~~November Sparklers 2010 Official 3rd Tri Thread~(40 Baby Girls & 43 Baby Boys Born)

hiya all

hows everyone i had really bad braxton hicks yesterday

i'm 35 weeks today cant believe i had lily had 36 weeks i see my consultant next weeek for a growth scan and see diabetic team

sarah x
I woke up in pain with carpal tunnel syndrom in my right hand, its agony! I had this with william in both hands. So dam sore!
sorry to jump back in on tha nappy size debate iv got about 5 packs of newborn and a couple of boxes of size 2 as Im worried Il have a big baby and i cant remember specifically but im sure newborn only go to like 9lb or something and then about 4 boxes of size 3 if I need any more there are always offers on it boots/asda il just look out for them to stock up on x
in aus the only unisex nappies we have are newborn so I can't stock up on anything other than new born as I don't know if I'm having a boy our a girl.

So annoying.
in aus the only unisex nappies we have are newborn so I can't stock up on anything other than new born as I don't know if I'm having a boy our a girl.

So annoying.

Thats really bizarre, I thought all nappies were unisex?! Well the ones over here are.

I have a midwive appointment this afternoon at 1.40. I feel fine so not worried about anything which is good. Hope you all have a good day x
Off sick with horrid cold, got no energy but just want to clean the house! Going to try and resist though as I think I just need to rest and feel better. Will have to hoover though, and walk the dog. Not much else to report. x
I woke up in pain with carpal tunnel syndrom in my right hand, its agony! I had this with william in both hands. So dam sore!

Ive had it since about 20 weeks and its heaps worse now....so i sympathise :hugs:
Hmmm, I'm intrigued. What is gender specific about the nappies in Australia? Is it colour / design, or to do with the shape or something?
Congrats on 35 weeks Sarah!

Can't believe I am 36 weeks tomorrow!!! Eeeeekkkk..
AND hubby bought me the travel system I have been wanting all year :)

Nesting has kicked in worse than ever, I cleaned the grouting with bleach and a toothbrush. Too the entire stove apart and scrubbed till there were no black marks on the gas thingis-again with a toothbrush. Am suffering now though and had to stop and have a coke as I was shaking for some reason..

Hope you are all well and feeling happier, soon ladies, soon!
I woke up in pain with carpal tunnel syndrom in my right hand, its agony! I had this with william in both hands. So dam sore!

Ive had it since about 20 weeks and its heaps worse now....so i sympathise :hugs:

last time it was just stiff joints now it feels like someone has cut off my fingers,. pain seems to have gone but it will be back. I seem to get getting all in the last few weeks where as i had it all from the start last time so i must not complain. Hope my bp isnt up i dont need that, and my feet havnt swollen and forced me to wear crocs so thats really good! I would have to ask my sister who lives in crocs for hers again and they are always pink and I dont think I could deal with that again.
Hi everyone, sorry I didn't pop on yesterday with an update from my scan but it was a long day, I was sooo tired and following on from seeing my consultant, I have a fair bit of thinking to do too, and I just don't know what to do for the best.

Herbert is still transverse or breech. I had a scan when I got there and the lady who performed it was very thorough and said Herbs is perfect (although he definitely takes after my side of the family as she has little short legs) although he/she was definitely transverse so my consultant would be wanting to discuss delivery options. Herbert is currently estimated to weigh 5lb 9oz, so a nice size!

I then went in to see the consultant who was unsure about the position so performed a really quick scan and told me Herbert was not transverse but breech! am really confused now as every time baby is checked no one can decide which way he/she is, which I actually find a bit worrying! I guess Herbert could have moved inbetween my scan and seeing the consultant, but other than little hiccups, I felt no movement as it is usually their quiet time of the day.

So the consultant then went on to say we could either book straight in for a CS or we could try and turn baby with ECV. I had always said I would not have that done as there are small risks and others have said it can blimmen hurt but as I thought you could not have it with an anterior placenta (which I have) I just assumed it would not be an option but as it is, I am now in a bit of a pickle as what to do. I am booked into have the ECV next Wednesday but they have said I can change my mind at any time and if so they will book my section in for 39 weeks. Ladies, I just don't know what to do for the best.

To complicate things further, at my 12 week scan they found a rather large ovarian cyst that does have to come out. If I have a section, they will do it at the same time if not, I will have to go back in for keyhole surgery a few weeks/months after baby is born and that scares me too (big baby about having GA) although I am guessing that having keyhole surgery is a walk in teh park compared to a section, but never having had either, I don't know for sure.

What to do, what to do. Life is so much simpler when babies are cooperative and you just go with the flow!

Anyway, sorry about the long ME ME ME post, hope everyone who is suffering with sleepless nights/pain and just general heffalumpness soon starts to feel a bit better :hugs:
Oh Jo :hugs: Some tough decisions there to make.

A section really isn't as bad as some people make out, yes it is painful, but that eases off after the first week, and as long as you take the painkillers they offer you then it is bearable...as long as you get up and about moving afterwards rather than stiffening up from it then you heal alot quicker.

Personally, I wouldn't let them attempt an ECV on me, and knowing the cyst has to be removed anyways then I would go for the section under a spinal and have it all done with in one go.

If you need to ask anything about the section etc then yell at me on FB hun :flower:
Ah Jo, can imagine your pickle.. hmmmmm.. Not sure if you have seen this or not?


Not really sure what to advise-at the end of the day everyone is happy with what they have had and what they know-eg, I would be way more comfy with a natural birth as that is what I have had if you know what I am saying. BUT so long as babba get's here safe and sound, that's all that matters really.. Try not stress too much about it hun, what does your hubby think?

Thanks Dani & kelly

It is a tricky one. I have had a natural before, and while the labouring part was fine, it end up in a very difficult forceps delivery, which is why I have been under consultant care from the start as that just can't happen again (it has possibly impacted on my sons health to some degree). But as I had an awful pregnancy last time and a brilliant one this time I have put everything into trying to have a really positive birth experience this time (Hypnobirthing and so on) but this has really knocked me and brought a lot of old fears to the surface and I am now back to worrying that I am being selfish by wanting a natural birth when a section might be the best for Herbert as I can't help worrying that they are transverse/breech for a reason. And now that is in my head, I just can't shake it.

Kelly, I have seen that clip and it does reassure me that it is not always as bad as some say and I have been told I can stop at any time but like Danni says, if I need an op anyway, shouldn't I just have it all over and done with in one go? (Dani I may just give you a shout chic)

It would have been so much easier if they just would have said they couldn't attempt an EVC (due to placenta) as I would have happily accepted that what would be would be, but now it is up to me ..... my mind is in over drive.

My husband wants me to go for a section but then he always has, so I don't get an unbiased opinion from him.

I really appreciate your replies xxx
Oh no Jo :(

Well, they mentioned an ECV to me last week before he turned head down and I said it wasn't an option for me. I said I will do all I can naturally to turn him and have a section if necessary. I have heard lots of stories of ladies being booked for sections due to breech babies where the baby has turned right up to 39 weeks. It is your choice, but I have heard that they are painful, there is a small risk to the baby (the cord wrapping round baby) and it isn't very effective anyway.

As for the cyst, hmm easier to take it out same time as section? At least then it is done and dusted and you don't need to worry about more surgery with a tiny baby to look after.

Well I have had a real interesting day. Night have become unbareable, I was crying at 5am cos I just wanted to die. No position is comfortable and the acid reflux is making me feel sick and hot. I tried milk and gaviscon to no avail :(

I have a list of Q's to ask consultant tomorrow, about Chunks CTG's and what the plan of action is. I think I might be a bit upset if he wants me to term naturally. Not sure if I can cope with potentially 7 more weeks :(

We had some chairs delivered today from John Lewis and I had a stand up row with the delivery man on the doorstep as he refused to bring them in to the house. Like I could bloody do it!!So I screamed and shouted at him and called him a fucking wanker :haha: and told him to fuck off off my property :rofl: So I was left with £300 worth of chairs on my doorstep!!! All sorted now and After complaining to John Lewis who were gobsmacked that he refused to put the box in the hallway refunded me 10%

Anyone who read my roadrage incident on fb yesterday can clearly tell I am very homral atm :rofl:

Off to do the school run in a bit to pick up my neice :) xx
thats shocking the arsehole!

im with you on the nights, I hate night time I absolutly dread them to be honest :(
Hi Cocobelle, I am so sorry that you've got to the point of having to make that difficult decision - I remember a few weeks ago when we were both starting to dread the possibilities, and I so wish that Herbert had managed to get themselves into a favourable position.

Is it too late to be trying the other stuff (moxibustion, inversions?). I know I was advised that after a certain point it becomes harder but maybe it's not time to give up hope just yet.

Having an anterior placenta myself, I too thought they wouldn't attempt the ECV due to possibility of rupture. Personally I'd be too scared of that to let them attempt it. But if your consultant can reassure you that it's not a significant risk then you might feel differently.

I think that for me the fact of having to have further surgery later would make it easier for me to decide on going for the CS. There are lots of positives to a CS and, depending on the stats at your hospital, you might have about a 20% chance of ending up with one anyway after attempting a vaginal delivery.

I totally feel for you having to make the decision. Take your time, talk it over with all the important people and make sure you think about what you feel comfortable with.

As for the hypnobirthing and other techniques you've been practising, they won't go to waste. You still want to be calm and positive about your birthing experience and to bring your child into a relaxed and happy environment, so I think it is just as valid if not more so, to be following those techniques, so that you can be genuinely positive and happy about whatever birthing experience you have.

Good luck, sending lots of :hugs:
Blimey Soph, sounds like you're having a rough few days of it. Can't believe the John Lewis delivery man. Funny, as I find delivery men extra helpful nowadays. Although still can't get a seat on a Hastings bus for love nor money.

Sleeping wise: Have you tried duvet underneath you? I hurt my hips the other week sitting on my mum's stupidly small fitness ball, and was having major trouble sleeping. I read something about sleeping on top of a duvet (I doubled it over) and it helped heaps.

Also, there's that Zantac stuf for indigestion that people on here have sworn by. I think you might need to go to GP and get it but it's a one-a-day thing that you just take and forget about. Might do the trick. I'm still just about managing on a million fruit Rennies a day!
Thank you for your very kind words hinkybinky, I know you were in a similar position to us a few weeks and I was so pleased for you when baby moved! It has been something I have been trying not to think of as it is always harder when the buck has to stop with you. Thank you also for confirming what I though about it not being quite as straight forward with an anterior placenta, I think I am going to phone the hospital for advice on that one as I am sure my midwife even mentioned that to me once a long while ago.

I have been on Spinning babies and my best friend sees an accupunturist so I am going to ask her to arrange an appointment before Wednesday for me to try Moxibustion. My Hypnobirthing teacher has been aware of babies position for a few weeks now and will be giving me a selection of Cd's to help with relaxation during the section. It is helping to write a CS birth plan too so that at least we get the skin to skin and breast feeding off to the same start as we would had it gone the other way.

Thank to you too Soph, those are my fears too.

You poor poor love, I have trouble sleeping and I am usually awake between the hours of 2-4am (usually found on here, lol) but mine is just because I am just wide awake or have an annoying leg that doesn't want to lay still, it must be awful to be in pain :hugs:

I am glad you gave the JL man what for. Two weeks ago we had a new TV, stand and cinema system delivered and the driver didn't want to bring that lot into my house either! Like hello, it's raining! How can I leave it out on the path? Luckily common sense prevailed and he brought it in muttering about health and safety under his breath! He is lucky I didn't set my mini sausage dog onto him, he loves deliverymen's ankles :rofl:
I'm just having a few real whingy days! I'll give anything a go to help me sleep. It doesn't help the bed at my mums isn't the most comfortable! I can't wait for tomorrow night to sleep in my own bed for a few nights :)

I don't get heartburn often, or at least didn't. I only get it at night and only when I lay down. I might have to try sleeping sitting up :)

I cannot wait for us to have these babies and then we won't be so winey about everything. I am finding it so hard now though :( xx

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