~~November Sparklers 2010 Official 3rd Tri Thread~(40 Baby Girls & 43 Baby Boys Born)

I got a labour tens off here for 12 quid posted :) Have heard it is amazing. Now I just need to find the pads. Lloyds ones as not too keen to use used ones..

Sorry Lou Lou :-( That sucks!

April, I am well thanks, not much news to report this side-got my mom staying with us which is a huge help!!
Eurgh away for a day and 5 pages to catch up on lol and still can't damn multi quote :haha:

Hope everyone is ok and congrats to us full termers today :happydance:

Hugs to those girls with the fat feet, I have been lucky but it can;t nice :(

Hope the wisdom teeth are ok April, I had mine out last year - Ouchie :(

Pichi, I love love love your HK tats on your feet, totally fab :)

Lizzy (I think) Hope BP is better x

Loula some people are such damn arses :growlmad:

Becci - Congrats :D

Erm sorry I can't remember anymore. I am pretty under the weather at the mo. Certainly coming down with something :(

As for my blood pressure, well the tablets have worked HURRAH!! but now my BP is TOO LOW :haha: was 109/52 so have to the meds re-evaluated tomorrow! Also have to go back to hospital Saturday to be monitored again :(
Just a quickie as Im off for a bath and an early night- but this is the labour TENS machine = https://www.lloydspharmacy.com/weba...Id=1008&storeId=90&productId=322651&langId=-1
Double the price of the standard one - as far as I can tell the boost and 4 pads is only difference - but better to be safe than sorry... I have a Lloyds right by my house, so come the 28th I 'll be buying one straight away!

AM -= Good too hear tablets did the trick :hugs:

Kelly = Bargain :thumbup: and they have the pads half price in Lloyds too = https://www.lloydspharmacy.com/weba...Id=1008&storeId=90&productId=306601&langId=-1

Night night Ladies - catch up with you all tomorrow

Lol xx
Oh I have some potentially bad news. So any advice would be much appriciated.

At my baby shower on Sunday my friend told me she was pregnant (8 weeks) so pleased for her as she had a mmc nearly 2 years ago and then had fertility issues. Her hubbie had to have an op but they were good to go and she fell easily :) Anyway she started bleeding on Monday and still is today and has begun to get cramps. she told me she doesn't feel pregnant anymore and is convinced it is over.

I really feel for her so so much and have said the usual and been as considerate as I can etc. But I can't bare for her to lose this baby just as I have mine. Even though she has been really worried about me the past 2 days just as I have been worried about her.

Hard and so sad :cry:
Just a quickie as Im off for a bath and an early night- but this is the labour TENS machine = https://www.lloydspharmacy.com/weba...Id=1008&storeId=90&productId=322651&langId=-1
Double the price of the standard one - as far as I can tell the boost and 4 pads is only difference - but better to be safe than sorry... I have a Lloyds right by my house, so come the 28th I 'll be buying one straight away!

AM -= Good too hear tablets did the trick :hugs:

Kelly = Bargain :thumbup: and they have the pads half price in Lloyds too = https://www.lloydspharmacy.com/weba...Id=1008&storeId=90&productId=306601&langId=-1

Night night Ladies - catch up with you all tomorrow

Lol xx

It won't let me thank you for some reason. So thanks :haha:

And night night x x x
Just a quickie as Im off for a bath and an early night- but this is the labour TENS machine = https://www.lloydspharmacy.com/weba...Id=1008&storeId=90&productId=322651&langId=-1
Double the price of the standard one - as far as I can tell the boost and 4 pads is only difference - but better to be safe than sorry... I have a Lloyds right by my house, so come the 28th I 'll be buying one straight away!

AM -= Good too hear tablets did the trick :hugs:

Kelly = Bargain :thumbup: and they have the pads half price in Lloyds too = https://www.lloydspharmacy.com/weba...Id=1008&storeId=90&productId=306601&langId=-1

Night night Ladies - catch up with you all tomorrow

Lol xx

night night x

Oh I have some potentially bad news. So any advice would be much appriciated.

At my baby shower on Sunday my friend told me she was pregnant (8 weeks) so pleased for her as she had a mmc nearly 2 years ago and then had fertility issues. Her hubbie had to have an op but they were good to go and she fell easily :) Anyway she started bleeding on Monday and still is today and has begun to get cramps. she told me she doesn't feel pregnant anymore and is convinced it is over.

I really feel for her so so much and have said the usual and been as considerate as I can etc. But I can't bare for her to lose this baby just as I have mine. Even though she has been really worried about me the past 2 days just as I have been worried about her.

Hard and so sad :cry:

aw in situations like that there isn't much you can do really other than be a good friend and be there to listen to her if and when she needs it really :(
My insomnia is getting the best of me ladies. I didnt get to sleep until about 6 30 this morning! And if one more person says, "its your body getting you ready for when the baby is here" im seriously going to kill.....sorry for the rant. :S

Hope everyone is well.
Just a quickie as Im off for a bath and an early night- but this is the labour TENS machine = https://www.lloydspharmacy.com/weba...Id=1008&storeId=90&productId=322651&langId=-1
Double the price of the standard one - as far as I can tell the boost and 4 pads is only difference - but better to be safe than sorry... I have a Lloyds right by my house, so come the 28th I 'll be buying one straight away!

Night night Ladies - catch up with you all tomorrow

Lol xx

thanks for link , def goin to look at that as had tens machine from hospital when had my 1st 10yrs ago and did take the edge of it xx:thumbup:

Oh I have some potentially bad news. So any advice would be much appriciated.

At my baby shower on Sunday my friend told me she was pregnant (8 weeks) so pleased for her as she had a mmc nearly 2 years ago and then had fertility issues. Her hubbie had to have an op but they were good to go and she fell easily :) Anyway she started bleeding on Monday and still is today and has begun to get cramps. she told me she doesn't feel pregnant anymore and is convinced it is over.

I really feel for her so so much and have said the usual and been as considerate as I can etc. But I can't bare for her to lose this baby just as I have mine. Even though she has been really worried about me the past 2 days just as I have been worried about her.

Hard and so sad :cry:

So sorry to hear bout ur friend soph, so horrible to go thruogh hope all is ok at the end. Also hope they can sort ur bp out too xx

warning : me, me, me rant so apologies in advance gotta get it out...


9pm last night OH was suppose to finish work, he cycles there and back, has done since we moved here about 6 months ago... it gets to 9:30pm and he hasn't called me... I'm thinking wow, no way is he stuck at work half an hour after his shift ended... so I wait a little longer, 9:45 my phone rings... "I've just got out of the security office at work, some fucker has stolen my bike. We only got it 2 friggin months ago, it's a £300 bike! It's winter, its dark and cold and he had no other way to get home... so I called my dad and got him to go bring him home... we were both MEGA pissed off as someone literally just cut through his bike lock and rode away on it... there is CCTV everywhere yet no cameras have caught any footage of it, what the HELL?!

Called the police this morning and got a crime ref number so we can claim for it on our insurance, but until thats sorted he's gonna have to take the bus which is gonna cost us £10 a week til it's sorted... doesn't seem like much but we have other things to pay for and buses aren't on the list! grrrrrrrr!!!!

On a slightly brighter note I had my midwife app today, had bloods taken again to check iron levels, she took two swabs (one from each nostril and one from along my knicker line..) I asked what it was for and she said it was to test for superbug or something before I go into hospital? :shrug: Idk... bump measures perfect @ 36cm, BP fine... but she said she found protein in my water sample but as I don't have any symptoms like swelling or high bp or anything that it is probably nothing and just contaminated? She has sent it off anyway and if I don't hear back all is well, so no news is good news on that front.

Just so mad about this bike situation, we can't afford to go out and buy him a new one so if our insurance doesn't cough up soon it is gonna be an issue.

Hope you ladies have had a better day than I have :flower:

Hey ya

not what u need just before baby grrrrrrrr cant stand thieves , hope all goes well with results and glad everything else is goin ok, do they test everyone before goin in hospital now even though i work in one i know we test patients comin in from a and e and ops but didnt know preggy women were , sounds fun lol xxxx
My insomnia is getting the best of me ladies. I didnt get to sleep until about 6 30 this morning! And if one more person says, "its your body getting you ready for when the baby is here" im seriously going to kill.....sorry for the rant. :S

Hope everyone is well.

My step dad said that to me at dinner. My reply was not too polite :growlmad:

Also, when my baby screams at night it will wake him up too soooo mwahahahahahahahhaha *evil laugh* :rofl:
hahah bhb I hate people saying that too, makes me so mad! its gonna be much rewarding feeding baby rather than starin at ceiling all night!

AM - sorry bout ur friend will keep fxd everything is ok, just remember nothing u could have done to prevent it its just gods will x
Oh I hate the lack of sleep wait till babies here reaction some people give you grr! Or people telling you your huge! I've had a few customers be nice though and tell me I'm very neat for 37w :D makes you feel better
definetly going to be better doing a feeding than just laying there. And i hate the "huge" comments as well. Yes, i know im pregnant, and yes i know im huge....but please dont address the fact that im carrying a 9 lb baby in me at the moment! LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Im so glad i can make myself laugh at times, or i would be in trouble! :)
yeah i get the ' twins in there are they same sex '?? no theres only one but shes a big lil bubba , then u get sure its not hiding behind the other grrrrrr nop ive had enuff scans and these are strangers lol but u feel like u hav to be polite xxxx
Well I am home and 38 weeks today so just 14 days left until my EDD :happydance:

Lots of catching up to do so here goes:

Bushtwins your boys are adorable and I do hope they are both home with you very soon x

Huge congratulations on the birth of your little girl Becci :baby:

Bubbywings, I was induced with my son. I had a pessary the night before and another the next morning. By mid morning I was experiencing mild contractions that built up slowly so my body was able to get used to them. They got an awful lot stronger once they broke my waters but hat happens anyway. Saying that, having spent 2 nights on an antenatal ward, I was gobsmacked at just how quick the inductions seemed to take off. One minute they were happily in bed, the next it sounded as if they were about to pop!

Lizzy, the others have given you plenty of good tips to get your baby head down, I tried some of them but in the end, the baby decided to move with no help from me at all. I was lucky because if it had stayed breech any longer, I would be having a section next Wednesday at 39 weeks!

Happy 37 weeks to all those who have hit that milestone today!!!

I have also heard that it is a myth that babies slow down towards the end. Herbert is quite the opposite as I have never had such big and strong movements as I have had in the last few weeks! Sometimes it feels as if s/he never sleeps!

April get your hubby to paint your nails! Mine gives me a pedicure once a week, ok its not perfect but at least my nails look pretty (as long as you don't study them too closely :haha:) and it is nice and relaxing!

GG thanks for the website for the Tens machine, I have been thinking about hiring one although I am worried it will distract from my Hypnobirthing but for that price its worth having even if I don't end up using it. I also check out the link you added Lols :flower:

Loula, gutting about your OH bike! I hope your insurance pays up nice and quickly for you.

Kelly, enjoy having your mummy about, hope she spoils you lots!

Pichi, what cute tats, I a too much off a baby to have any. My belly button piercing is more than enough for me!

Sophie, glad your BP is under control but I hope it does not swing the other way now! I am really sorry about your friend too, all you can do is be there for her :hugs:

BHB, I have nights where I just can't sleep, its the pits and it makes you feel awful all the next day. Hope you have a better nights sleep tonight!

I really hope I hae not missed anyone out :)

AFM: well as I said above, I am home as Herbert has been head down for 24 hours now and has started to move down enough to probably not come back out but I still have to get my MW to do regular checks and at the first sign of anything untoward, I will be straight back in there with no chance of parole until Herbert is born :rofl: I feel very tender in the pelvic area after all the pushing and poking that I have been subjected to several times a day, I am surprised I am not bruised!

The really good news is that I have now been passed back to midwife lead care so providing all stays as it is, I can use the midwife lead birthing unit (based at my hospital) and have a water birth as originally planned, provided I don't go over due as then they would prefer to induce me (due to my previous obstetric history and the huge age gap between babies) and then it will be bye bye water birth. So I have 2 weeks to get things moving naturally which means as of now, I will be doing all I can to encourage Herbert to get a move on!

One last thing, at 38 weeks exactly, Herbert is estimated to weigh 6lb 9oz, has a fair bit of hair and the cutest little button nose! I can't wait o have him/her in my arms now.
I hate that nobody notices I'm pregnant at work........ Like they're unsure if I'm fat or pregnant......

My friend had a ginormous bump I was convinced there was another one in there or that her baby was going to be very big but no her baby was a 6lb something and a week early

It's awful isn't it! I would never dream of stealing anything from anyone...and a bike from someones place of work ofc they aren't thinking about how the poor victim is gonna get home!

Reckon loads of bikes are stolen this time of year though... it's dark so people get away with it more and they make nice xmas presents! :mad:

That's the problem, they probably DO think about how the victim is gonna get home but they DON'T Care! :growlmad: Just horrible!!

Oh Yes, AFM, I am going to have lunch with 2 of my girlfriends who are preggo also and another friend who just had her baby in August. Her DH just deployed to Honduras for a year and she really needs to be kept busy because it is VERY depressing! Mark deployed to Iraq for a year when Jace was only 11 days old! :cry: That was SSSOOO Hard!

My feet and Ankles will not stop swelling! They just love to be fat and make me miserable! :cry: They hurt! Non of my shoes are comfy!!! I can't wear flip flops because I can't paint my toenails and I sure as hell will not go in public with ugly toenails! :haha:

Lol dont mention nails , i had to pay to hav them done as i was going to a cousins wedding, and i think i may need to ask them to touch them up ready for labour lol xx Hope ur ankles and feet stop swelling xx

Ive been getting a bit of discharge too, specially after going to loo then im back again thinking i need another wee and its just discharge (soz if tmi)
Hows everyone else doing ? xx

Thanks Hon! Yes, I will have to make sure Mine look good or I will just keep socks on! :lol:

I am getting the discharge too. That is the MP right!? I know they can fix themselves, but it is still exciting knowing it is already coming out! :happydance:

Also poeple keep themselves here to only ones that dont are the ones right in your business . I tend to not make many friends especially not around me as I dont want people interfering in my life I had far to much of that in the past. People tend to like me then try to control me then when I rebel as I do not listen to any one if i dont want to theres a fall out. Not many poeple will except me as I am as I do with them. Even explains why my mother dosnt talk to me. I have no friends at all i talk to face to face just online. How sad am I. Neighbours will talk thats different but I tend to keep convo to a min.

I'm the same way! I am what people call "Too Nice" and I have changed that! I am more of a Bitch now! I am now defending and taking up for myself. I HATE confrontation but I am SO TIRED of being taken advantage of and being stabbed in the back and then talked about like I am the one who is the evil one. I am very sensitive and tend to get my feelings hurt easily, but I hate Hypocritical People and I have Met QUITE a lot of them as I am an American Army Wife!!!

yep been backstabbed way to much I just cant be arsed. Afraid to make friends now as I seem to mistrust everyone that comes near me and keep them at a distance. To much hassle sadly.

I JUST met some new spouses who I have gotten close to. They are all in the same boat as me with had been back stabbed. I have known them a year now and they are awesome and DRAMA FREE!!! :happydance: I still am VERY careful about who I hang out with and what we talk about. I don't like being in the middle of gossip.

the 4 pads on the labour TENs are supposed to focus on your uterus and your cervix. 2 pads placed just below the bra strap and then 2 at the dimples of your back. the boost button is purely to help you through a contraction... think it intensifies for a minute or so.

ah we'll see how it goes. lol

Maybe I won't be able to use my dad's then. I did not know they have specific ones for labor. :(

I got a labour tens off here for 12 quid posted :) Have heard it is amazing. Now I just need to find the pads. Lloyds ones as not too keen to use used ones..

Sorry Lou Lou :-( That sucks!

April, I am well thanks, not much news to report this side-got my mom staying with us which is a huge help!!

That's great your mom is there!!! My parents will be here for the birth and stay 2 weeks. :D

Eurgh away for a day and 5 pages to catch up on lol and still can't damn multi quote :haha: :haha:

Hope everyone is ok and congrats to us full termers today :happydance:

Hugs to those girls with the fat feet, I have been lucky but it can;t nice :(

Hope the wisdom teeth are ok April, I had mine out last year - Ouchie :(

Pichi, I love love love your HK tats on your feet, totally fab :)

Lizzy (I think) Hope BP is better x

Loula some people are such damn arses :growlmad:

Becci - Congrats :D

Erm sorry I can't remember anymore. I am pretty under the weather at the mo. Certainly coming down with something :(

As for my blood pressure, well the tablets have worked HURRAH!! but now my BP is TOO LOW :haha: was 109/52 so have to the meds re-evaluated tomorrow! Also have to go back to hospital Saturday to be monitored again :(

Thanks Hon! :hugs:

Yay for the tablets working! :yipee:

Oh I have some potentially bad news. So any advice would be much appriciated.

At my baby shower on Sunday my friend told me she was pregnant (8 weeks) so pleased for her as she had a mmc nearly 2 years ago and then had fertility issues. Her hubbie had to have an op but they were good to go and she fell easily :) Anyway she started bleeding on Monday and still is today and has begun to get cramps. she told me she doesn't feel pregnant anymore and is convinced it is over.

I really feel for her so so much and have said the usual and been as considerate as I can etc. But I can't bare for her to lose this baby just as I have mine. Even though she has been really worried about me the past 2 days just as I have been worried about her.

Hard and so sad :cry:

How horrible! Has she been checked? I had spotting at 5,7 & 9 Weeks.

My insomnia is getting the best of me ladies. I didnt get to sleep until about 6 30 this morning! And if one more person says, "its your body getting you ready for when the baby is here" im seriously going to kill.....sorry for the rant. :S

Hope everyone is well.

WOW!!! That's a LONG time to stay up! :hugs: I hope you got some good rest Love! :hugs:

Also, I hear you on that! It is really annoying when poople think they are helping but just pissing you off! :lol: ESPECIALLY when it is someone who "knows" everything but has never had a kid before!

My insomnia is getting the best of me ladies. I didnt get to sleep until about 6 30 this morning! And if one more person says, "its your body getting you ready for when the baby is here" im seriously going to kill.....sorry for the rant. :S

Hope everyone is well.

My step dad said that to me at dinner. My reply was not too polite :growlmad:

Also, when my baby screams at night it will wake him up too soooo mwahahahahahahahhaha *evil laugh* :rofl:


Oh I hate the lack of sleep wait till babies here reaction some people give you grr! Or people telling you your huge! I've had a few customers be nice though and tell me I'm very neat for 37w :D makes you feel better

I got told at Jace's Doctor the other day that I look really small for being due next month! :cloud9: Made MY DAY!!! :lol:
warning : me, me, me rant so apologies in advance gotta get it out...


9pm last night OH was suppose to finish work, he cycles there and back, has done since we moved here about 6 months ago... it gets to 9:30pm and he hasn't called me... I'm thinking wow, no way is he stuck at work half an hour after his shift ended... so I wait a little longer, 9:45 my phone rings... "I've just got out of the security office at work, some fucker has stolen my bike. We only got it 2 friggin months ago, it's a £300 bike! It's winter, its dark and cold and he had no other way to get home... so I called my dad and got him to go bring him home... we were both MEGA pissed off as someone literally just cut through his bike lock and rode away on it... there is CCTV everywhere yet no cameras have caught any footage of it, what the HELL?!

Called the police this morning and got a crime ref number so we can claim for it on our insurance, but until thats sorted he's gonna have to take the bus which is gonna cost us £10 a week til it's sorted... doesn't seem like much but we have other things to pay for and buses aren't on the list! grrrrrrrr!!!!

On a slightly brighter note I had my midwife app today, had bloods taken again to check iron levels, she took two swabs (one from each nostril and one from along my knicker line..) I asked what it was for and she said it was to test for superbug or something before I go into hospital? :shrug: Idk... bump measures perfect @ 36cm, BP fine... but she said she found protein in my water sample but as I don't have any symptoms like swelling or high bp or anything that it is probably nothing and just contaminated? She has sent it off anyway and if I don't hear back all is well, so no news is good news on that front.

Just so mad about this bike situation, we can't afford to go out and buy him a new one so if our insurance doesn't cough up soon it is gonna be an issue.

Hope you ladies have had a better day than I have :flower:

WOW!!! JUST WOW!!! I HATE THIEVES!!! How come they have all of those security cameras but NONE of them caught who it was!!!??? Kinda Fishy if you tell me! :growlmad: :hug:
Well I am home and 38 weeks today so just 14 days left until my EDD :happydance:

April get your hubby to paint your nails! Mine gives me a pedicure once a week, ok its not perfect but at least my nails look pretty (as long as you don't study them too closely :haha:) and it is nice and relaxing!

AFM: well as I said above, I am home as Herbert has been head down for 24 hours now and has started to move down enough to probably not come back out but I still have to get my MW to do regular checks and at the first sign of anything untoward, I will be straight back in there with no chance of parole until Herbert is born :rofl: I feel very tender in the pelvic area after all the pushing and poking that I have been subjected to several times a day, I am surprised I am not bruised!

The really good news is that I have now been passed back to midwife lead care so providing all stays as it is, I can use the midwife lead birthing unit (based at my hospital) and have a water birth as originally planned, provided I don't go over due as then they would prefer to induce me (due to my previous obstetric history and the huge age gap between babies) and then it will be bye bye water birth. So I have 2 weeks to get things moving naturally which means as of now, I will be doing all I can to encourage Herbert to get a move on!

One last thing, at 38 weeks exactly, Herbert is estimated to weigh 6lb 9oz, has a fair bit of hair and the cutest little button nose! I can't wait o have him/her in my arms now.

That'll be the day! :haha: He HATES feet! :( He has to be Buzzed or DRUNK to touch mine and I don't think he would do even a decent job on them if he has been drinking! :rofl:

Herbert better be a good baby and stay head down! WOW!!! 2 WEEKS LEFT!!! :yipee: I can't WAIT Until I can post that!!! :happydance:

I hate that nobody notices I'm pregnant at work........ Like they're unsure if I'm fat or pregnant......

My friend had a ginormous bump I was convinced there was another one in there or that her baby was going to be very big but no her baby was a 6lb something and a week early


:( I am sure you do not look fat Hon! Maybe your co-workers are just dumb or jealous! :hugs:
Jo so pleased you are back home and Herbert is down woop woop :happydance: I had the same when I was in hospital. Two girls opposite me, both induced sitting there calmly chatting away. Then the curtain closed, waters were broken and within half hour both sounded like they were being murdered. Put me right off :( Saying that I caught one of them leaving with their baby which was lovely :)

BHB, I don't believe Maddy is gonna be as big as you think seriously. I reckon she may be 9lbs when born, maybe 8 and a half :)

As for my friend, thanks everyone for the replies. I know nothing I can do and just be there for her. It is just so sad, and bad timing as I am an emotional wreck and in a way not sure if I have it in me to be there as much as I should and want to :( She has a scan tomorrow afternoon, but it doesn't sound good. But being from the horrendous early bleeding camp myself I can't help but be a little hopeful for her.

Seeing my consultant tomorrow (a day early) so shall see what he has to say re: BP I think they might reduce my meds and thats it. I also have dodgy wee wee too so have to pee in some weird device with granuel like stuff in the bottle :haha:
I will keep your friend in My Prayers Anna. I hope her scan has a good outcome. :hug:

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