Hiya again, have had a lay down and a Chinese!
I am really worn out and pretty pissed off. Just a long day, then people have annoyed me, when normally I doubt I would care!
Anyway, after being referred to FAU for montoring this afternoon I got there at 2, but they were well behind

Got seen at 3 and put on the CTG. As expected the heart rate was pretty static with barely any movements. After being left on it for over an hour and no-one coming in except to tell me to uncross my legs, I took myself and my numb arse off the monitor as my car park ticket had run out. Got told to put more money on grab a drink and come back.
Came back and got put on the CTG again for another 50 minutes. After drinking a big bottle of Tango the heart rate was a bit better, as in his rate accelerated and decellarated a few times, there was more movement but not loads.
So after looking at it I have been given a kick sheet I have to complete. I have to fill in any movements over a 24 hour period. She wanted me to go back tomorrow, but I have a wedding, although Chunk is more important it was agreed I'll go in in the morning if I am really concerned. I can still go to Labour ward tomorrow night and Sunday if I need to. Then go back for my normal appointment on tuesday.
I guess my point is, my baby shouldn't be moving only when I eat or drink something? That is the only time I seem to get any kind of response from him these days with very little if anything in between. considering it was difficult to get a CTG reading a few weeks ago cos he was too active and the monitor kept losing his hb I am actually very bloody worried. I don;t feel like they aren;t taking this seriously cos they are, they are doing over and above I suppose, short of admitting me to hospital or delivering him now.
I can;t tell you how on edge I am at the moment
Sorry for the rant girls