I had trouble sleeping, was still awake at 2am, got woken up at 6.30 by stepdads gross smokers cough :grrr:
Missy, Hang in there my lovely, I know it is shit, but each day is another day. Good news is if you haven't gone into labour a week after your hind waters went then the risk of early labour decreases each day

As it isn't a full water break (same as mine) it is quite unlikely you will as it can reseal and the waters can replenish! Are you having a scan to check the fluid around the baby?
What makes me laugh with fluid levels and why doctors talk shit is my fluid level after my rupture was normal but right at the lower end. So they kept saying "Your levels are normal" I'm like yes, but you don't know what the levels were before. My levels have risen now to middle of the normal level
Well I have an interesting day, I am off to some baby group with my sis, for a cuppa and a chat with other mums, may aswell start all this rubbish! then I am getting my hair all cut off and am going to my best mates wedding reception tonight. I really can't wait

I couldn;t go before due to work, so one good thing about being signed off work is I can go now!
Hope everyone else is well x x