Hi everyone, sorry I didn't pop on yesterday with an update from my scan but it was a long day, I was sooo tired and following on from seeing my consultant, I have a fair bit of thinking to do too, and I just don't know what to do for the best.
Herbert is still transverse or breech. I had a scan when I got there and the lady who performed it was very thorough and said Herbs is perfect (although he definitely takes after my side of the family as she has little short legs) although he/she was definitely transverse so my consultant would be wanting to discuss delivery options. Herbert is currently estimated to weigh 5lb 9oz, so a nice size!
I then went in to see the consultant who was unsure about the position so performed a really quick scan and told me Herbert was not transverse but breech! am really confused now as every time baby is checked no one can decide which way he/she is, which I actually find a bit worrying! I guess Herbert could have moved inbetween my scan and seeing the consultant, but other than little hiccups, I felt no movement as it is usually their quiet time of the day.
So the consultant then went on to say we could either book straight in for a CS or we could try and turn baby with ECV. I had always said I would not have that done as there are small risks and others have said it can blimmen hurt but as I thought you could not have it with an anterior placenta (which I have) I just assumed it would not be an option but as it is, I am now in a bit of a pickle as what to do. I am booked into have the ECV next Wednesday but they have said I can change my mind at any time and if so they will book my section in for 39 weeks. Ladies, I just don't know what to do for the best.
To complicate things further, at my 12 week scan they found a rather large ovarian cyst that does have to come out. If I have a section, they will do it at the same time if not, I will have to go back in for keyhole surgery a few weeks/months after baby is born and that scares me too (big baby about having GA) although I am guessing that having keyhole surgery is a walk in teh park compared to a section, but never having had either, I don't know for sure.
What to do, what to do. Life is so much simpler when babies are cooperative and you just go with the flow!
Anyway, sorry about the long ME ME ME post, hope everyone who is suffering with sleepless nights/pain and just general heffalumpness soon starts to feel a bit better