Thank you everyone!! I really appreciate your support
I woke up at just after midnight in a pool of water, which came gushing out even more as I stood up...I now know what it feels like when waters break!!! I had been having back ache for a few days, but thought nothing of it, and had gone to bed with what felt like period pains.
Labour ward had me go straight into a delivery room, put on a trace, swabs, bloods etc done, belly was tightening quite a bit, and baby not showing much movement, I started being sick and my blood pressure went through the roof...they admitted me and did a scan this morning.
Scan showed babies estimated weight at 6lbs

which is really good for 35+2, front waters are still intact...they say it is my hind waters that have gone, they are happey to hold out on delivery (I am meant to be having an elective section)...I asked them to let me go home, rather than keeping me in until baby either makes an appearance, or anything else happens which forces I am finally home, tummy is very tender, the period pains are still there...but I am being closely monitored and at the smallest sign then I have to go back in...they think as the waters went baby shifted down more which could have caused it to seal for now, baby is quite far head down.
So for now it is just a waiting game!!