Silas I reckon so long as the BH (and pressure) does not fall into a labour like patter I reckon you should be ok-prob more pressure earlier on this time because it hasn't been long since Joseph was born?
While I was falling asleep last night I had an official 'twinge' I see them chatting about.. I was like 'oh my goodness, it has started'. Like not a BH at all, I full on CRAMP that reminded of the unmistakable labour pain. BUT I only had one and then it went away. Lasted about 30 seconds and my whole back seized up.. sheesh..
Sorry about the ladies feeling a bit of sadness

Think it is all normal and I did read that the feeling of being a bit offish is actually totally got to do with your hormones preparing you for labour etc so think of it as a good thing that you are normal. Good idea Sophie about the endorphins-wake those bitches up hahaha..
Missy, hope the family starst behaving soon hun! Oh and I meant to say to you if you ever want me to send you anything from here I dont mind at all-I have Paypal so we could just sort out postage etc accordingly-I know how it feels to miss those little home indulgences, the SA shops here are crazy expensive so I cant wait for my mom to get here with a bag of goodies.. Bring on another stone!