I have just read through pages to catch up

Hope all of you ladies and bumps are doing okay?
Thank you all so much for your words and support

I truly appreciate them...and thanks for updating shy
I am home...for now!!! How long it lasts is another matter.
I went to the doctor's on friday with a nasty cough, and he did a blood pressure check then sent me off to the hospital

who kidnapped me!!
My blood pressure is way too high, they have tripled my pills, and for now, it is 'just' about being controlled...I have protein in my urine, and the 24 hour collection showed right on the limit that my kidneys are coping just with the leak of protein...so it is all about biding time now. I am booked in for my elective in 2 weeks, so the aim is now to try and hold out for that, even though the pills are working so hard to control my BP and making me feel like absolute shit the consultant wants me to keep cooking her for now.
But hey, I can't complain

I managed 29 weeks with Reagan, so I am happy enough to have made it this far, and if I only have 2 more weeks of feeling like this then I can cope with that...a few night's here and there in hospital for me is a much better outcome than months in SCBU with a preemie.
So to PET...bugger off, you will not win this time