Slightly crappy MW appt yesterday, she forgot to take my bloods or write my measurements down. My BP is up (140/90) so got to go back tomorrow-no other signs of PE though and baby is breech now-thought I felt lots of movements in the middle of Monday night!
Any tips on getting LO to move before Monday when I have my next scan as they're talking of booking me for an ECV then if still breech?
Thinking of everyone who's feeling pants, gorgeous pic Bushtwins!
Wow! How did she forget to take your BP!? That's one of the first things the nurses do when I go to the doctor. I hope baby flips soon hon!
I hate tooth aches i alwatys get them and know i should get some teeth out but dont like to get it done when pregnant and my dentist only does 5 mins apps one tooth at a time! never do what you want them to do. I want veneers! need money for that lots of it.
I have carpol tunnel in my hands and spd this morning.
Toothaches are horrible! I keep messing with it with my tongue and I need to quit! LOL
I hope your pain goes away hon!
@Majm - do u get free dental treatment whilst pregnant in the US? I'd go and get it seen too - last thing you need with a new baby is not being able too sleep due too teeth pain
Hope everyone else is well?
AFM - Not much too report - just the normal aches and pains, bad heartburn stopping me sleeping etc
I think I'll defo be going over - I don't get many BH and I have not had any discharge or any other signs that she is coming anytime soon!
Lol xx
No, it's not free, but My DH is in the US Army so we have the insurance. I think I will have to pay some out of pocket with the wisdom tooth though because it will be a surgery. I go for my cleaning tomorrow and they can refer me to the Oral Surgeon so I can get a quote on how much it will cost. I would like to get it out ASAP so I hope they can do payment arrangements.
.. we also have another sparkler arrival -
Becci is on our list as being due on the 12th Nov!
Lol xx
Thanks! I'll update!
Majm - some resuables do leak its just trial and error till u find one that is suitable for ur LO
afm - feeling a little better than yesterday but had a rough night, thank goodness for paracetamol and vix vapour rub! My body is just acheing all over, it was horrid turing over in bed last night x
Ok! Thanks Hon! Like some disposables leak.
I love Vick's. Helps me breathe better. I hope you feel better soon Love!
oh and majm i tried the multiquote thing it just doesnt want to work for me x
Hmm...??? After you clicked on all of the + signs, what did you click on next?
ah see everyone thinks that hello kitty originated from Japan but it actually never. It was originally from London but the Japanese loved it ^___^ bit of random trivia for you heh.
AFM: cramping again this morning - i think little one is wiggling down a little more...
I would have guessed Japan too!!!

I learned something new today!
The cramping sucks!!!Mine comes and goes. I don't get them every time I get my BH, but just mainly at night and early morning.
Off to work now but plan to spend tonight bouncing! Have been reading up on how to get LO to turn, I spend about 10 hrs a day on my feet most days so hoped that would've persuaded him/her into the right position by now

Really, really don't want a c-section!
I really really do not want a C-Section too!!!

everyone, been lurking xx

How have you been doing Love?
I have a doctors appointment today which I'm happy about because baby hasn't been moving as much (which I know is normal) but I'll feel better after we listen to the heart beat.
Yesterday I had intense pain in my tailbone like someone kicked it which I also read was normal but it wasn't fun.
I hope your doctor's appt goes well hon!

I have not had the tailbone pain... Yet... LOL But I did have some pain around down in that area last Friday night. I hope the pain stays away!
i just wanna say that my midwife told me that its a rumour that bubs movements should slow down the further you prgress with pregnancy, i said it to her when she asked about my LOs movements and she said that it was something she'd heard a lot recently but that it just isn't true, she said they become less vigorous but that there should still be as many. i ended up going in for monitoring...all was fine

not trying to scare anyone just thought i'd let u know..xx
I was wondering about that because when I was pregnant with Jace, he was still SUPER active rolling all over the place!
haha no it's not somewhere bad - they're on my feet ^_^
that was when they were freshly done.
Did that HURT!!! Ouch! Feet are so sensitive!
aw that's crap. i think i'm actually going to miss work as mental as that sounds! i'm feeling very creative recently though so i might make a few things for peanut while i'm waiting for her to make her grand entrance hehe
my Nana has knitted her a tiny little hello kitty. my nanas words were " i thought i would knit her a wee hello kitty so her little hands can hold onto it"
I miss working myself.
That is super sweet of your Nana!
question for you girlies: has anyone ordered/rented a TENs machine? after having a conversation with a few girls on another thread plus a very nice customer in my work reccommending me one i've went and rented mine for 6 weeks
My dad owns one that his insurance pais for. I love those things! They really do work! I am gonna ask him to bring it when they come down for Bryelle's arrival!