Congrats to mommy2baby2
Yeah, I screwed up. Really should only blame myself, but I thought it would be fine. Anyway, there is no way I am going to pass my history class without a decent grade on my final so looks like another 9 weeks of school for me and I am out over $2,000.00.
I don't even know if I care about getting my degree anymore, I was so close to being finished and now it just means nothing and I have to pay money? Ugh. I better stop even thinking about it before the tears manage to come.
OMG YAY I am so happy he is gorgeous and such a good weight tooCONGRATULATIONS!!! Finally we have our first (although early but he's perfect!!)
I am scared now. My baby is like that big lol
Silas, sorry to hear about your History, I am a History teacher, I know nothing about the American History or what you guys do but if I can be of any help just let me knowx
Congrats to mommy2baby2
Yeah, I screwed up. Really should only blame myself, but I thought it would be fine. Anyway, there is no way I am going to pass my history class without a decent grade on my final so looks like another 9 weeks of school for me and I am out over $2,000.00.
I don't even know if I care about getting my degree anymore, I was so close to being finished and now it just means nothing and I have to pay money? Ugh. I better stop even thinking about it before the tears manage to come.
Oh no!![]()
I hope you passed it hon! I Love History!
Hi Ladies!
Just wanted to update you and let you know I had my little boy last night. His name is Tristan. My water spontaniously broke so I sat in the hospital for 2 days and was filled with antibiotics and steroids for this lungs.
He came out weighing 4lbs 5oz. He's breathing and crying on his own. Doesn't seem to have any jaundice or problems. Very strong for being born at 33 weeks!