whats a nonstress test?
was at my antenatal class today and there was a girl there who had been having a few niggly pains from last night. during the class she got quite unconfortable and was having tightenings..........after midwife checked her over she sent her to her delivery hospital as she thinks she might be in labour :O!! this girl is due just a week before me! brings it home that things could happen anytime now!
argh, thats crazy!! They have the Antenatal classes so late on, I bet it happens quite a bit! Mine start Monday...it felt like forever ago when I booked them in!
wow majm1241 how on the ball are you! Thank you xx
Congrats to Hedgewitch!
Hm, ok. So last night I was having constant BH contractions, but they are getting to a point where they are seriously more uncomfortable than anything. Some are alright, but most are pretty uncomfortable. I do not like it. I start freaking out, thinking to myself, oh god, what if? I mean, I am home alone - who knows if my OH would answer his phone at work. Could not imagine if my water broke or anything like that. OF COURSE, there is always calling the ambulance ... lol. But who wants to do that?? Anyhow - just a minor freak out moment every now and again.![]()
whats a nonstress test?
its where i sit in this recliner type chair and they hook me up to the monitors to watch her heartrate and see if im having contractions. If my baby(god forbid) isnt getting enough bloodflow her heartrate will not go up and down like it should be when she moves. Last time they had to use this vibrator thing to wake her up. So im a little concerned about it. Also everytime i go in i get an us to check the amount of amniotic fluid in with her. if it gets as low as 5cm, i will be having a baby. Thankfully the lowest it has been is a 7cm, but if it does get lower, here comes baby via section. I have thought about it and as terrified as i am, i just want her to get here safe no matter what I have to go through. I get to go twice a week until im 39 weeks, but my dr says this baby is going to come before october 28th for sure, so i guess she was destined to be a bumpkin![]()
Congrats to everyone who has had their babies!!! its finally here and im sooooo excited!!!!!!
I hate housework! I mostly just load my dishwasher, vacuum, and then I am done. I literally get exhausted just from that anymore! I spend a lot of my day chasing after an 11 month old. What I do clean while he is sleeping is dragged back out by the time he has been awake for just 30 minutes. So, if you ever visit my house, don't mind the toys!![]()
was at my antenatal class today and there was a girl there who had been having a few niggly pains from last night. during the class she got quite unconfortable and was having tightenings..........after midwife checked her over she sent her to her delivery hospital as she thinks she might be in labour :O!! this girl is due just a week before me! brings it home that things could happen anytime now!
argh, thats crazy!! They have the Antenatal classes so late on, I bet it happens quite a bit! Mine start Monday...it felt like forever ago when I booked them in!
wow majm1241 how on the ball are you! Thank you xx
I have been in serious uncomfort this afternoon, so much so I haven't bothered to drive home as I feel really crappy.
I am getting BH, just where my stomach goes hard, but am also getting the cramps, but are much sharper than before.
Also, I feel like pressure in my bum, almost like I need to go to number 2 but can't. Am not constipated either.
Not nice
DF- We call the non stresstest CTG's here, what I've been having at hospital for weeksx