Sophie I am so pleased Chunk has been a busy boy! You go and enjoy your super stylish Soho wedding. One tip, pack your slippers in your bag for when your heels get too much for you

That is a very sad story about your friend I hope they both have a wonderful wedding day x
April, Bryelle is such a cutie already!
I also never had a 3 or 4D scan and did regret it for a while but now I have just over 4 weeks to go, I am looking so forward to the surprise of who Herbert looks like, and whether Herbs is a boy (my guess) or a girl (H's guess).
Lovely stroller Hayley, I must post a piccie up of mine, I can't wait to take it out!
Missy have a happy Saturday too hun x
Kelly, completely random question, lol. Do they still have Drive-In's in SA? My mum and I were reminiscing yesterday and just wondered as I loved going to them when I was a kiddie.
Anyone doing anything baby related today?
Have a fabby day
Jo x