Thats great news Missy!!

I can't begin too imagine how bored you must be stuck in hospital!!
DF Sorry too hear about ur phone - I couldn't live without one!! You could buy a temp very cheap and basic one too see you through?
I really hope my baby doesn't come early - had it confirmed today that if she comes before my Mat leave officially starts on 26th Oct that they will start the Mat leave early too = SMP rather than full pay as 26th Oct is the day Ive been there a year!! Will lose me literally £100's a month

I have MW appt tomorrow - hoping she has turned and no longer breech - if she is still breech I get a scan at 37 weeks and a c sect at 38 weeks - although I'll request date of Oct 26th for obv reasons!
Just had my last Monday morning of work too - can't wait for next week as OH is off and were gonna start the nursery and I can finally get too everything too pack my bags etc
Hope your all well
Lol xx