Hi all, just having a quick nose about before I go out to do a bit of shopping.
Thanks for the anniversary and birthday wishes Lolpants

We do both start maternity leave on the same day (1st Oct)

although as I am self employed, I may over run slightly if I am not all finished up. I need to pull my finger out as I don't want that!
Silas, good luck with the move today, hope it all goes well.
We have no babies yet? Not any early ones?
We have all done so well with keeping our babies nice and snug, although I do feel it is just a matter of time before an early one pops out.
Finally my boobies have grown an inch and my usual bras are feeling a teeny weeny bit too small. I want to go get new ones but they say not to get measured for nursing bras until about 37 weeks and it seems a waste of money to buy some just to last the next 3 weeks until then (blimey, just realised, 3 weeks (and 3 days) until I am 37 weeks and full term. EEEEEEEEEEEEEEK).
Hope everyone has a lovely lazy Sunday,
Jo xx