So, my friend phones me the other day to ask about baby shower as she didnt know when it would be best with my mom coming over from SA and us moving and Ashton birthday etc..
So I just said to her that I felt really embarassed talking about it cos I didnt want to have anything to do with asking people to give our baby presents (last time they threw me a surprise shower), and if she could chat to Warren as he had lists of names etc etc..
Nothing, it would appear I am not getting one

And there is nothing I can do iabout it. Dont get me wrong, its not about getting gifts, to me it is more a celebration of a baby on the way.. it just feels like since this is my second baby, nobody really gives a crap.. Everyone adores Ashton as he has been an absolute pleasure since birth and yes I obviously love him with all my heart but that doesnt make this baby any less special does it? It doesnt make being pregnant any easier or less exciting? When I speak to people they dont even ask how the preg is going or how I am feeling ebing 3 weeks pregnant.. ARG,, I know Ill prob look back and feel stupid being so upset about this.. I just spoke to my mom on the phone and sobbed for like 30 mins lol, feel like an idiot but i nebd over backwards for my mates-one is going through a divorce so I understand my baby shower is probs not her top priority but they are both flying to italy this weekend to give another friend a shower and she is only due in effing March or something..
Warren has said he will just organise one as I have all my other mates asking when it is and some even thinking I have had it and just not ivited them. But i am just going to laugh it off. Cant wait to be back in SA with my real friends whoa ctually give a damn..
RANT over..
Sorry about OH DF..
Hope all the aches and pains subside soon ladies, all worth it in the end ( i know you probs sick of hearing that lol)