it was on - its official ... holidays are coming!! :happydance:

Lol xx
Ah bless her, I bet she was the youngest baby Santa has had on his knee today x

Hope she gets what she 'asked' for :)
lol he was very amazed to have a baby not even 2 weeks old visit him i think! i didnt think he was gona give her back! at least she was asleep.....next year when she knows a bit better it could be a 'screaming' photo :haha:
bad day today :cry:

evan woke at half 5 and slept fpor 90 mins between then and 2pm. he wont go down unlkess on me :( i tried formula he puked it up so obviously wasnt hungry. i havent had time for a shower, get dressed or eat. to top it off my breast pump wont work :growlmad:

dunno what to do :(
bad day today :cry:

evan woke at half 5 and slept fpor 90 mins between then and 2pm. he wont go down unlkess on me :( i tried formula he puked it up so obviously wasnt hungry. i havent had time for a shower, get dressed or eat. to top it off my breast pump wont work :growlmad:

dunno what to do :(

Aww poor you :hugs: wish there was something i could say! is there no one who would watch him for even half an hour til you lie in a bath and relax or something! you def sound like you need a break hun :hug:
Thanks Lol, thought it was time I updated :flower:

Sophie, know exactly what it is like to have a baby that will not sleep alone as Georgie refuses point blank to sleep in his crib and we have both taken it in turns staying up most the night trying to make him. I have the health visitor coming tomorrow so I timed his day and he fed for 20 minutes and then fell asleep in my arms, so I put him in his crib and he stayed asleep for a max of 10 minutes before waking and that pattern repeated it self throughout the day until I was lucky enough to get a 2 hour break when he could last no more late this afternoon. The only way I get through the night is to co-sleep but I don't like doing it as I really worry having him in with me but I can't function with him wanting to sleep on me day and night, at least if I get a good nights sleep I can cope in the day.

I really hope he has a better night for you tonight hun :hugs:
Coco, do you have a moses basket? Evan won't go in his crib either, so he has been sleeping in the moses basket, day and night, which works well. I think the crib is too big and open for them when they are so small. Am going to try him in it when he is a bit bigger, well when he is big enough to go in his sleeping bag. Evan often falls asleep on me and I also fall asleep. I worry about it, but can't stop it happening!! I might look into co sleeping especially as I have the big bed to my self!

I have no-one in the day (like most people!!) I have help in the evening luckily so this evening I will go and have a nice bath to chill for a bit.

I am really trying to work out what he is crying for as it isn't always food! He has had pretty bad nappy rash cos he poo's so often I don't always catch it if he poo's in his sleep! I can change him and then he will poo literally 5 mins later! If he is sleeping he might lay in that nappy for 2 hours :(

I am aware he is more alert now and doesn't want to sleep in his basket all day like he did the past 2 weeks. He has happily sat in his bouncer for the past 15 minutes in front of Home and Away :)

I know some days are tough and I know I am doing well especially as at night, which is normally the worst I don't have any help! But today just got to me. I shouted at him when I was changing him cos he was screaming as he was cold, but wouldn't play ball to let me put his damn clothes on! Don't worry I wasn't stressing but more of a "Well if you bend your arm I can put your clothes on" type thing!

Then I look at his angelic face and think how can i get stroppy with my beautiful baby who is just so perfect!

I DO NOT want to put him on formula just cos I had a bad day, it never works when I have tried the 2 times anyway. But it is just non stop :(
yeh I agree with Soph about the moses basket coco, libby goes in hers night and day (sometimes)

I dont know why have this guilt and sense of failure i need to shake it. Libby has cold and fed for a few hrs this morning and then had 2 20 min feeds and this afternoon so I decided to give her last feed 3oz apitamal so I know she is getting enough as she has only had a couple of wet nappies today. Iv decided im expressing and formula feeding, no more breast I cant handle these shields anymore and the hour on end of feeding at every feed, i think we have problems with the latch and her sucking isnt as efficant as it should be. She seemed to be ok with apitmal as c&g made her sick. She doesnt really like bottles she prefers boob (que guilt) but took 2 1/2oz from tt bottle and then got frustrated when she wanted to just suck and milk was coming out... so I went all out and give her a dummy too.. she seems to only be able to keep a cheap 30p one in her mouth!

suppose I better take the BF blinky from my signiture :cry:

MIH - I love the santa photo & Coco ur pic is gorge! You have inspired me to go and change mine.
:hugs: AM, GG & Coco! Were all just doing our best - we'l all have up and down days - but thats where this forum comes in handy as it helps us realise were not alone! :hugs:

Lol xx
Mum just bought me a Medela Swing :happydance:

*Have to pay her back on payday though

I have the manual avent as back up but it is so shit!!

I still haven't got dressed today but at least Evan has been way more settled tonight thank goodness :)
I feel so bad :cry: libby fel off the bed :cry: its low but laminate flooring and she screamed with the shock but quickly settled with a cuddle and was awake and alert but has gone off to sleep :cry: i feel sick. i feel guilty and feel like a crap mum. She rolled off my chest, i new it would happen but i was so exhausted. Wanted to go to hospital but dan thinks she is fine nd just watch her, spose thats all they would do there... im so sad right now x
Aww gemma, these things happen sometimes :hugs: babys have soft bones so they kind of bounce so shell be fine xx
she seems ok, she is feeding ok the midwife (only lives a couple of doors away) said to go to hospital to be sure but to be honest I know what to look out for and even have my own pen light as I have done 2 years of childrens nurse training so just gonna keep her here xx
GG don't beat yourself up over it hun, it is so easily done :hugs: I left Reagan on the bed once when she was a little older whilst I run her bath and she rolled off...the shock was all that made her cry out...babies are not as delicate and fragile as people think...I am sure Libby will be fine :thumbup:
Oh Gemma :hugs: don't beat your self up over it sweetie, like Sophie says, these things do happen and I suspect it was the shock that made her cry rather than that she had hurt her self. It is natural to feel guilty though, its one of the things mums do best :hugs:

Right now I would still rather Georgie would sleep alone but if we really can't get him to do it, I think we are going to have to get a bed guard as my hubby is sleeping in the spare room so that there is plenty of room in the bed for Georgie and me to sleep together safely but obviously we don't want that to go on for much longer! Its so blinking hard to know what to do for the best.

Sophie, Gemma, I don't have a moses basket but might see if I can borrow/get one cheaply on Ebay as I don't want to waste money on a new one if he wont go in it. He doesn't like being in the carrycot of his pram either, which is quite narrow and snugly, even when out and about, which usually puts babies to sleep! I have a velcro baby :haha:

Thanks for the lovely comments on my profile pic :flower: we all have such beautiful babies!!! Love your new piccie too Lols. Gorgeous!

AFM: Still really worried about my milk production. Last night Georgie fed for ages and after 25 minutes on each boob you could tell he was clearly not getting any more out which was making him really cross as he was obviously still hungry as he was rooting and eating his hands. I also tried expressing again (with my medela swing, let me know how you get on with yours Sophie) and after 25 minutes I barely covered the bottom of the bottle, there was hardly a mouthful there! I am so worried I am starving my baby. He was weighed yesterday and is now 5lb 14oz so has gained 3oz but what if that is from the formula alone (he has had about 5oz between weigh ins). We have a breast feeding drop in clinic near me which is on tomorrow morning (just need to make sure we are up and ready for 9.30!) or I could phone the national breast feeding helpline. What to do, what to do.

I thought being pregnant was stressful and everything would be fine once baby was here, but I am worrying more than ever now!
awww hunny don't worry I'm sure libby is absolutely fine! I felt awful the other say as I laid ryan down on the changing table to put his coat on and I have a couple of small plastic boxes that I use to keep bibs and wipes in and things, they were stacked on the changing table for some reason and I didn't notice them and one fell and I tried to catch it but was slightly too slow and it hit him on the head...the boxes are small and light but it did give him a shock and he cried for a minute or so but cuddles made him calm down and he was fine but I felt terrible all day :hugs:

On a brighter note I got a backdated payment from child benefit today...£60.90 and the amazing thing is I only just sent the forms off last wednesday so its been less than a week!! :happydance:

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