~~November Sparklers 2010 Official 3rd Tri Thread~(40 Baby Girls & 43 Baby Boys Born)

aw thats cute. like i was saying i was around at my friends today and her cat had kittens 4 weeks ago - he would have loved them ^^
wow only a few hrs since Ive been on and over 6 pages!! No wonder we sometimes get overlooked ladies - we talk too much :haha:

DF - Ive ordered some bras - :thumbup: for that bargain!!

Im off too bed in a sec as Im knackered after going out for a friends bday - but just wanted too update too say that I had a growth scan this afternoon and baby is spot on :happydance: so the outside measurements did mean nothing ... and she is defo a she!! *phew*!! After all the decorating we've just done and all the dresses she owns it was a relief!

Hope your all well

Lol xx
Going to tour the birthing unit here tonight....kinda excited to see it.
feeling ignored - GUILTY

Reading and running GUILTY

GAS hugs :( (I *think* you can have lactulose but please check this out first)

Pineapple - LOVE IT - is that pineapple upside down cake AM?

DF - mega eBay find - dont have my size

the had enough feeling vs letting bubba cook CONSTANT

you & me HUGS and YAY :D

Herberts Mum (You see this is where I start to lose the plot and forget who everyone is) hope he has settled into the right position

shan Great to hear your levels are normal


AFM, I'm fat and fed up, spent my first day of mat leave looking after an oxygen dependent friend who has been readmitted to hospital tonight :( Please keep her in your thoughts.

Tomorrow I am having radiators moved so we can finally reboot the CH system and hopefully dry out the plaster so we can decorate and GO HOME (I inherited some money and we have renovated the WHOLE house but our "optomistic" timescales and a builder whyo took our money and ran have meant this has taken waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay longer than we thought but we are almost there!)

DD2 arrived this time tomorrow (36 weeks to the day) and I think I am subconsciously expecting things to happen but in reality I'm just feeling fat and a squidy arse in my ribs ;)

Yes it is Pineapple upside down cake! I am baking after my hospital appointment tomorrow. I am only doing it cos when mum made a Vic sponge yesterday I stupidly whisked ALL of the cream so we have a massive bowl full so I said I'd bake another cake. Then cos I had the pineapple decided to make the pineapple cake too :haha:

Lol, glad scan was ok and that Phoebe is deffo a girl :haha:

My catching up is rubbish :(

I did my will tonight. Talk about weird thinking about who will look after Chunk if I pop my clogs :(

But have also got the divorce ball rolling finally and need to sort out life insurance. So if anyone knows of good insurance places for a young, fit person I'd be grateful for any input as I have never thought about this stuff before x x
Heya all, sending all of you some really big :hug:

im soo sick of my cold & sore throat, went to Drs - told honey n lemon is my only option!! i hate honey and lemon - so i'm sticking with hot drinks and feeling sorry about myself x

hope you feel better soon, I think nearly everyone has had that dreaded cold, I felt terrible for a week but I hate honey and lemon too. I took lots of hot steamy showers and drank a lot of boiling hot tea, my sore throat was gone really quickly which I totally put down to the magic tetley! xx

I have been having a re-acuring cold/Alergies/Sinus Infection since August 23rd! Totally sucks! I hope you guys feel better! :hugs:

is keepin all my fingers and toes crossed as my appointment has been brought forward eeeekkkkkkkkk , lets hope consultant brings good news ;) xx Hope all u girls are ok xx

I have my fingers, toes & legs crossed for you too! :D

ooo just purchased me my first preloved cloth nappies for my LO gonna make the switch after xmas after hubby has agreed they are a lot easier than he thought :dance: cant wait for my post

I am starting to get interested in cloth diapers! They are cheaper than disposables right!?

AFM, if anyone cares, for my posts seem to get overlooked or ignored quite a bit... :blush: (pity party)

I read them hun, I feel the same about mine :blush:

good luck for ur appointment and hope ur sinusus get better, Iv had bad sinusus before and its really painful x

Thanks Hon! :hugs:

hugs Majm and Gossip girly - i tnd to read and only reply with :hugs: xx sorry

Hugs is good! :hugs: I do that too if I have nothing to really contribute. LOL

Well Silas, My Cowboys sure are SUCKING this year!!! Embarrassing!!! At least we beat the Texans, but the only game so far this year! :lol: :cry:

Happy that My Longhorns beat Nebraska so we are back in the rankings again! :lol:

Also, Go Texas Rangers!!!!

We were winning until the 4th quarter! Actually we got a crappy penalty called on us and that gave them a yard gain and so made it easier for them to score. ******* refs. Lol.

I read on yahoo front page something about the Cowboys making a big mistake, again. But I did not read further in to it. Hope things turn around for them though, :flower:. Doesn't look like the Chiefs play the Cowboys, so thats always a plus. Otherwise I might have to talk crap ... :haha: JK!

Ditto! I would have to talk crap too! It's all fun and games! :flower: My boys just are HORRIBLE this year! So much for America's Team! LOL

AFM, if anyone cares, for my posts seem to get overlooked or ignored quite a bit... :blush: (pity party)

I read them hun, I feel the same about mine :blush:

good luck for ur appointment and hope ur sinusus get better, Iv had bad sinusus before and its really painful x

I feel the same about mine to but I think this thread moves so fast poeple miss things. Sometimes I look and dont post as I am feeding or something and forget to come back and say what i want to.

I understand completely. I hope nobody took offense. :hugs:

So I decided to eat Pizza Rolls this morning, but they ARE NOT tasting as good as I had hoped. :| What a bummer. :haha:

I LOVE Pizza Rolls! Mmm! I have to cook mine in the Oven though because they get crispy. I hate them soggy from the microwave. :sick:

Hello Ladies

Well I managed too not have my baby at the gig!! :happydance:

@Majm - I read everything - but I come on and have normally at least 4 pages too catch up on and conversation topics move so quickly that its hard too keep up! :hugs: I care about everyone on here, just don't always get the chance too say :flower:

Glad too hear everyone still clinging on :thumbup: - although I don't wanna have baby before Oct 26th for financial reasons.... I still think I'll be jealous of everyone popping 1st! :haha:

I have consultant appt this afternoon and hoping for a growth scan if baby is still measuring 3 1/2 weeks ahead!!

Catch up with you all ASAP - Keep baking ladies :hugs:

Lol xx

Thanks Hon! Yeah, we talk alot on here! :lol: I hope your appt went well! :hugs:

im with you girls on feeling over looked sometimes. i always come on this thread to see how everyone is doing, but i rarely post myself as theres no point, no one ever answers or acknowledges them lol.

hope your all well anyway. im off on maternity leave as of today so im guessing time will drag in from now on. I have a health visitor coming to meet me at my house tomorrow, ive never heard of this before, have you?

I am sorry! :hugs: Please do stay and post. I will make sure I reply to everyone. :hugs:

I have never heard of a health visitor either.

Shan, that's great news!!! :hugs:

AFM, if anyone cares, for my posts seem to get overlooked or ignored quite a bit... :blush: (pity party)

My post always gets ignored as i feel i dont fit in here and few other nov girls feel the same, hence why i hardly come on ne more, and as shows i posted today and said hope all u girls are well etc and still get ignored so i jus pop and read now i think as sometimes makes ya feel pants more when ignored
Hope all is goin well for u

Yeah, I feel like I don't really fit in either at times. Some seem to keep to their own friends/bump buddies. I know of others that have PMed me regarding this too. I hope we can all change this and make everyone feel more welcomed! :hugs: I hope all goes well for you too hon! :hugs:

anyone else had baby wiggling its ass inside? my stomach moved side to side and hurt! I was on the ground panting thought it was labour and had cramps after. such a strong one!

Bryelle hurst me at times too. She seems to make it a game hen I need to bend over and I can't go far because she pushes her butt up under my right ribs and won't budge away! :lol:

DF, wow, you must enjoy your own company! I find on days when I am not scheduled to meet up with anyone I have to go for a walk to the shop just for a bit of human contact. Sad aren't I?

As for girls feeling left out or ignored, I don't think it is ever intentional. It's just not easy to namecheck *everyone* who has posted (especially when there are several pages to catch up on) so sometimes I just read and run, terrible I know but it's hard to pick who to reply to without leaving other people out. Some ladies just update about themselves without really commenting on other people, which is fine as well (guilty!), or just make a short comment that doesn't look like it needs a reply. I know I have gone on other threads before and actually asked a question and been completely overlooked, that's quite harsh! But I am sure nobody here means to ignore anyone, it's just when I come on I do particularly look out for certain users, e.g. those due really near to me, my bump buddy, or those who've had similar pregnancy issues to mine etc... that's only natural I think.

I do always try to say that I hope *everyone* is ok. I'm sure everyone on here does care about everyone else, it's just hard to find a comment to say to everyone x

That has happened to me quite a bit too. Makes you feel like crap, but oh well. Especially if it is really important to me. I understand completely what you are saying! :thumbup: Yeah, I think it is noticeable that *some* do stick to each other with due dates closer to each other, & those who are bump buddie but we are all November Sparklers & only a few weeks apart therefore we should all be responded too if possible. :flower: Those closer to their due dates have experienced some things already that those of us due towards the middle and end of month are just getting to and the advice is appreciated when given. :hugs: :flower:

Please No hard feelings though anyone. I personally will make sure I don't overlook anyone especially since I am the one who brought it up! :lol: It feels good to get that all off of my chest and I hope that everyone who comes in this thread will feel important! :flower: :hugs:

I'm sure everyone feels overlooked at times. I guess I never really notice when I am....its so normal for me to be over loooked even at work or around my family. Im immune to the hurt feelings! hehehe.

Anyway I hope everyone is doing well!

Ahhh Hon! :hugs: :(

DF - I can understand the strong movements. Although she isn't hurting me all the time, sometimes I am like wtf? That is ridiculously painful! I feel like she must be huge or something, as I don't remember Joseph ever hurting me!

Something kind of funny to share! This morning my OH woke me up just to ask if her movements ever hurt. I was up against his back and she was having a jolly time kicking at him. He was like, "I just wonder, because they kind of hurt my back!" I am sure he was exaggerating though, lol. As I hardly acknowledged any movement while I was sleeping.

:lol: Men! Over-exaggerating! :haha:

Maybe if I am having a girl these ones are going to kick ass! Should hear me ouching and gasping on the sofa its like a scene from alien! I wish the camera on my phone was better i cant capture it at all. I asked santa for a good camera for xmas i think we need one for them moments to come.


df I know exactly how u feel :hugs: movements hurt so much now and I have a giant butt sticking out under my ribs :( x

April, sorry ifnu have felt left out Hun :hugs: I suppose now everyone has so much goin on we are very me me me at times!! But it certainy is never intentional or personal to anyone. I know I sometimes do it too, write a me me me post and not respond to everyone, but on a thread as busy as this it will happen at times.

I often come on on my iPhone so find it hard to name check cos it's a pain!! Like now, I haven't read your whole post either but hope all is ok. I can catch up properly when I get on my laptop later :)

afm, nothing to report here, was gonna bake a cake but only had one egg so will have to wait till tomorrow now. And I still feel like I'm gonna drop a bowlin ball any minute x x

Yeah, I am on my iphone a lot too and it is hard to respond to multiple posts on it. Cake sounds so yummy! I made a Yellow Cake with Chocolate Frosting last week! :cloud9: Did not last long! :haha:

i keep getting kicked in the bladder and getting the sudden feeling i'm going to pee, i havent yet tho! and my goddam OH has just made himself a salami sandwich and it smells AMAZING [i'm a veggie :dohh:] my mouth actually started salivating. even the feta and grape sandwich he made for me isnt enough to kill the craving :cry:

Feta & Grape!? I might have to try that! I am about to make me a Peanut Butter & Banana Sandwich! Mmm! :D

I get head butted in the bladder and near pee to!

william is eating dry wheetabix, he was at that this morning and now again, he seems to like it that way. Will not take with milk. Must think its like a biscuit, but it is a biscuit to says on the box. I just cant imagine eating a dry one.

Is that a Cereal?? I Love Dry Cereal! :D

hiya all

heres my bump one at 32 weeks and 4 days the other at 36 weeks and 4 days x

You are adorable! Love the bump!!! :hugs:

im not sure chella, maybe the consultant just wants to have a chat?? ive seen a consultant after each scan

I must admit ive enjoyed these few extra scans as got to see her few more times, and worrying a little less.
Least i know where i am with the last few weeks, have so much going with oldest aswell as shes suffering bullying at school so thats a major stress doesnt help with pregnancy hormones.

Dry weetabix is meant to be nice so ive heard, some ppl eat it with fruit too and yogurt xx

BULLYING!!! :growlmad: How horrible! I hope the school takes care of that ASAP!!!

no idea what pregnancy management is but it sounds handy, i wish someone could have managed my pregnancy all the way through, OH hasn't coped too well :haha:
and eeeewww...dry weetabix, children are strange
my bum aches!
and my first wash of baby clothes is done! :happydance:

I washed all of Bryelle's clothes a few weeks ago but wanna do it again! :haha:

So I don't know if you remember but awhile ago I suspected a surprise shower for me but anyways I abandoned that thought after awhile and just bought what I needed when I needed it as its not really common to have a shower for your 2nd baby especially if they are both the same sex.

Well I turned up at my aunts house yesterday and we had one a surprise shower for me and I really was totally surprised I had no idea. It was just small with only a couple of friends and mostly family but it was really nice. I got a lot of diapers and some very cute outfits and a video baby monitor which is what I really wanted but didn't have the money to buy and since my old sound only monitor worked just fine I didn't buy one for myself.

Awe! I am so glad you got a surprise shower! :flower: How sweet of everyone! :hugs:

MissMammaToBe my butt aches to its like i was kicked really hard and front of vag like the bone. Pressure pain I was told.

Mine has been hurting too! It was really bad on Friday night. :(

I have just read through pages to catch up :haha: Hope all of you ladies and bumps are doing okay?

Thank you all so much for your words and support :hugs: I truly appreciate them...and thanks for updating shy :kiss:

I am home...for now!!! How long it lasts is another matter.

I went to the doctor's on friday with a nasty cough, and he did a blood pressure check then sent me off to the hospital :growlmad: who kidnapped me!!

My blood pressure is way too high, they have tripled my pills, and for now, it is 'just' about being controlled...I have protein in my urine, and the 24 hour collection showed right on the limit that my kidneys are coping just with the leak of protein...so it is all about biding time now. I am booked in for my elective in 2 weeks, so the aim is now to try and hold out for that, even though the pills are working so hard to control my BP and making me feel like absolute shit the consultant wants me to keep cooking her for now.

But hey, I can't complain :thumbup: I managed 29 weeks with Reagan, so I am happy enough to have made it this far, and if I only have 2 more weeks of feeling like this then I can cope with that...a few night's here and there in hospital for me is a much better outcome than months in SCBU with a preemie.

So to PET...bugger off, you will not win this time :happydance:

:haha: My date is exactly 2 weeks today...1st November...but shhh on FB, no one knows, am keeping them all guessing!!

The consultant weighed up the pro's and con's I guess...and for as long as she can control what is happening with me she wants baby cooking still, which terrifies me :cry: I am of the mind she would be better off out than in having been here before...but I have to trust her word and judgement on things, she has got me this far along, obviously if things take another turn for the worse they will deliver her straight away.

I have been having constant traces on baby whilst in the hospital, and my last growth scan a week ago showed she is happy enough for now...if not a little bit docile from the effect the pills are having on me and passing on to her!!

I am glad to have a little bit of time before she comes...we are moving house this coming saturday, so I was having a panic about being in hospital whilst everyone else was going to have to do that for me as we can't pull out of the move now (mutual exchange)

Have you got an induction date yet Soph? x

Congrats on the Date Love! :hugs: I hope the rest of these next couple of weeks go smoothe for you! :hugs:

No not yet! Funny as I have thought 31oct/1st November for me too! 1st nov is my parents wedding anniversary they are divorced now lol would have been 35 years!! Anyway as I'll be 38+5 on that Monday and he is looking at a 38 week induction depending in favourability we could go the same time!!

Just a waiting game for me, consultant won't commit to anything and doesn't want to induce me if I'm not ready because I increases the risk of failure and then a section. He wants me to be able to go straight On to the iv drip instead of giving me the pessaries.

This is why I have a whole pineapple in my fridge lol x

Mmm!!! I LOVE Pineapple! I read you have to eat the center of it though. I hate that part! LOL

mmmmmmmmm pineapple now thats got me wanting some of that, never had a pineapple cake thou ??? are they nice!!!

Lol bum ache, ive got dwn below ache but havin a internal today didnt help tbh it hurt,not a lover of internals but guess it had to be done. Has any of you girls got any websites for nursing bra's ??? need to get a couple asap and mothercares dont do my size x

I hope you can find a bra to fit you! I hate having huge BBs because they never have cute ones for big BBs! :(

Evening ladies! My feet are enormous tonight :nope: I have such a random job, today as well as working on reception I helped deliver puppies by c-section and give a hedgehog a bath! :haha: Will miss it but also can't wait to have more time to rest once on mat leave.

My feet and ankles have been swelling bad! :( It hurts! :cry:

Lol pineapple turnover cake is yum!! Just put some pineapple at the bottom of your cake dish, then pour over the sponge cake mix and cook. So it is plain sponge with pineapple at the bottom, yummy with cream :)

I have a few nursing bras but dint fit properly I don't trust the shops either as wenever I have gone and got them they never fit right. I use o work in ms lingerie so am jus gonna measure myself and get some online from that maman bebe whatever website!! Peacocks do some nice ones btw :)

don't even mention sex to me, the thought of doing it again acre me as have forgotten what to do lmao x x

In the US we call it Pineapple Upside Down Cake and we make it by putting a few TBPS of Butter in a glass pan and heating it in the preheated oven to melt the butter. Take the pan out and Sprinkle Brown Sugar ALL over the buttered pan. (Gives it that yummy crunch when the cake is done.) Then you take the Pineapple slices and place them pretty in the pan. Also, you put Maraschino Cherries in the middle of the slices and around them. Then make your Pineapple or Yellow cake batter and I use the Pineapple Juice as a substitute from the water to give the cake a Pineapple flavor. Poor the batter over the slices and Cherries and bake and then flip it immediately onto a pan when cake is done. YUMMO!!!

Ladies! My stomach is completely screwed here lately. I feel as if I have to go, but I am obviously a bit constipated because it isn't working out. But I have terrible gas and so my stomach feels a mess! And I know this is WAAAAAYYYY TMI, but I just don't know what to do! I am miserable! :(

Have you tried Maalox for the gas?

Yes, me too. Its been days I have had this problem! I am considering taking something to make me go, but almost too afraid to do that as don't want to cause a big .. mess. And I am OVERLY embarrassed to be talking about this stuff lol.

Oh goodness, she keeps giving me jabs right to the bladder .. makes me almost pee all over myself every time!! :haha:

Metamucil for the Constipation works.

oh silas sorry your feeling like that, I kinda know how u feel, having problems with my bm's lately and today been 3 times and it hasnt been pleasent. I get like a achey stomach and then just feel like I have to go.. been like this last few weeks but seems worse today so I havnt eaten anything, hope u feel better soon :hugs:

Iv just been to tesco and got me some Pineapple!!

Ladies whats the scoop on evening primrose oil should I be getting me some of that?? x

I wonder if the Primrose works and the Pinapple. My doctor told me today nothing works just baby is ready when baby is ready. He was an A$$ today though and I will explain why later.

I am pretty sure its not BH, just because of the gas and everything. I know something is TRYING to happen. But I will tell you that the pressure/or the feeling of needing to poo is also a sign of labor as well. Its what pushed me to the hospital with my son. I had him the next day, after 15 hours of labor. But it really does feel like you need to poo! :haha:

Sure does feel like you need to pooh! :haha:

wow only a few hrs since Ive been on and over 6 pages!! No wonder we sometimes get overlooked ladies - we talk too much :haha:

DF - Ive ordered some bras - :thumbup: for that bargain!!

Im off too bed in a sec as Im knackered after going out for a friends bday - but just wanted too update too say that I had a growth scan this afternoon and baby is spot on :happydance: so the outside measurements did mean nothing ... and she is defo a she!! *phew*!! After all the decorating we've just done and all the dresses she owns it was a relief!

Hope your all well

Lol xx

We do talk alot! :haha:

Congrats on your growth span! :hugs:

Going to tour the birthing unit here tonight....kinda excited to see it.

I am taking Jace to a Big Brother/Sister Class on November 2nd and we will get to tour the hospital then too! :happydance:

AFM, I'm fat and fed up, spent my first day of mat leave looking after an oxygen dependent friend who has been readmitted to hospital tonight :( Please keep her in your thoughts.

Tomorrow I am having radiators moved so we can finally reboot the CH system and hopefully dry out the plaster so we can decorate and GO HOME (I inherited some money and we have renovated the WHOLE house but our "optomistic" timescales and a builder whyo took our money and ran have meant this has taken waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay longer than we thought but we are almost there!)

DD2 arrived this time tomorrow (36 weeks to the day) and I think I am subconsciously expecting things to happen but in reality I'm just feeling fat and a squidy arse in my ribs ;)


I am thinking of your friend! :( :hugs:
WOW!!! That was long! :lol

AFM, I went to the doctor today ONLY wait for OVER an hour since the doctor decided to run up to the hospital then and not when he did not have any patients! He ran an HOUR behind and I saw him for literally less than 3 MINUTES!!! :gun: I was PISSED!!! He would not let me talk! :growlmad:

They took more blood to re-test my iron levels and I get those results back in a couple of days.

I start going EVERY week from now on! :happydance: Means the end is near! :D

I go in on Monday to see the other doctor in the clinic that actually LISTENS and takes his time with you. I am getting my cervix checked then and getting tested for Group B Strep. It turned out positive with Jace and I am pretty sure it will with Bryelle too.

ALSO, since the dumb doctor took his sweet time, he made me miss Parents Visitation to eat lunch with Jace today. :cry: Jace was so upset as was I! I am going tomake it up to him tomorrow and have lunch with him then! :thumbup:
Majm~ Jaxon likes to stick his little bum up in my right rib cage to, and its soo uncomfortable! I sit and rub his little bum, to urge him to move, and with in minutes of moving he's back. I swear its his favorite place to sit!

Pinapple upside down cake sounds awsome, I love pinapple. Used to eat tons of it China, as it was super cheap!
LOL Yes, that is her spot too! The right side she definitely favors!!! :cloud9: I just pat her little hiney! She squirms but always stays there! :lol:

Carrot Cake and Pineapple Upside Down cake are my favorite cakes. Mangos and Pineapples are my favorite fruits!!! Mmm!!!
That was one mamouth catch up April :rofl: How do you quote like that? It never works when I try to multiple quote. Meh :(

In the UK we call it Pineapple upsidedown cake too, my preggo brain made up the pineapple turnover, what was I thinking :haha:

I hate it when you have to wait so long for the doctors, I have the same issue at my surgery. I don't understand why the doctors end up running soooo darn late. I blame the Old people :growlmad:

Hope your iron levels are ok and yes the end is near hurrah!!

I was thinking first one to pop (I know we have some bubs but they are not regulars here?) needs to start the Parenting thread :happydance:

Hope you get to have lunch with Jace tomorrow. It is sad you missed it but these things happen :) How is he getting on at school?
Sure was long! :lol: I don't like breaking promises though!

The nurse was old and she NEVER mentioned to me that the doctor was running behind! I think that was VERY rude of her!!! :growlmad:

I hope my iron levels are good but they said more than likely I will have to stay on the pills. :(

I am DEFINITELY making sure I eat with Jace tomorrow. He said he almost cried because he and 1 other Little Boy were the only ones whose parents were No Shows! Broke my HEART!!! :cry:

I can't wait until the Parenting Thread! :happydance:
Oh yeah, to multi quote, click on the "+" on the bottom right corner of the post you wanna quote. Then when you have them all clicked you press the Post Reply button at the end of all of the posts at the bottom of the left corner on your screen! :thumbup:
majm if you like carrot cake try that pineapple walnut cake recipe i put up. it tastes like carrot cake :) I love it, its a nice change from carrot cake.
for the needing to poop but couldn't feeling I had that the other day which I worreid was the start of something but it really was not at all.
WOW!!! That was long! :lol

don't let anyone EVER accuse you of ignoring them

I am getting my cervix checked then and getting tested for Group B Strep. It turned out positive with Jace and I am pretty sure it will with Bryelle too.

I was + with DD2 and have been - so far this time I had my final swab last week and will get the results on Thursday.

Fingers crossed we'll both be - this time

Jo xx

majm1241 OMG how did you quote all that I cant mega quote I can do one or two then it goes all pear shape if its in more than one post.

Glad someone liked my link LOLpants I like to share bargains and that seller is actually nice as i have bought of her a few times.

Carrots not good in pregnancy something to do with to much vit A.

waiting for my ticker to change weeks at the mo. usually about this time it goes.
I think I turn in to a full term watermelon tomorrow. Woop woop woop!! Df I missed that link shall have a butchers when I'm back from hospital xx
majm wow that was a megapost! Yeh cotton are cheaper in the long run, can be quiet expensive till u get ur stash up but then u get ur moneys worth especially if u get birth to potty

ahh I have a cold :( sore throat and a headache boohoo

DF I also got some bras off ebay last week after you said, I got 2 for £10 mothercare ones after I paid £26 in the sore the week before! thanks for that tip x

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