Happy birthday Dani
Well I have had my weekly consultant appointment. Got palmed off on to some registrar so wasn;t too happy about that. Had to go over the whole leaky waters she isn't convinced story all over again
So bp is normal trace of protein in urine which wasn't even mentioned!! She thinks the CTG's are just the pattern of Chunk and therefore not a concern as he is growing as he should be
Now to the good bits:
If they were convinced of the PPROM (which they are not) then I'd be induced in the next 10 days. But alas there is no need. Which I am pleased about because I'd like to bake him a little more.
So at 38 weeks I am having a growth scan to also check his presentation and make sure he is not back to back. And if all is ok I am going to be induced it seems around 38/39 weeks

My hospital has a very low C-Section rate so they will unlikelt induce if I am unfavourable and it is likely to end in EMCS anyway.
Problem was this morning she couldn't tell if Chunk was head down or not
She thinks he has ALWAYS been head down, but is currently back to back so can feel his face which is soft and not his skull which is hard.
So me looking at having this baby in the next 3-4 weeks
Girls who have leaked waters (Missy and Dani) It is apparently bollocks. Our waters should have gone fully by now and we should have gone in to labour according to this registrar. To her this resealing business is nonsense. It is irrelevent that liquor was seen coming from the cervix and PPROM confirmed it seems as I should have been continually leaking. Well not if Chunks head is acting as a plug surely. Totallystressingmeout.com
Hmmm, can't wait for it to be bloody over now