Morning Ladies.
How are you Jo? Come to any decisions yet?
I am not sleeping too great, my hips feel like what I imagine those of an 80 year old waiting a hip replacement feel like
BUT I am keeping positive...I can see the end

Excited about my last scan and consultant appointment tomorrow, we will be getting our elective section date.
My house resembles cardboard city, getting ready to move on the 23rd of this month, when I will be 38 weeks exactly...must be crazy, but it has got to be done....what a year, we got married, new house, new baby
I am however starting to get nervous, life as I know it is going to change so much

There will be this whole new little person to get to know, years of not being able to just jump in the car and pop to the shops with ease...and after having a preemie and her being whisked straight to SCBU after the section I am scared about how different it will feel this time around having a baby stay with me, be handed to me, and being able to bring her home from hospital with me instead of months visiting an incubator, something I always dreamt of is rapidly going to become my reality