~~November Sparklers 2010 Official 3rd Tri Thread~(40 Baby Girls & 43 Baby Boys Born)

I wiped and got loads of gooey discharge, had to wipe a few times to and I swear some was slight green again. I think body is defo getting ready i can still feel discharge down there. yuk. And baby is a bit quieter than normal and I have really sore spd. Bet this goes on for the next 4 weeks or something. Every time I think i want it to happen I dont, I freak out what I will do. I actually put it off and well thats not going to last long.
Hi gossipgirly - have you tryed honey in hot pure orange thats meant to ease sore throats x

Cocabelle - hope lil one stays head down and u can get back home tomoz x

dragonfly - i agree evian is lovely , i always get them in bulk ,so im def goin to take some with me when i go into hospital as find their water taste foul :( x
Jo - so pleased herb is playing ball now. Fingers crossed he/she stays that way.

I had that uti few weeks back, nitrates in wee had antibiotics for it. I don't think protein Is anythng cos on Friday at consultant had protein+1 by afternoon at hospital had nothing. I'm sure they'll check again tomorrow!!

Hope u feel better soon GG x x
Hey ladies, has anyone here ever been induced before? It is set in stone I am going to be induced on the 3rd (barring I don't go into labor myself). I've been through natural labor with no drugs and no epidural before. I am sort of concerned about the induction as I've heard it is worse?
Hey hope you are all doing well, not long now until the babies start arriving! My boys are still in SBCU and will probably stay there another 2 weeks, there is nothing medically wrong with them just got to get them feeding. They are currently on one bottle then one tube feed so they are getting there. Having them in SBCU is the hardest thing ever and very stressful but at least they are being looked after very well. Below are some pics for your viewing pleasure. Good luck to you all!




what do contractions feel like?? Im so confused been timing these pains Iv had 5 in the last hour (according to my ipod app) they dont last very long like 10 seconds most and it kind of feels like that lightening pain but stronger? I dont know if these are BH as my bump isnt visably tightening x
Hey ladies, has anyone here ever been induced before? It is set in stone I am going to be induced on the 3rd (barring I don't go into labor myself). I've been through natural labor with no drugs and no epidural before. I am sort of concerned about the induction as I've heard it is worse?

I was induced last time but have nothing to comapure it with as I never had a natural birth. Ended in emergency c section and was sore. My epi failed to work also.I didnt like being strapped to a bed for hours with no food and bored waiting for it to come on. You get pains but they can take hours to get really bad. I do not want that this time.
Oh bush twins they are just gorgeous! What a smitten mummy you must be. Just adorable
Bushtwins, how wonderful your boys are. Absolutely adorable.

Bubbywings, I am facing induction too, but have never had one before. I will only be induce if my bosy is ready (has started to dilate) so basically they can go straight in with IV drip and breaking waters meaning it *should* be quite quick. I think it is painful because your body doesn;t get the chance to prepare with build up contractions you go straight into the damn painful ones as you dilate so much quicker.

Hope I will know more on Thursday about myself :)
Hey ladies, has anyone here ever been induced before? It is set in stone I am going to be induced on the 3rd (barring I don't go into labor myself). I've been through natural labor with no drugs and no epidural before. I am sort of concerned about the induction as I've heard it is worse?

I was induced with my first and will be induced on the 17th with this one..
It is painful.. but ive never labored without it but the epi was amazing and my labor was sooo fast 4 hours from start to finish.. was very easy and i believe u have nothing to worry about =)
majm if you like carrot cake try that pineapple walnut cake recipe i put up. it tastes like carrot cake :) I love it, its a nice change from carrot cake.

That sounds super yummy!!! Only thing is though, is that Mark and Jace are both allergic to Pecans and Walnuts so I can't even have them in the house! :(

for the needing to poop but couldn't feeling I had that the other day which I worreid was the start of something but it really was not at all.

I was induced with Jace so is that feeling only when you are in Active Labor?

WOW!!! That was long! :lol

don't let anyone EVER accuse you of ignoring them

I am getting my cervix checked then and getting tested for Group B Strep. It turned out positive with Jace and I am pretty sure it will with Bryelle too.

I was + with DD2 and have been - so far this time I had my final swab last week and will get the results on Thursday.

Fingers crossed we'll both be - this time

Jo xx


Thanks Hon! :hugs: I hope we are both -!

majm1241 OMG how did you quote all that I cant mega quote I can do one or two then it goes all pear shape if its in more than one post.

Carrots not good in pregnancy something to do with to much vit A.

waiting for my ticker to change weeks at the mo. usually about this time it goes.

LOL I just clicked on the + signs on every post I wanted to quote.

They say we can't eat anyhting don't they! LOL

When is the next time it is suppose to change?

majm wow that was a megapost! Yeh cotton are cheaper in the long run, can be quiet expensive till u get ur stash up but then u get ur moneys worth especially if u get birth to potty

ahh I have a cold :( sore throat and a headache boohoo

:haha: Thanks! I will look into them for sure! :thumbup: Do they not leak??

I hope you feel better soon Love! :hugs:

I am the opposite definitley not constipated well wasn't yesterday anyway (TMI)

Did you have diarrhea? I have been having that.

Morning girls! Ill do a proper catch-up post when I'm not on my blackberry. Don't want the poor thing to explode hehe.

I'm baking this friday too but no pineapple here - mint squares, fudge, caramel shortbread and maybe some other form of tray bake :)

I know what you mean April bout ignored posts. I feel that way sometimes too *sniffle*

Hope everyone is feeling well x :flower:

I have a little someones foot or something in my left ribs just now and bugger it hurts! Lol

Thanks! :hugs: I think the Sparklers are doing an even better job now! I feel the love and have noticed everyone is getting spoken too! :hugs:

It does hurt!!! Jace use to keep his feet on my left ribs and would NEVER budge them! Bryelle keeps her butt under my right ribs and I get a knee around my belly button and that hurts too!!!

majm....One word WOW

and thanks you for replying....to everyone it seems :haha:

Good morning preggy ladies. so ive been up mega early, house cleaned in preparation of the health visitor coming for a meet and greet, only for her to ring and postpone to next monday Grrr! Dh is in bed as he is on nightshift this week so im now bored, and its only my second day of maternity leave :haha:

:haha: NP! :thumbup:I hate last minute cancellations! If you are anything like me, I bet you do the cleaning the day before she comes again! :lol:

cheeky chops this morning at dads bike mags .

OMG He so so friggin' cute!!! :kiss:

Majm - your very clever - didn't know you could do that multi quote thing :thumbup: I would no doubt mess it up though as Im rubbish with technology!!.. and ur Dr sounds like a d!ck! Hope Jace forgives you today :flower:

I'm also rubbish at baking (except brownies) so would have too buy a pineapple cake - is it true it can help bring on labour?

Lol xx

:haha: Thanks Hon! It's not too difficult. When you go to start replying just look for all of the quotes!

I Love to bake! I think I read you are actually suppose to eat the centers of the pinapples. LOL The yucky hard parts blech! :lol:

ooo girls just got bk from mw and bazby is fully engaged and when i mentioned i had lost some plug last week and have been getting the achey stomach feeling like i need to toilet and yesterday going 3 times with loose stools she said well it sounds like it isnt gonna be much longer... but i bet i go 2 weeks over, babies are just so unpredictable but signs looking good! x

YAY!!! Congrats!!! :yipee: Once they are engaged, can they move again? Just curious.

WOW!!! That was long! :lol

AFM, I went to the doctor today ONLY wait for OVER an hour since the doctor decided to run up to the hospital then and not when he did not have any patients! He ran an HOUR behind and I saw him for literally less than 3 MINUTES!!! :gun: I was PISSED!!! He would not let me talk! :growlmad:

They took more blood to re-test my iron levels and I get those results back in a couple of days.

I start going EVERY week from now on! :happydance: Means the end is near! :D

I go in on Monday to see the other doctor in the clinic that actually LISTENS and takes his time with you. I am getting my cervix checked then and getting tested for Group B Strep. It turned out positive with Jace and I am pretty sure it will with Bryelle too.

ALSO, since the dumb doctor took his sweet time, he made me miss Parents Visitation to eat lunch with Jace today. :cry: Jace was so upset as was I! I am going tomake it up to him tomorrow and have lunch with him then! :thumbup:

Oh its horrible when u wait for ages only to be hurried straight back out, the other day i was waitin for 2hrs to see midwife ??? Glad u get another chance to hav lunch with lil one , i had group b strep with my oldest so with my second they decdied to treat me as if i had it again, now thou im confused as ive mentioned to midwife 3 times now that is it best to get tested so i kno either way as really dont want to stay in ,if not needed ne way she said well if i dont test u and as ethan was cleared from it ur be fine??? do u think i should still go for a test xxxx

I am pretty sure I do have Group B Strep again. I would make them test me if they say not to. If you have it, it can be so dangerous to the baby!!

I just have this feeling. I ate lunch with Jace today and he was super stoked! :hugs:

still bra searching lol :( , consultant tomoz so will learn what pregnancy management is about, how do u all them double quotes lol???

Ive decided i shall buy some eggs this arvo and do some more baking ,i have to be in a baking mood though but im sure it will come , always the way when u got no eggs and u get the urge to bake away.

Hope all of u girls are well and babies are behaving lol mines still hurtin my rib and making me get up in the nite for lil widdles so pointless and when loo is down stairs it feels like a big effort each time x

Just click on the + signs on the posts you wanna quote and then click on post reply when you have them all. :thumbup:

I need to quit baking before all the weight I have not gained catches up to me! :haha:

Yikes!!! Thta has to suck not having a bathroom upstairs!!!

so who is going to go next then do you all think?

I bet it is AM or you&Me! :lol:

Me me me post alert. Sorry in advance as I am so pissed off :(

got to hospital at half 9, put on monitor as usual. Chunk was being a bugger as ever so was on it for over an hour. Seriously can't cope with it anymore :(

bonus was that mw did a quick scan as they have a new machine and she wanted practice. Chunk is all in the right place. She said she can still feel a bit of his head though, so more bouncing to be done.

Reason I am pissed off/upset/wanna cry. My bp is really high, it has been up and down but this is first time it has been a real concern. Lower number was in the 90's. So I am sat in muca waiting to go get some tablets for it :( and have to go back to hospital tomorrow to see if they have worked.

I am hoping when I see consultant on Thursday he might just say right we'll induce u next week!!! One can wish. This is all seriously stressing me out mow massively :(

:hugs: I'm so sorry you are going thru all of this Love! :flower:

I get head butted in the bladder and near pee to!

william is eating dry wheetabix, he was at that this morning and now again, he seems to like it that way. Will not take with milk. Must think its like a biscuit, but it is a biscuit to says on the box. I just cant imagine eating a dry one.

My little brother never had milk on his cereal. Usually he had things like rice krispies with just sugar on top in a bowl. But with weetabix he's have it spread with butter / marg. I don't know how they can eat it like that - so dry!

I LOVE dry Cereal! I think it is a great snack! :lol:

Aww am hope they get it stabelised try not to stress urself out too much as that will send it even higher.

Thanks girl, I hope she doesn't come yet I'm ill in bed and have no energy, plus hubby is workin away this week and is over 2 hrs away x

I have ZERO Energy! Damn Anemia! :growlmad: I need to clean again too! Thought my nesting was here!

I want to bake too *stamps foot* but don't have an appropriate kitchen :(


Ive got consultant thursday so ill ask then, as always beter to be safe , im so hungry right now i really want chips soaked in vinegar lol but jus no energy to go fulfil my craving :( xxx

I miss my energy! I have been lazy the past few days! :(

Thanks ladies. Sometimes u just need a rant. I called my mum interupted her lunch and had a good cry!! Am home now and am gonna chill on sofa for a bit. I feel rotten, think I am just a bit stressed and under the weather to be honest and travelling to and from hospital doesn't help one bit. All over soon. For all of us that's what keeps me
going now and the real fun begins!!

Dunno what I'd so without u lot :hugs: xxxxxx

I always call my mom and dad and Mark to vent when I am stressed! They all get the skinny on everything! :lol:

I'm 35 weeks today YAY for milestones. Next up moving up the ticker to the last box. My son is also 21 months old today and I remember thinking he would be 21 months almost 22 when I have this baby and now its here.

Congratulations!!! :yipee: I can't believe we are all almost done!!!

majm....One word WOW

and thanks you for replying....to everyone it seems :haha:

Good morning preggy ladies. so ive been up mega early, house cleaned in preparation of the health visitor coming for a meet and greet, only for her to ring and postpone to next monday Grrr! Dh is in bed as he is on nightshift this week so im now bored, and its only my second day of maternity leave :haha:

I so second this - if I go two weeks over I'll be in the nut house before baby is here xx

im glad im not the only one counting the seconds and making plans to get the days in! what makes it worse is i def think i am gona go over! just been bouncing on my ball again and about to put the kettle on for my 2nd RLT of the day :haha:

Does that work really? My jerk of a doctor told me none of the home remedies work, before he walked out on me still talking to him yesterday!! :growlmad:

Had another consultant appointment today to check my blood clotting, and he said everything should be fine! That is a relief! Baby is 1/5th engaged but it doesn't seem very much to me at 36 weeks? Who am I to know though!

Hope everyone else is doing ok! I read back a few pages but have totally a bad memory at the moment on who wrote what :dohh:

It's a start! :yipee:

That's why I quote! :lol: My memory is BAD!!!

Had another consultant appointment today to check my blood clotting, and he said everything should be fine! That is a relief! Baby is 1/5th engaged but it doesn't seem very much to me at 36 weeks? Who am I to know though!

Hope everyone else is doing ok! I read back a few pages but have totally a bad memory at the moment on who wrote what :dohh:

Good news about your bloods. As for the engagement, mine was also 1/5 engaged at 36 weeks. Got my 38wk on Friday so hoping it's moved a bit further. I'm still getting stupid heartburn though so got a feeling baby has not moved far yet. Sometimes they don't get into place until the last few days, have a feeling mine will be one of those :cry:

I still have heartburn too. Maalox seems to work for me! Thank Goodness!

hi dani :) yeah those are the tablets I have got. Hope they work. Then again I hope they just whip the little mite out now too!! Seriously feel rotten think it is a cold as I am freezing g but not :(

trace of protien in urine too x

:hugs: I hpe you feel better Love! I still have my Allergies/Sinus Infection/Cold crap! Blech!!! :(

Tmi!! But she makes me pee in a pot in a special specimin toilet :haha: plus clean myself before I wee. But yeah could still be that and they have always sai a trace is nothing to worry about. Sometimes there, sometimes not.

Am taking 100mg 3 times a day and have a 2 week supply so yes I think they intend on controlling it. Have to go back in the morning to see if the pills have worked.

I think I am just quite rundown. ever since I for out of hospital 8 weeks ago now I hve been back and forth to appointments which are usually always stressful and rarely have a do nothing day to chill or do things to get ready for his arrival. I get so stresses I have to cone home and sleep. My appointments are usually about 3 hours! No wonder my bp is high!! When I have consultant appointments bp is always normal and pulse in the 90's. at hospital is usually high and pulse between 105-115 :(

RIGHT!!!??? They are stressing you out! Damn Doctors! :lol:

am they have made me do that before, its just to help make sure clean catch.

Girls do u know if im ok to take throat lozenges and if lemsips are ok?

I was told that the US & UK are told different things on what to not take and what you can take. I was told I can take the Chloraseptic spray and cough drops to help my throat.

They kept me in on Monday as Herbert was still using my womb as a hamster wheel but today he/she has been head down at every check!!! I am to have a scan tomorrow and if it stays that way, I will be able to come home and they will manage it in the community with every chance that I will be left to carry on as normal for the rest of my pregnancy. Please stay head down baby!

last night I heard a baby being born, my bed is right next to the doors of the midwife lead unit and they tend to leave them open over night as staff cover both areas. The lady was quiet one minute (she had been in all day due to waters going at 35 weeks) and then she was shouting that she wanted to push,alarms went off and she was sped past my bed and 5 minutes later I heard a bay cry!

Three more ladies went into labour last night, apparently from 10pm onwards it all kicks off :haha:

Must dash as hubby is about to come and he wont fond me as I have escaped from the ward to use the wifi in the food court!

Hopefully will have a propper catch up with you all at home tomorrow night! x

Stay Head Down LO for Mommy!!! :hugs:

WOW!!! How exciting to hear the moms going into labor! :D

I know water is water but evian is so much nicer than this cheap tesco scotish water! this stuff dosnt go down as nice.

Water is water BUT you are right some definitely taste better than others!!!!

I usually have a trace, as I did today anna but I think i have a bit thrush so she said it would be that and prescribed me a pessary x

I hope you don't have thrush!!! How awful! :nope:

I wiped and got loads of gooey discharge, had to wipe a few times to and I swear some was slight green again. I think body is defo getting ready i can still feel discharge down there. yuk. And baby is a bit quieter than normal and I have really sore spd. Bet this goes on for the next 4 weeks or something. Every time I think i want it to happen I dont, I freak out what I will do. I actually put it off and well thats not going to last long.

I have been getting some clear and some with yellowish/green tint myself!!! :D

Hey ladies, has anyone here ever been induced before? It is set in stone I am going to be induced on the 3rd (barring I don't go into labor myself). I've been through natural labor with no drugs and no epidural before. I am sort of concerned about the induction as I've heard it is worse?

I was induced with Jace. They put me on Pitocin first. After a while on that they took me off of it because Jace;s HB started to drop! Then they put this flat looking tampon thingy in me (do not remember what it is called :blush: ) and that worked. Contractions were AWFUL!!! I got Demerol and that knocked me out! When I woke up from it wearing off I got my epi. That was Heaven! :cloud9: When I was fully dilated and started pushing, I did not even know if I was because I could not feel anything. I even tore and had 2 stitches and did not know that. My water broke while pushing and Mark would have been hit in the face with it if he would have stayed down there looking for 2 more secs! :haha: That would have been hilarious! :lol:


They are absolutely GORGEOUS!!!!! :cloud9:

what do contractions feel like?? Im so confused been timing these pains Iv had 5 in the last hour (according to my ipod app) they dont last very long like 10 seconds most and it kind of feels like that lightening pain but stronger? I dont know if these are BH as my bump isnt visably tightening x

The Labor Contractions HURT!!! You will know the difference. My BH get really tight, I can't breath well, and I get cramps sometimes with them. Mine last about 30 secs or so.
Hey ladies, has anyone here ever been induced before? It is set in stone I am going to be induced on the 3rd (barring I don't go into labor myself). I've been through natural labor with no drugs and no epidural before. I am sort of concerned about the induction as I've heard it is worse?

I was induced with my first and will be induced on the 17th with this one..
It is painful.. but ive never labored without it but the epi was amazing and my labor was sooo fast 4 hours from start to finish.. was very easy and i believe u have nothing to worry about =)

How exciting!!! :happydance: You already have your date!!! :D
AFM, I am now on Tylenol with codeine and Penicillin. :( My left top wisdom tooth has cut through and been this way for a few years. As of Friday, I have been having a horrid pain with it. I don't know if it is pushing more out, if food is stuck ( I have tried to see if so) or if I just cut the gums from tortilla chips I ate. Either way, my gum is swollen bad and I am in a ton of pain and can barely open my mouth. I go into the dentist on Thursday for my cleaning and hope they can tell me how to just go about getting the sucker removed. Mark said it needs to GO! :cry: I would have to go to an Oral Surgeon. :(
Majm --when my wisdom teeth came in it was the worst pain Ive ever been in. Mine were impacted, they would come up and go back down, and left me with a horrible case of lock jaw. I litterly could not open my mouth and was on a pretty much liquid diet until my surgery. They were so bad, I had to go to a private face and jaw surgery center. Lucky for me though the surgery went well, and I was off pain pills with in a day and could eat steak 2 days after!

Bushtwins --your boys are adorable, no other words needed.

DF--I agree with Majm, it will be you&me or AM next.

sorry not responding to everyone else, cant think of anything else to say, after a crazy day at work. got stuck there 2 hours late as I was stuck on a call. Now its venting to OH and dinner.
sorry your feeling so horrible majm! For the tooth, try clove oil. Im not sure if you can have it while being pregnant, but thats what I used to help num my mouth when my wisdom teeth came in. It was nice. And that sucks you cant have walnuts, i do know it tastes good without them though, its the frosting that makes it lol.

Glad everyone is doing semi ok :)

AFM, went to my nonstress test today and got the fluids checked again. Her fluids were 8.16 cm and they like them above 8, so she just barely passed. Also my contractions are still irregular but they are getting stronger to the point where i have to breath through them. Thursday is my dr's appt and I get my date set for my c section next week :) (depending on if i start labor it will be sooner). I really am nervous about the surgery though, I mean i have never even had stitches so its kinda freaking me out a little bit. Im also afraid of the recovery part. We will have our baby and then come home a couple days later and my dh has to go straight back to work. My mom can't get work off to come help me for a while, and I REFUSE to have my cigerette smoking MIL come and help due to the fact that she STILL smokes around me and my stepson when we have asked her mulitple times not to. She even smokes in MY house and I tell her not to. BLEH!! I will be ok though, i think. :S

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